Open sirinferhat opened 5 years ago
vl_compilenn('enableGpu', true) C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/../VC/INCLUDE\xutility(2316): warning C4244: '=': conversion from 'int64' to 'int', possible loss of data C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/../VC/INCLUDE\xutility(2335): note: see reference to function template instantiation '_OutIt std::_Copy_unchecked1<_InIt,_OutIt>(_InIt,_InIt,_OutIt,std::_General_ptr_iterator_tag)' being compiled with [ _OutIt=int *, _InIt=int64 ] C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/../VC/INCLUDE\xutility(2354): note: see reference to function template instantiation '_OutIt std::_Copy_unchecked<_InIt,_Iter>(_InIt,_InIt,_OutIt)' being compiled with [ _OutIt=int , _InIt=int64 , _Iter=int ] C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/../VC/INCLUDE\xutility(2364): note: see reference to function template instantiation '_OutIt std::_Copy_no_deprecate1<int64,_OutIt>(_InIt,_InIt,_OutIt,std::random_access_iterator_tag,std::random_access_iterator_tag)' being compiled with [ _OutIt=int , _InIt=int64 ] C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/../VC/INCLUDE\xutility(2373): note: see reference to function template instantiation '_OutIt std::_Copy_no_deprecate<_InIt,_OutIt>(_InIt,_InIt,_OutIt)' being compiled with [ _OutIt=int , _InIt=std::_Vector_iterator<std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<int64>>> ] c:\matconvnet-1.0-beta25\matlab\src\bits\ note: see reference to function template instantiation '_OutIt std::copy<std::_Vector_iterator<std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<__int64>>>,int>(_InIt,_InIt,_OutIt)' being compiled with [ _OutIt=int *, _InIt=std::_Vector_iterator<std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<__int64>>> ] C:/matconvnet-1.0-beta25/matlab/src/bits/ warning C4068: unknown pragma C:/matconvnet-1.0-beta25/matlab/src/bits/ warning C4068: unknown pragma Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015'. MEX completed successfully. Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015'. MEX completed successfully. Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015'. MEX completed successfully. Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015'. MEX completed successfully. Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015'. MEX completed successfully. SSSE3 instruction set not enabled. Using slower image conversion routines. SSSE3 instruction set not enabled. Using slower image conversion routines. Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (C)'. Error using mex 'C:\matconvnet-1.0-beta25\matlab\mex\vl_nnconv.mexw64' compiled with '-R2018a' and linked with '-R2017b'. For more information, see MEX file compiled with one API and linked with another.
Error in vl_compilenn>mex_link (line 627) mex(args{:}) ;
Error in vl_compilenn (line 500) mex_link(opts, objs, flags.mex_dir, flags) ;
Hi there im getting the same error. any luck in fixing this?
Hey! Getting the same error here as well. Have you managed to figure it out yet?
I changed to this to fix this error in vl_comilenn file. Force the code to compile with R2018a, and also remove largeArrayDims command
I fixed this issue a long time ago to support older and newer version of Matlab. Rather than show the individual lines of code that I modified, I'm going to just paste the whole code below. Basically, Matlab 2018a are using different libraries and the compiler needs to know that. I work with computers that have various versions of Matlab on them, so I had to have a solution that would allow people to compile MatConvNet on old and new versions. You should completely replace all of the code in vl_compilenn.m with what I have here, then it will compile regardless of what version of Matlab you are running.
function vl_compilenn(varargin)
%VL_COMPILENN Compile the MatConvNet toolbox.
% The `vl_compilenn()` function compiles the MEX files in the
% MatConvNet toolbox. See below for the requirements for compiling
% CPU and GPU code, respectively.
% `vl_compilenn('OPTION', ARG, ...)` accepts the following options:
% `EnableGpu`:: `false`
% Set to true in order to enable GPU support.
% `Verbose`:: 0
% Set the verbosity level (0, 1 or 2).
% `Continue`:: false
% Avoid recreating a file if it was already compiled. This uses
% a crude form of dependency checking, so it may occasionally be
% necessary to rebuild MatConvNet without this option.
% `Debug`:: `false`
% Set to true to compile the binaries with debugging
% information.
