vletoux / GidsApplet

Generic Identity Device Specification Applet
GNU General Public License v3.0
102 stars 38 forks source link

J2A040 NXP JCOP v2.4.x support? #13

Closed bezik46 closed 2 years ago

bezik46 commented 4 years ago

According to this: https://www.javacardos.com/javacardforum/viewtopic.php?t=1974 it should work, but all I get is:

Warning: no keys given, defaulting to 404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F
CAP loaded
Error: INSTALL [for install and make selectable] failed: 0x6A80 (Wrong data/incorrect values in data)

and not as expected SELECTABLE: https://confluence.certgate.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=70254684

(by the way, impossible to download the .cap from above link, as login required & nowhere to register for such login!)

vletoux commented 4 years ago

You have to be sure that you can install an applet on it. Indeed maybe the transport key has been changed.

Can you confirm you can install any other applet ? In addition to that some cards do not support rsa and failed at install when they try to resolve its use by the application. Be sure also to use the release from this website and not from another source - you did not even specify the version you used.

bezik46 commented 4 years ago

I can install the applet downloaded from here. But according to this it must be SELECTABLE

# gp -V
# GlobalPlatformPro v20.07.04-0-gc48cdec
# Running on Windows 10 10.0 x86, Java 1.8.0_181 by Oracle Corporation

C:\Program Files\OpenSC Project\GPShell>gp -i
# GlobalPlatformPro v20.07.04-0-gc48cdec
# Running on Windows 10 10.0 x86, Java 1.8.0_181 by Oracle Corporation
CPLC: ICFabricator=4790
      OperatingSystemReleaseDate=0078 (2010-03-19)
      ICFabricationDate=9005 (2019-01-05)
      ICModulePackagingDate=9012 (2019-01-12)
      ICEmbeddingDate=0000 (2010-01-01)
      ICPrePersonalizationEquipmentDate=2232 (2012-08-19)
      ICPersonalizationDate=0000 (2010-01-01)

Card Data:
Tag 6: 1.2.840.114283.1
-> Global Platform card
Tag 60: 1.2.840.114283.
-> GP Version: 2.1.1
Tag 63: 1.2.840.114283.3
Tag 64: 1.2.840.114283.4.2.21
-> GP SCP02 i=15
Tag 65: 1.3.656.840.
Tag 66:
-> JavaCard v2
Card Capabilities:
Version:   1 (0x01) ID:   1 (0x01) type: DES3         length:  16
Version:   1 (0x01) ID:   2 (0x02) type: DES3         length:  16
Version:   1 (0x01) ID:   3 (0x03) type: DES3         length:  16

Warning: no keys given, defaulting to 404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F

C:\Program Files\OpenSC Project\GPShell>gp -f -install GidsApplet.cap
Warning: no keys given, defaulting to 404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F
CAP loaded
Error: INSTALL [for install and make selectable] failed: 0x6A80 (Wrong data/incorrect values in data)

C:\Program Files\OpenSC Project\GPShell>gp -l
Warning: no keys given, defaulting to 404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F
ISD: A000000003000000 (INITIALIZED)
     Privs:   [SecurityDomain, CardLock, CardTerminate, CardReset, CVMManagement]

PKG: A0000000035350 (LOADED)
     Applet:  A000000003535041

PKG: A00000039742544659 (LOADED)
     Applet:  A000000397425446590201
bezik46 commented 4 years ago

That is the set of valuse for this card initialization: (which I done, apart from fuse, as not to lock myself out)

//pre-personalize command


send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU 00A4040010C238E449F725B1510EAA699550CABA16
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU 00F00000
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU C0D6029A02F807
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU C0D60124010B
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU C0D60147010B
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU C0D6012201FE
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU C0D601260908F01300008131FE45
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU C0D601490908F01300008131FE45
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU C0D6013609084a434f5076323431
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU C0D6015909084a434f5076323431
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU C0D603010101
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU C0D6030510404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU C0D6031d0101
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU C0D6032110404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU C0D603390101
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU C0D6033D10404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F
send_apdu -sc 0 -APDU 00100000
//fuse command
vletoux commented 4 years ago

I just wanted to be sure you are using one of the version listed here : https://github.com/vletoux/GidsApplet/releases

If I is the case, the only process is to comment parts of the applet, be sure it's compiling, then checks if the applet can be imported or not. It's tedious and it can only be done by you.

