vlfeat / autonn

A fast and expressive Matlab/MatConvNet deep learning API, with native automatic differentiation
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An error occurred when using the power operator in GPU mode. #43

Closed damdaepark closed 5 years ago

damdaepark commented 5 years ago

I had trouble with the power operator, so I ask you to help.

Imagine a quadratic function regression of y=a*x.^b What I wanted to do was finding a and b parameter values with known x, y data. So I declared a and b as Param objects, and formulated loss function as the form of MSE.

I ran the code below:

clear all; clc; close all;
x_true = [-3:7e-5:3]';
y_true = 3*x_true.^2;
x = Input('name','x');
y = Input('name','y');
a = Param('value', 1); a.diagnostics = true;
b = Param('value', 1); b.diagnostics = true;
y_hat = a*x.^b;
loss = sum((y-y_hat).^2);

net = Net(loss);
stats = Stats({'loss'});
solver = solvers.Adam();
solver.learningRate = 1e-2;

for i = 1:1000
    net.eval({'x', x_true, 'y', y_true});

And I got the error message like below:

Error using gpuArray/log
LOG: needs to return a complex result, but this is not supported for real input X on the GPU. Use LOG(COMPLEX(X)) instead.

Of course, I tried the log(complex(arg)) but it seems like AutoNN doesn't support complex() operator.

jotaf98 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I tried your code (using Matlab 2017a) and it runs fine; but I guess it would have that problem if you ever have a <= 0.

Although the error message is not great, this is more of a numerical issue -- the way to avoid it is to ensure that a>0 at all times. An easy way to achieve it would be by replacing a with exp(a).

An added bonus is that then both a and b are on the same scale (exponential in x). But you can try other strategies to ensure positive a.

damdaepark commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your quick reply.

I found that the problem just depended on whether I commented out the net.useGpu(1) line or not. I tried the exponentiation technique as you mentioned like below:

clear all; clc; close all;
x_true = [-3:7e-5:3]'; % try x_true = [1:7e-5:3];
y_true = 3*x_true.^2;
x = Input('name','x');
y = Input('name','y');
a = Param('value', 1); a.diagnostics = true;
b = Param('value', 1); b.diagnostics = true;
y_hat = exp(a)*x.^exp(b);
loss = sum((y-y_hat).^2);

net = Net(loss);
net.useGpu(1); % try comment this line
stats = Stats({'loss'});
solver = solvers.Adam();
solver.learningRate = 1e-1;

for i = 1:1000
net.eval({'x', x_true, 'y', y_true});

But I still got the following error:

Error using gpuArray/bsxfun
POWER: needs to return a complex result, but this is not supported for real input X and Y on the GPU. Use

If you get the same error as in my case, try comment out the line of net.useGpu(1). Or just constrain the values of x_true to positive ones by using x_true = [1:7e-5:3]. Because they worked well for me.

I'm currently using R2018a, CUDA 9.2.

jotaf98 commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I was able to reproduce it. I just pushed the overload for complex() so that you can implement Matlab's suggested solution, and it works, e.g.:

y_hat = complex(exp(a) * x) .^ complex(exp(b));

Of course, I don't advise actually having complex numbers in this sort of problem; somehow ensuring that the power won't produce them is of course the best fix :)

damdaepark commented 5 years ago

Did you update AutoNN recently? I tried it but just got a message:

Error using complex
Input A must be numeric and full.
Error in Untitled (line 8)
y_hat = complex(exp(a) * x) .^ complex(exp(b));

And also find that there is no complex method for Layer object:

Methods for class Layer:

Layer                 displayCustom         ipermute              plotPDF               sqrt                  vl_nnmaxout           
abs                   double                ldivide               plus                  squeeze               vl_nnnoffset          
accumarray            end                   le                    power                 subsref               vl_nnnormalize        
acos                  eq                    log                   rand                  sum                   vl_nnnormalizelp      
all                   evalOutputSize        lt                    randi                 tan                   vl_nnpdist            
and                   exp                   max                   randn                 times                 vl_nnpool             
any                   eye                   mean                  randperm              transpose             vl_nnrelu             
asin                  find                  min                   rdivide               uminus                vl_nnsigmoid          
atan                  flip                  minus                 repelem               uplus                 vl_nnsoftmax          
atan2                 fliplr                mldivide              replace               vertcat               vl_nnsoftmaxloss      
bsxfun                flipud                mrdivide              repmat                vl_nnaffinegrid       vl_nnspnorm           
cat                   gather                mtimes                reshape               vl_nnbilinearsampler  vl_nnwsum             
circshift             ge                    nan                   rot90                 vl_nnbnorm            xor                   
colon                 getReceptiveFields    ne                    sequentialNames       vl_nnconv             zeros                 
copy                  gpuArray              nnz                   shiftdim              vl_nnconvt            
cos                   gt                    not                   sin                   vl_nncrop             
ctranspose            horzcat               ones                  single                vl_nndropout          
deepCopy              inf                   or                    size                  vl_nnloss             
display               inv                   permute               sort                  vl_nnlstm             

Static methods:

create                fromDagNN             setDiagnostics        
fromCompiledNet       fromFunction          workspaceNames 

By the way, finally, I found what was wrong. I fixed _bsxfunder.m from

  elseif isequal(op, @power)
    da = dy .* a .^ (b - 1) .* b ;
    if nargout > 2
      % prevents error if log(a) becomes complex, but is not needed anyway
      % because b is constant
      db = dy .* (a .^ b) .* log(a) ;


  elseif isequal(op, @power)
    da = dy .* a .^ (b - 1) .* b ;
    if nargout > 2
      % prevents error if log(a) becomes complex, but is not needed anyway
      % because b is constant
      db = dy .* (a .^ b) .* log(complex(a)) ; % here!

And it worked.

the problem was taking the log of negative numbers; I think log(negative number) works in the CPU environment only and does not work in GPU.

jotaf98 commented 5 years ago

Yes, I meant that I pushed an update that adds the complex() overload. To see it you'd need to update your repo.

Changing bsx_fun is a nice solution though. Initially I hesitated to do it because it slows down the CPU mode but in practice all we use is the GPU and the CPU is mostly for debugging, so I see the value in that.