% `CudaMethod`:: Linux & Mac OS X: `mex`; Windows: `nvcc`
% Choose the method used to compile the CUDA code. There are two
% methods:
% * The **`mex`** method uses the MATLAB MEXCUDA command. This
% is, in principle, the preferred method as it uses the
% MATLAB-sanctioned compiler options.
% * The **`nvcc`** method calls the NVIDIA CUDA compiler `nvcc`
% directly to compile CUDA source code into object files.
% This method allows to use a CUDA toolkit version that is not
% the one that officially supported by a particular MATALB
% version (see below). It is also the default method for
% compilation under Windows and with CuDNN.
% `CudaRoot`:: guessed automatically
% This option specifies the path to the CUDA toolkit to use for
% compilation.
% `EnableImreadJpeg`:: `true`
% Set this option to `true` to compile `vl_imreadjpeg`.
% `EnableDouble`:: `true`
% Set this option to `true` to compile the support for DOUBLE
% data types.
% `ImageLibrary`:: `libjpeg` (Linux), `gdiplus` (Windows), `quartz` (Mac)
% The image library to use for `vl_impreadjpeg`.
% `ImageLibraryCompileFlags`:: platform dependent
% A cell-array of additional flags to use when compiling
% `vl_imreadjpeg`.
% `ImageLibraryLinkFlags`:: platform dependent
% A cell-array of additional flags to use when linking
% `vl_imreadjpeg`.
% `EnableCudnn`:: `false`
% Set to `true` to compile CuDNN support. See CuDNN
% documentation for the Hardware/CUDA version requirements.
% `CudnnRoot`:: `'local/'`
% Directory containing the unpacked binaries and header files of
% the CuDNN library.
% `MexConfig`:: none
% Use this option to specify a custom `.xml` configuration file
% fot the `mex` compiler.
% `MexCudaConfig`:: none
% Use this option to specify a custom `.xml` configuration file
% fot the `mexcuda` compiler.
% `preCompileFn`:: none
% Applies a custom modifier function just before compilation
% to modify various compilation options. The
% function's signature is:
% [opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags] = f(opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags) ;
% where the arguments are a struct with the present options, a list of
% MEX files, a list of LIB files, and compilation flags, respectively.
% ## Compiling the CPU code
% By default, the `EnableGpu` option is switched to off, such that
% the GPU code support is not compiled in.
% Generally, you only need a 64bit C/C++ compiler (usually Xcode, GCC or
% Visual Studio for Mac, Linux, and Windows respectively). The
% compiler can be setup in MATLAB using the
% mex -setup
% command.
% ## Compiling the GPU code
% In order to compile the GPU code, set the `EnableGpu` option to
% `true`. For this to work you will need:
% * To satisfy all the requirements to compile the CPU code (see
% above).
% * A NVIDIA GPU with at least *compute capability 2.0*.
% * The *MATALB Parallel Computing Toolbox*. This can be purchased
% from Mathworks (type `ver` in MATLAB to see if this toolbox is
% already comprised in your MATLAB installation; it often is).
% * A copy of the *CUDA Devkit*, which can be downloaded for free
% from NVIDIA. Note that each MATLAB version requires a
% particular CUDA Devkit version:
% | MATLAB version | Release | CUDA Devkit |
% |----------------|---------|--------------|
% | 9.2 | 2017a | 8.0 |
% | 9.1 | 2016b | 7.5 |
% | 9.0 | 2016a | 7.5 |
% | 8.6 | 2015b | 7.0 |
% Different versions of CUDA may work using the hack described
% above (i.e. setting the `CudaMethod` to `nvcc`).
% The following configurations or anything more recent (subject to
% versionconstraints between MATLAB, CUDA, and the compiler) should
% work:
% * Windows 10 x64, MATLAB R2015b, Visual C++ 2015, CUDA
% Toolkit 8.0. Visual C++ 2013 and lower is not supported due to lack
% C++11 support.
% * macOS X 10.12, MATLAB R2016a, Xcode 7.3.1, CUDA
% Toolkit 7.5-8.0.