I remind that cards are known to have a problem because they do t support rsa operations. I can only forward you to your card vendor to check if the card is fully supporting rsa and other crypto (3des, ..)

vletoux commented 4 years ago

By the way the command you send to the card before sending the applet has nothing to do with the Gids applet. To initialize the GIDS applet, we only support the program on mysmartlogon.com and the latest version of OpenSC.

martinpaljak commented 4 years ago

jcop 2.4.x is a very broad range of very different cards, try to be more specific. For 2.4.1 in OP_READY state and latest GidsApplet.cap from this site releases page: gp -ldvi -install ~/Downloads/GidsApplet.cap works without issues with https://github.com/martinpaljak/GlobalPlatformPro/releases/tag/v20.08.12

bezik46 commented 4 years ago

As you can see my state is:

ISD: A000000003000000 (INITIALIZED)

How do I get it to OP_READY state?

I can only be as specific as this (I have nothing more, Amazon purchase, white card):

NXP JCOP v2.4.x
T=1, ATR: 3B F8 13 00 00 81 31 FE 45 4A 43 4F 50 76 32 34 31 B7

Full output from gp -ldvi -install is here

Initialize GIDS gives Unknown Card https://i.postimg.cc/wMYjJrYD/unknown-card.jpg

martinpaljak commented 4 years ago

@vletoux well, if you disable certain features during pre-personalization you can take a supported card and turn it into one that is not usable.

@scerazy you need to be very aware of what you are buying from ebay.

Here might be more information:


Check the "identity" thing from rfidiot: https://github.com/AdamLaurie/RFIDIOt/blob/master/jcoptool.py#L138

Maybe your card does not have enough memory to create the instance? There is no log of GPPro either, to be able to detect issues.

bezik46 commented 4 years ago

Not ebay, but Amazon (as link), description says: [J2A040 JCOP 40K JAVA CARD]The JCOP card 40K supports JCOP21-36K card. If it does not work, it will go back to seller. But if I did not have it, I could not learn... So thank you for your help!

C:\RFIDIOt-master>jcoptool.py INFO
jcoptool v0.1d (using RFIDIOt v1.0k)
  Reader: PCSC Broadcom Corp Contacted SmartCard 0

    No RFID card present

    Could not select RFID card for APDU processing

    JCOP Identity Data: 04310033000000004E5830313143000339F873

      FABKEY ID:       04
      PATCH ID:        31
      TARGET ID:       00 (Unknown)
      MASK ID:         33 (Mask 51)
      CUSTOM MASK:     00000000 (....)
      MASK NAME:       NX011C
      FUSE STATE:      00 (Not Fused)
      ROM INFO:        0339F873 (Checksum)
      COMBO NAME:      Unknown-m33.04.31-NX011C
      PRODUCED:        Year 0, Week 11, Build 3
    Could not select RFID card for APDU processing

    Life Cycle data: 9F7F2A479050354791007833009005021650991894481290120000000006382232313635300000000000000000

      IC Fabricator                       4790
      IC Type                             5035
      OS ID                               4791
      OS Release Date                     0078
      OS Release Level                    3300
      IC Fabrication Date                 Year 9 Day 005
      IC Serial Number                    02165099
      IC Batch Number                     1894
      IC Module Fabricator                4812
      IC Module Packaging Date            Year 9 Day 012
      ICC Manufacturer                    0000
      IC Embedding Date                   Year 0 Day 000
      IC Pre-Personalizer                 0638
      IC Pre-Personalization Date         2232
      IC Pre-Personalization Equipment    31363530
      IC Personalizer                     0000
      IC Personalization Date             Year 0 Day 000
      IC Personalization Equipment        00000000
    Could not select RFID card for APDU processing
    Could not select RFID card for APDU processing

    Card Data length: 76
      Card Recognition Data length: 74
        OID: 1.2.840.114283.1
        Application tag 0 - Card Management Type and Version:
          OID: 1.2.840.114283.
        Application tag 3 - Card Identification Scheme:
          OID: 1.2.840.114283.3
        Application tag 4 - Secure Channel Protocol of the Issuer Security Domain and its implementation options:
          OID: 1.2.840.114283.4.2.21
        Application tag 5 - Card configuration details:
          OID: 1.3.656.840.
        Application tag 6 - Card / chip details:

      *** Warning
      *** Repeated authentication failures may permanently disable device

     Attempt to authenticate (y/n)? y
    Could not select RFID card for APDU processing
      Authentication succeeded

    Card contents:

      Issuer Security Domain:
        AID: A000000003000000
          Life Cycle State: 07 ( INITIALIZED )
          Privileges: 9E ( CVM Management / Card Reset / Card Lock / Security Domain / Card Terminate )

      Applications and Supplementary Security Domains:

      Executable Load Files:
        AID: A0000000035350
          Life Cycle State: 01 ( LOADED )

      Executable Load Files and their Executable Modules:
        AID: A0000000035350
          Life Cycle State: 01 ( LOADED )
          First or only ExecutableModule AID: A000000003535041
martinpaljak commented 4 years ago

This should be 2.4.1 R3. I did not find a similar card based on CPLC at once, but according to documentation and quick glimpse at source code, it should work just fine. I will not comment on the pre-personalization, make sure you do it properly and communicate with your vendor.

