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Configure configuration server ( Ansible server) using ansible #5

Open sivashankerN opened 7 years ago

sivashankerN commented 7 years ago

Automate the configuration of config-server(ansible container) using ansible. So that, we will be using this container to configure entire cluster components/servers

sivashankerN commented 7 years ago

Basic setup: Automated configuring configuration-server network configuration. Full configuration of configuration-server will be done later with some other playbooks using ansible.

sivashankerN commented 7 years ago

Stuck at generating ssh-keys for vlead user.

sivashankerN commented 7 years ago

Generated ssh keys for vlead user.

Need to copy ssh-keys of vlead user to all other cluster nodes

sivashankerN commented 7 years ago

Copying ssh-keys to localhost( ansible/config-server) and router is done.

sivashankerN commented 7 years ago

Now we are facing another issue while cloning systems-model we added .pub key on bitbucket.org in "Access Keys" section, then tried to clone repo, getting following error

git clone git@bitbucket.org:vlead/systems-model.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/vlead04/cluster/automation_of_cluster/src/systems-model/.git/
ssh: connect to host bitbucket.org port 22: Connection refused
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
sivashankerN commented 7 years ago

proxy-server is not allowing port 22 while cloning repo over ssh. we have to see how to bypass proxy to clone this repo

sivashankerN commented 7 years ago

to clone systems-model over ssh over https, we need to install corkscrew. Then we have to update ~/.ssh/config file with

Host altssh.bitbucket.org User git Port 443 Hostname altssh.bitbucket.org TCPKeepAlive yes IdentityFile "~/.ssh/id_rsa" IdentitiesOnly yes ProxyCommand corkscrew proxy.iiit.ac.in 8080 %h %p

please check https://self-help.iiit.ac.in/wiki/index.php/Configuring_Proxy_Settings_for_Various_Applications for more help.

For installing corkscrew refer http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Corkscrew_-_ssh_over_https

sivashankerN commented 7 years ago

Configured config-server successfully