% * GNU/Linux, MATALB R2015b, gcc/g++ 4.8.5+, CUDA Toolkit 7.5-8.0.
% Many older versions of these components are also likely to
% work.
% Compilation on Windows with MinGW compiler (the default mex compiler in
% Matlab) is not supported. For Windows, please reconfigure mex to use
% Visual Studio C/C++ compiler.
% Furthermore your GPU card must have ComputeCapability >= 2.0 (see
% output of `gpuDevice()`) in order to be able to run the GPU code.
% To change the compute capabilities, for `mex` `CudaMethod` edit
% the particular config file. For the 'nvcc' method, compute
% capability is guessed based on the GPUDEVICE output. You can
% override it by setting the 'CudaArch' parameter (e.g. in case of
% multiple GPUs with various architectures).
% See also: [Compliling MatConvNet](../,
% [Compiling MEX files containing CUDA
% code](,
% `vl_setup()`, `vl_imreadjpeg()`.
% Copyright (C) 2014-17 Karel Lenc and Andrea Vedaldi.
% This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under
% the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file).
% Get MatConvNet root directory
root = fileparts(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'))) ;
addpath(fullfile(root, 'matlab')) ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Parse options
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
opts.continue = false;
opts.enableGpu = false;
opts.enableImreadJpeg = true;
opts.enableCudnn = false;
opts.enableDouble = true;
opts.imageLibrary = [] ;
opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags = {} ;
opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = [] ;
opts.verbose = 0;
opts.debug = false;
opts.cudaMethod = [] ;
opts.cudaRoot = [] ;
opts.cudaArch = [] ;
opts.defCudaArch = [...
'-gencode=arch=compute_20,code=\"sm_20,compute_20\" '...
opts.mexConfig = '' ;
opts.mexCudaConfig = '' ;
opts.cudnnRoot = 'local/cudnn' ;
opts.preCompileFn = [] ;
opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin);
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Files to compile
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
arch = computer('arch') ;
if isempty(opts.imageLibrary)
switch arch
case 'glnxa64', opts.imageLibrary = 'libjpeg' ;
case 'maci64', opts.imageLibrary = 'quartz' ;
case 'win64', opts.imageLibrary = 'gdiplus' ;
if isempty(opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags)
switch opts.imageLibrary
case 'libjpeg', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'-ljpeg'} ;
case 'quartz', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'-framework Cocoa -framework ImageIO'} ;
case 'gdiplus', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'gdiplus.lib'} ;
lib_src = {} ;
mex_src = {} ;
% Files that are compiled as CPP or CU depending on whether GPU support
% is enabled.
if opts.enableGpu, ext = 'cu' ; else ext='cpp' ; end
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['data.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['datamex.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnconv.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnfullyconnected.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnsubsample.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnpooling.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnnormalize.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnnormalizelp.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbnorm.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbias.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbilinearsampler.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnroipooling.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnconv.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnconvt.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnpool.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnnormalize.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnnormalizelp.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnbnorm.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnbilinearsampler.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnroipool.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_taccummex.' ext]) ;
switch arch
case {'glnxa64','maci64'}
% not yet supported in windows
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_tmove.' ext]) ;
% CPU-specific files
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','im2row_cpu.cpp') ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','copy_cpu.cpp') ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','tinythread.cpp') ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','imread.cpp') ;
% GPU-specific files
if opts.enableGpu
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','') ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','') ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','') ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','') ;
% cuDNN-specific files
if opts.enableCudnn
% Other files
if opts.enableImreadJpeg
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', ['vl_imreadjpeg.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', ['vl_imreadjpeg_old.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', 'bits', 'impl', ['imread_' opts.imageLibrary '.cpp']) ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Setup CUDA toolkit
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if opts.enableGpu
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: * CUDA configuration *\n', mfilename) ;
% Find the CUDA Devkit
if isempty(opts.cudaRoot), opts.cudaRoot = search_cuda_devkit(opts) ; end
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: using CUDA Devkit ''%s''.\n', ...
