vlead / vlabs-openedx-platform

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Deploy OpenedX platform (Ginkgo version) to production #27

Open sivashankerN opened 6 years ago

sivashankerN commented 6 years ago

Configure OpenedX platform

  1. Deploy OpenedX ginkgo on AWS.
  2. Restore mongo and mysql databases.
  3. Configure vlabs utils in nginx configuration
  4. Configure SSL certs
  5. Customize the OpenedX VM that launched from Vagrant-box AMI
sivashankerN commented 6 years ago

** Celery errors after moving AWS ami server on a new machine (Studio Error)

  1. Error occurs while creating a new course in a vm launched from an ami. Log file: =/edx/var/log/lms/edx.log=. This [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/openedx-ops/1SsdJ39IQRc/Execute][error]] is discussed in [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/openedx-ops/1SsdJ39IQRc/Execute][forum]]

    • See if users exist:


      sudo rabbitmqctl list_users


    • If you're seeing the celery user, than check it's permissions:


      sudo rabbitmqctl list_permissions -p /celery


      Execute following in lms machine to resolve this issue:

    • Create a celery user:


      sudo rabbitmqctl add_user celery celery


    • Set permissions on celery user


      sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions celery "." "." ".*"


    • Restart rabbitmq service


      sudo service rabbitmq-server restart



sivashankerN commented 6 years ago

Update Virtualhost entry in Reverse proxy server or in systems-model/playbooks

`<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin engg@vlabs.ac.in

DocumentRoot /var/www/html

ServerName virtual-labs.ac.in ServerAlias vlabs.ac.in ErrorLog logs/virtual-labs.ac.in-error_log CustomLog logs/virtual-labs.ac.in-access_log combined Redirect / https://vlabs.ac.in/

<VirtualHost *:443> ServerAdmin engg@vlabs.ac.in

DocumentRoot /var/www/html

ServerName virtual-labs.ac.in ServerAlias vlabs.ac.in ErrorLog logs/virtual-labs.ac.in-error_log CustomLog logs/virtual-labs.ac.in-access_log combined

ProxyPass http://virtual-labs.ac.in/ ProxyPassReverse http://virtual-labs.ac.in/ `

sivashankerN commented 6 years ago

Reference for redirecting site from http to https https://wiki.apache.org/httpd/RedirectSSL

sivashankerN commented 6 years ago

Need to Update following variable in lms.env.json and cms.env.json in edx platform


sivashankerN commented 6 years ago

Other efforts https://gitlab.com/vlead-systems/systems-operations/issues/346