vlead / vlabs-web-pages-archived

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QA_iiith_Geotechnical Engineering Lab #44

Open kolliSuman opened 8 years ago

kolliSuman commented 8 years ago

Defect Description: When we click on the lab link which is placed corresponding to Geo-technical Engineering Lab it is redirecting to the old URL(http://eerc05-iiith.virtual-labs.ac.in) instead it should redirect to the new URL(http://ge-vlabs.ac.in)

Actual Result: When we click on the lab link which is placed corresponding to Geo-technical Engineering Lab it is redirecting to the old URL(http://eerc05-iiith.virtual-labs.ac.in)

Test-case link: https://github.com/vlead/vlab-web-pages/blob/master/test-cases/integration_test-cases/IIIT-H/IIIT-H_10_Usability_smk.org

Environment : OS: Windows 7, Ubuntu-16.04,Centos-6 Browsers: Firefox-42.0,Chrome-47.0,chromium-45.0 Bandwidth : 100Mbps Hardware Configuration:8GBRAM , Processor:i5


madhavipuliraju commented 8 years ago

This lab is not deployed properly on AWS. Hence It is pointing to the old url. Similarly Lab link will also now point to the old url itself