vlead / load-testing

Load test Virtual Labs webserver(s) using ab
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Automated scripts to analyse Load capacity #1

Open jatina opened 10 years ago

jatina commented 10 years ago

(23/04/2014) I have completed scripts needed for doing automated testing using 'ab' tool. I got it reviewed it from Devi Prasad. Today added details proper variable names, Read me files explaining "How to use scripts?" . Now scripts need to be executed with proper list of urls and configuration in config file to generate csv file for each url.

(Post Lunch) I also started getting acquainted with phantonJS for doing regression testing. Started running some examples on my machines to understand the behaviour of phantomJS and to found ways in which I can use it for regression testing.

jatina commented 10 years ago

Anon and Me was told to develop testing environment for currently deployed Virtual labs to help find all the issues that can create a problem. We were told to do "load testing and regression testing". Firstly we will identify tools needed to setup a testing environment for existing virtual lab environment. Secondly we need to use this tools to identify issues that exist with current environment. We will doing Loading testing and regression testing. Lastly we will create document our work and submit a report on our findings.

10-04-2014 (4 hours) After I started exploring available technologies for building a testing environment. I installed PhantomJs and started working on its details for regression testing. I also installed Apache Bechmark(ab) to get started with load testing. I also explored other tools selenium and web driver for some time.

11-04-2014 (8 Hours) Today Anon and Me discussed probable strategy for doing experiments to test capacity of base servers where labs are hosted. Strategy is do loading testing with different parameter for 'n'-number requests per page 'c'-concurrent requests in instance of time. Other technique is to run do this testing from three different locations i.e 1)from a machine very near to server(local testing) 2)from a inside the intranet where server is located 3)from outside the network.

Manual testing for every page might take lot of time. So plan is to write scripts that run the tests for every URL on base server and generate reports. Later we can analyze this reports to understand current performance of the servers and later compare it with new model on which Yogesh and Jayanth are working. Finding's in this reports will help in understanding outliers URL that load very slow.

Writing shell scripts will automate the process and this scripts can also be used for Load testing. So idea is to write scripts that automate testing and report generation process. So today I experimented with 'ab' tool for load testing.

Plan is to make this scripts ready and running by next week.