vletroye / Mods

Mods can be used to Create or Open/Edit and Generate packages for Synology
Microsoft Public License
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Digital Signatures #14

Closed craig1971 closed 5 years ago

craig1971 commented 6 years ago

This is a great tool. I have created several example applications with it today. on every install i get the warning that my package does not have a digital signature Can MODS do this?
If not how do I create/add a signature to my package?

vletroye commented 6 years ago

MODS can't do it. But it's doable with my own version of SSPKS. During installation of my SSPKS package, it should create public and private keys. Next, each spk files copied into the deployment folder of SSPKS can be signed via its web interface.

Here is the code: https://github.com/vletroye/sspks Here are the sources for the package: https://github.com/vletroye/SynoPackages/tree/master/MODS%20Simple%20SPK%20Server And here is my server where you can find the package: http://olympe.letroye.be/sspks/?arch=all

I have not written any doc yet... Hope you can find your path ;)