Type /buktopuha to start.
Read the question and try to guess the word in 30 seconds.
You will have 2 hints (on 10 and 20 second mark). Just type the answer to the chat (no special commands needed).
New round can be started once in 1 minute. Though I may reconsider this interval when I see OpenAI bill :)
Add score tracking. Maybe smarter rate limiting, game schedules (e.g. game will run for 30 min daily, maybe without /buktopuha explicitly called each time.)
How to use
to start. Read the question and try to guess the word in 30 seconds. You will have 2 hints (on 10 and 20 second mark). Just type the answer to the chat (no special commands needed). New round can be started once in 1 minute. Though I may reconsider this interval when I see OpenAI bill :)TODO
Add score tracking. Maybe smarter rate limiting, game schedules (e.g. game will run for 30 min daily, maybe without
explicitly called each time.)