vletroye / SynoPackages

Various Synology Packages built with Mods Packager
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DS218Play not supported by MODS GateOne #25

Closed carouselcarousel closed 4 years ago

carouselcarousel commented 4 years ago


when I tried to import the package ( MODS_GateOne.spk) in the package center of the DSM I got an error message: ""This package is not supported on the plaftorm of DiskStation or incopatible with current DSM version."

used DSM: 6.2.3-25426 Update 2

thank you.

vletroye commented 4 years ago

Do you see the official package GateOne (available on https://packages.synocommunity.com) in your DSM package center? If you don't, it means your hardware is not supported...


carouselcarousel commented 4 years ago

Yes I have that in my package center also. But that version is just way out to date from 2017. This is why I tried to look for a new version on your github.

btw that version of GateOne dosn't even work in Chrome, only FF and IE.

vletroye commented 4 years ago

The source code of GateOne has not been updated since 2017 indeed: https://github.com/liftoff/GateOne My Package, if more recent, does however not include any new feature/fix (except that it opens GateOne in a DSM window instead of a new tab).

Could you try this spk : https://www.beatificabytes.be/sspks/packages/MODS_GateOne.spk If not working, let me know what's your Synology model exactly...

NB.: I never had an issue to run the original GateOne in Chrome. Try to clean your cache, etc..

carouselcarousel commented 4 years ago

The MODS GateOne.spk:
"This package is not supported on the platform of DiskStation or is incompatible with the current DSM version."

DSM version: DSM 6.2.3-25426 Update 2 Model: DS218play

vletroye commented 4 years ago

I did update the INFO file to authorize installation on your architecture (RTD1296).

A new SPK is available here: https://www.beatificabytes.be/sspks/packages/MODS_GateOne.spk

Changes are committed in GitHub too.

carouselcarousel commented 4 years ago

thank you! works perfectly! 👍