mfilename, opts.cudaRoot) ;
opts.nvccPath = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'bin', 'nvcc') ;
switch arch
case 'win64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib', 'x64') ;
case 'maci64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib') ;
case 'glnxa64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib64') ;
% Set the nvcc method as default for Win platforms
if strcmp(arch, 'win64') && isempty(opts.cudaMethod)
opts.cudaMethod = 'nvcc';
% Activate the CUDA Devkit
cuver = activate_nvcc(opts.nvccPath) ;
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: using NVCC ''%s'' (%d).\n', ...
mfilename, opts.nvccPath, cuver) ;
% Set the CUDA arch string (select GPU architecture)
if isempty(opts.cudaArch), opts.cudaArch = get_cuda_arch(opts) ; end
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: NVCC architecture string: ''%s''.\n', ...
mfilename, opts.cudaArch) ;
if opts.enableCudnn
opts.cudnnIncludeDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'include') ;
switch arch
case 'win64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib', 'x64') ;
case 'maci64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib') ;
case 'glnxa64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib64') ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Compiler options
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Build directories
flags.src_dir = fullfile(root, 'matlab', 'src') ;
flags.mex_dir = fullfile(root, 'matlab', 'mex') ;
flags.bld_dir = fullfile(flags.mex_dir, '.build');
if ~exist(fullfile(flags.bld_dir,'bits','impl'), 'dir')
mkdir(fullfile(flags.bld_dir,'bits','impl')) ;
% BASE: Base flags passed to `mex` and `nvcc` always.
flags.base = {} ;
if opts.enableGpu, flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_GPU' ; end
if opts.enableDouble, flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_DOUBLE' ; end
if opts.enableCudnn
flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_CUDNN' ;
flags.base{end+1} = ['-I"' opts.cudnnIncludeDir '"'] ;
if opts.verbose > 1, flags.base{end+1} = '-v' ; end
if opts.debug
flags.base{end+1} = '-g' ;
flags.base{end+1} = '-DDEBUG' ;
flags.base{end+1} = '-O' ;
flags.base{end+1} = '-DNDEBUG' ;
% MEX: Additional flags passed to `mex` for compiling C++
% code. CXX and CXXOPTIOM are passed directly to the encapsualted compiler.
if verLessThan('matlab','9,4')
flags.mex = {'-largeArrayDims'} ;
flags.mex = {''};
flags.cxx = {} ;
flags.cxxoptim = {} ;
if ~isempty(opts.mexConfig), flags.mex = horzcat(flags.mex, {'-f', opts.mexConfig}) ; end
% MEX: Additional flags passed to `mex` for compiling CUDA
% code. CXX and CXXOPTIOM are passed directly to the encapsualted compiler.
if verLessThan('matlab','9,4')
flags.mexcuda = {'-largeArrayDims'} ;
flags.mexcuda = {''};
flags.mexcuda_cxx = {} ;
flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim = {} ;
if ~isempty(opts.mexCudaConfig), flags.mexcuda = horzcat(flags.mexcuda, {'-f', opts.mexCudaConfig}) ; end
% MEX_LINK: Additional flags passed to `mex` for linking.
if verLessThan('matlab','9,4')
flags.mexlink = {'-largeArrayDims','-lmwblas'} ;
flags.mexlink = {'','-lmwblas'};
flags.mexlink_ldflags = {} ;
flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags = {} ;
flags.mexlink_linklibs = {} ;
% NVCC: Additional flags passed to `nvcc` for compiling CUDA code.
flags.nvcc = {'-D_FORCE_INLINES', '--std=c++11', ...
sprintf('-I"%s"',fullfile(matlabroot,'extern','include')), ...
sprintf('-I"%s"',fullfile(toolboxdir('distcomp'),'gpu','extern','include')), ...
opts.cudaArch} ;
switch arch
case {'maci64','glnxa64'}
flags.cxx{end+1} = '--std=c++11' ;
flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-fPIC' ;
if ~opts.debug
flags.cxxoptim = horzcat(flags.cxxoptim,'-mssse3','-ffast-math') ;
flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mssse3,-ffast-math' ;
flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mssse3,-ffast-math' ;
case 'win64'
% Visual Studio 2015 does C++11 without futher switches
if opts.enableGpu
flags.mexlink = horzcat(flags.mexlink, ...