Can you load some "smaller" applet that does RSA onto it? I guess the chips has 40k of eeprom and at pure code size of 14k and platform overhead, it might very well be that it is not sufficient...

bezik46 commented 4 years ago

I have done pre-personalization of the card with vendor supplied commands, little more I can do about it. Any idea what smaller applet it could be worth trying? To prove anything

martinpaljak commented 4 years ago

This this for example: https://www.fi.muni.cz/~xsvenda/jcalgtest/

bezik46 commented 4 years ago

Sadly no luck either, each command returns 6a82:

C:\Program Files\OpenSC Project\GPShell>gp -install AlgTest_v1.7.9_jc222.cap
Warning: no keys given, defaulting to 404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F
CAP loaded
Error: INSTALL [for install and make selectable] failed: 0x6A80 (Wrong data/incorrect values in data)

C:\Program Files\OpenSC Project\GPShell>gp -l
Warning: no keys given, defaulting to 404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F
ISD: A000000003000000 (INITIALIZED)
     Privs:   [SecurityDomain, CardLock, CardTerminate, CardReset, CVMManagement]

PKG: A0000000035350 (LOADED)
     Applet:  A000000003535041

PKG: 4A43416C6754657374 (LOADED)
     Applet:  4A43416C675465737431

Test option number: 1
Total 1 readers detected via SunPCSC
Following readers are available via 'SunPCSC' provider:
[*] Broadcom Corp Contacted SmartCard 0
Specify type of your card (e.g., NXP JCOP CJ2A081): NXP JCOP J2A040
card: PC/SC card in Broadcom Corp Contacted SmartCard 0, protocol T=1, state OK
Card Channel: 0
3b f8 13 00 00 81 31 fe 45 4a 43 4f 50 76 32 34 31 b7
CommmandAPDU: 15 bytes, nc=10, ne=0
00 a4 04 00 0a 4a 43 41 6c 67 54 65 73 74 31
ResponseAPDU: 2 bytes, SW=6a82, elapsed=37 ms
6a 82
JCAlgTest applet with new AID not found - trying legacy AID...
CommmandAPDU: 14 bytes, nc=9, ne=0
00 a4 04 00 09 6d 79 70 61 63 30 30 30 31
ResponseAPDU: 2 bytes, SW=6a82, elapsed=22 ms
6a 82
No JCAlgTest applet found
card: PC/SC card in Broadcom Corp Contacted SmartCard 0, protocol T=1, state OK
Card Channel: 0
3b f8 13 00 00 81 31 fe 45 4a 43 4f 50 76 32 34 31 b7
CommmandAPDU: 15 bytes, nc=10, ne=0
00 a4 04 00 0a 4a 43 41 6c 67 54 65 73 74 31
ResponseAPDU: 2 bytes, SW=6a82, elapsed=22 ms
6a 82
JCAlgTest applet with new AID not found - trying legacy AID...
CommmandAPDU: 14 bytes, nc=9, ne=0
00 a4 04 00 09 6d 79 70 61 63 30 30 30 31
ResponseAPDU: 2 bytes, SW=6a82, elapsed=23 ms
6a 82
No JCAlgTest applet found


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at algtestjclient.SingleModeTest.TestClassCipher(SingleModeTest.java:796)
        at algtestjclient.SingleModeTest.testAllAtOnce(SingleModeTest.java:1347)
        at algtestjclient.SingleModeTest.TestSingleAlg(SingleModeTest.java:577)
        at algtestjclient.AlgTestJClient.main(AlgTestJClient.java:238)
bezik46 commented 4 years ago

I was told that this card:

1. Support for Triple-DES co-processor  
2. AES cryptography based on SmartMX AES cryptographic co-processor  
3. RSA support for the key lengths up to 2048 bit  
4. Elliptic Curve Cryptography with key lengths up to 320 bit  
5. SHA1, SHA-224 and SHA-256  
6. Support for SEED algorithm 
7. Support for MD5

But it is back to the seller, could not get anything useful out of it