vletroye / SynoPackages

Various Synology Packages built with Mods Packager
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Package is not supported on the platform of DiskStation or incompatible with current DSM version #26

Open Floriszz opened 3 years ago

Floriszz commented 3 years ago

Hi, when installing MODS_GateOne.spk on a DS918+ with DSM 6.2.2-24922 Update 6, I get a popup when installing saying: "This package is not supported on the platform of DiskStation or is incompatible with the current DSM version" MODS_GateOne error installing

vletroye commented 3 years ago

The DS918+ is an "apollo lake" (x64), which is originally not supported by this package. I don't know why. I have generated a package which will be accepted by your NAS, but I have no idea what will be the consequence.

Download the file here attached and unzip it. If your try it, let me know if it works fine. In such a case, I will publish it MODS_GateOne.zip

Floriszz commented 3 years ago

Thank you. The package installed right away. After adding the correct Python version: (green arrow) Python versions Synology NAS correct version for MODS GateOne I can run MODSGateOne using my *.synology.me:8271 url. I did not get a link in the DSM Main Menu though. The intention of the webbased SSH shell, was to be able to use it within the DSM GUI and even using quickconnect. More like the Azure Cloud Shell ;) Questions still not figured out: 1) How to get a icon in DMS Main Menu? 2) Get the MODS prompt in a window just like the WebConsole 3) What are the supported security levels of encryption algorithm for SSH? 3b) Do you really have to enable SSH on port 22, as ideal the commands are fired locally on the system?

Example of WebConsole as window inside DSM GUI: image

Example of High security setting for encryption mode: image

vletroye commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot for your feedback...

How to get a icon in DMS Main Menu?

A few other users of GateOne also had this issue: the icon is sometimes not added in the DSM Main Menu. I never saw a clear solution for that problem. My recommendation would be for you to clean your Browser cache and reload with CTRL-F5 your DSM.

Get the MODS prompt in a window just like the WebConsole

With the icon in your DSM Main Menu, GateOne will open in a window like the WebConsole

What are the supported security levels of encryption algorithm for SSH? Do you really have to enable SSH on port 22

I have to admit I have no idea... I didn't investigate that ... To be asked to the author of GateOne ;)

Kind regards,


Cedric-Demarais commented 3 years ago


Same issue here, i fixed it by rebuilding your build 044 above and checking ADVANCED PRIVELEGES and CONFIGURABLE PRIVILEGES, so i was able to see the app in users and groups permissions and give rights to who i wanted.

After that i can see the icon in DSM's start menu ! :) But i'have a white page in the window and open in a new tab can't connect. I think it's because i am not on site and need to open GateOne port on firewall, wich may be a security issue..

A great improvement should be to fully integrate your mods to DSM's internal web server by using some kind of reverse proxy or serving files from DSM and not from an other webserver daemon.. I don't know if it's possible from SPK but here is how to do it with SSH: https://www.reddit.com/r/synology/comments/e8vakg/reverse_proxy_so_close_to_perfection/

Maybe i'll work on this as i need it :)

Another point is when I first install from your depo build .043 it didn't asked for any settings. It asked for settings only when manually installing from your buid 044 or mine. So service wouldn't even start. I didn't test build 043 manual install.

Note: if you can compile all your mods with these options checked it may be better for security purpose too: I don't want my users to access a terminal or a phpproxy ;)

Note 2: I read on your wiki that theses shortcut don't need the init3rdparty package but the link is dead, if you can share some info or a link about it please, i would like to update my personnal shortcuts this way because init3rdparty service fail to automaticaly start sometimes and use old PHP 5.2...

Many thanks for your work i just discovered, it gives me many new ideas ! :)

PS: Using DSM update 2.

Cedric-Demarais commented 3 years ago

I did some more tests from the server's lan:

GateOne open in an other tab is working ! :)

But still blank window when trying to open in DSM.

I have set web station to use ngnix et PHP 7.3,

I commented this line in router.cgi: #LOG="/var/log/@SYNOPKG_PKGNAME@"

I reloaded the web server by unchecking and checking security setting "do not allow DSM to be in an iframe" Whatever this checking is , same result.

vletroye commented 3 years ago

Hi Cedric,

The link to my "how-to create a package which does not depend on InitrdParty" is working for me : https://github.com/vletroye/SynoPackages/wiki/MODS-Sample---Basic-CGI

If you still have a blank window within DSM, clear the cache of your browser. I did fix the problem for me several times. If still no success, open the debugger of your browser. You should see errors in the console. Check also the url called in the Network tab.

As far as reverse proxy is concerned, I tried several options already to include that within my packages, without success so far...


Cedric-Demarais commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your reply, i did work around using apache+certbot in docker container as a reverse proxy so now i have everything under my main domain (DSM's one), but still not able to see the windows content when it's embeded.