{['-L"' opts.cudaLibDir '"'], '-lcudart', '-lcublas'}) ;
switch arch
case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'}
flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lmwgpu' ;
case 'win64'
flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lgpu' ;
if opts.enableCudnn
flags.mexlink{end+1} = ['-L"' opts.cudnnLibDir '"'] ;
flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lcudnn' ;
switch arch
case {'maci64'}
flags.mex{end+1} = '-cxx' ;
flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10' ;
[s,r] = system('xcrun -f clang++') ;
if s == 0
flags.nvcc{end+1} = sprintf('--compiler-bindir="%s"',strtrim(r)) ;
if opts.enableGpu
flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudaLibDir) ;
if opts.enableGpu && opts.enableCudnn
flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudnnLibDir) ;
case {'glnxa64'}
flags.mex{end+1} = '-cxx' ;
flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lrt' ;
if opts.enableGpu
flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudaLibDir) ;
if opts.enableGpu && opts.enableCudnn
flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudnnLibDir) ;
case {'win64'}
% VisualC does not pass this even if available in the CPU architecture
flags.mex{end+1} = '-D__SSSE3__' ;
cl_path = fileparts(check_clpath()); % check whether cl.exe in path
flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=/MD' ;
flags.nvcc{end+1} = sprintf('--compiler-bindir="%s"', cl_path) ;
if opts.enableImreadJpeg
flags.mex = horzcat(flags.mex, opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags) ;
flags.mexlink_linklibs = horzcat(flags.mexlink_linklibs, opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags) ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Command flags
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if opts.verbose
fprintf('%s: * Compiler and linker configurations *\n', mfilename) ;
fprintf('%s: \tintermediate build products directory: %s\n', mfilename, flags.bld_dir) ;
fprintf('%s: \tMEX files: %s/\n', mfilename, flags.mex_dir) ;
fprintf('%s: \tBase options: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.base)) ;
fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXX: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mex)) ;
fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXXFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.cxx)) ;
fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXXOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.cxxoptim)) ;
fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink)) ;
fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LDFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldflags)) ;
fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LDOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags)) ;
fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LINKLIBS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_linklibs)) ;
if opts.verbose && opts.enableGpu
fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda)) ;
fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA CXXFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxx)) ;
fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA CXXOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim)) ;
if opts.verbose && opts.enableGpu && strcmp(opts.cudaMethod,'nvcc')
fprintf('%s: \tNVCC: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.nvcc)) ;
if opts.verbose && opts.enableImreadJpeg
fprintf('%s: * Reading images *\n', mfilename) ;
fprintf('%s: \tvl_imreadjpeg enabled\n', mfilename) ;
fprintf('%s: \timage library: %s\n', mfilename, opts.imageLibrary) ;
fprintf('%s: \timage library compile flags: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags)) ;
fprintf('%s: \timage library link flags: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags)) ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Compile
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Apply pre-compilation modifier function to adjust the flags and
% parameters. This can be used to add additional files to compile on the
% fly.
if ~isempty(opts.preCompileFn)
[opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags] = opts.preCompileFn(opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags) ;
% Compile intermediate object files
srcs = horzcat(lib_src,mex_src) ;
for i = 1:numel(horzcat(lib_src, mex_src))
[~,~,ext] = fileparts(srcs{i}) ; ext(1) = [] ;
objfile = toobj(flags.bld_dir,srcs{i});
if strcmp(ext,'cu')
if strcmp(opts.cudaMethod,'nvcc')
nvcc_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ;
mexcuda_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ;
mex_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ;
assert(exist(objfile, 'file') ~= 0, 'Compilation of %s failed.', objfile);
% Link MEX files
for i = 1:numel(mex_src)
objs = toobj(flags.bld_dir, [mex_src(i), lib_src]) ;
mex_link(opts, objs, flags.mex_dir, flags) ;
% Reset path adding the mex subdirectory just created
vl_setupnn() ;
if strcmp(arch, 'win64') && opts.enableCudnn
if opts.verbose(), fprintf('Copying CuDNN dll to mex folder.\n'); end
copyfile(fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'bin', '*.dll'), flags.mex_dir);
% Save the last compile flags to the build dir
if isempty(opts.preCompileFn)
save(fullfile(flags.bld_dir, 'last_compile_opts.mat'), '-struct', 'opts');
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Utility functions
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function check_compability(arch)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
cc = mex.getCompilerConfigurations('C++');
if isempty(cc)
error(['Mex is not configured.'...
'Run "mex -setup" to configure your compiler. See ',...
' ', ...
'for supported compilers for your platform.']);
switch arch
case 'win64'
clversion = str2double(cc.Version);
if clversion < 14
error('Unsupported VS C++ compiler, ver >=14.0 required (VS 2015).');
case 'maci64'
case 'glnxa64'
otherwise, error('Unsupported architecture ''%s''.', arch) ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function done = check_deps(opts, tgt, src)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
done = false ;
if ~iscell(src), src = {src} ; end
if ~opts.continue, return ; end
if ~exist(tgt,'file'), return ; end
ttime = dir(tgt) ; ttime = ttime.datenum ;
for i=1:numel(src)
stime = dir(src{i}) ; stime = stime.datenum ;
if stime > ttime, return ; end
fprintf('%s: ''%s'' already there, skipping.\n', mfilename, tgt) ;
done = true ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function objs = toobj(bld_dir, srcs)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
str = [filesep, 'src', filesep]; % NASTY. Do with regexp?
multiple = iscell(srcs) ;
if ~multiple, srcs = {srcs} ; end
objs = cell(1, numel(srcs));
for t = 1:numel(srcs)
i = strfind(srcs{t},str);
i = i(end); % last occurence of '/src/'
objs{t} = fullfile(bld_dir, srcs{t}(i+numel(str):end)) ;
if ~multiple, objs = objs{1} ; end
objs = regexprep(objs,'.cpp$',['.' objext]) ;
objs = regexprep(objs,'.cu$',['.' objext]) ;
objs = regexprep(objs,'.c$',['.' objext]) ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function mex_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end
args = horzcat({'-c', '-outdir', fileparts(tgt), src}, ...
flags.base, flags.mex, ...
{['CXXFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.cxx)]}, ...
{['CXXOPTIMFLAGS=$CXXOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.cxxoptim)]}) ;
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX CC: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ;
mex(args{:}) ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function mexcuda_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end
% Hacky fix: In glnxa64 MATLAB includes the -ansi option by default, which
% prevents -std=c++11 to work (an error?). This could be solved by editing the
% mex configuration file; for convenience, we take it out here by
% avoiding to append to the default flags.
glue = '$CXXFLAGS' ;
switch computer('arch')
case {'glnxa64'}
glue = '--compiler-options=-fexceptions,-fPIC,-fno-omit-frame-pointer,-pthread' ;
args = horzcat({'-c', '-outdir', fileparts(tgt), src}, ...
flags.base, flags.mexcuda, ...
{['CXXFLAGS=' glue ' ' strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxx)]}, ...
{['CXXOPTIMFLAGS=$CXXOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim)]}) ;
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX CUDA: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ;
mexcuda(args{:}) ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function nvcc_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end
nvcc_path = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'bin', 'nvcc');
nvcc_cmd = sprintf('"%s" -c -o "%s" "%s" %s ', ...
nvcc_path, tgt, src, ...
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: NVCC CC: %s\n', mfilename, nvcc_cmd) ;
status = system(nvcc_cmd);
if status, error('Command %s failed.', nvcc_cmd); end;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function mex_link(opts, objs, mex_dir, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
args = horzcat({'-outdir', mex_dir}, ...
flags.base, flags.mexlink, ...
{['LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldflags)]}, ...
{['LDOPTIMFLAGS=$LDOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags)]}, ...
{['LINKLIBS=' strjoin(flags.mexlink_linklibs) ' $LINKLIBS']}, ...
objs) ;
if ~verLessThan('matlab','9.4')
args{end+1} = '-R2018a';
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX LINK: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ;
mex(args{:}) ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function ext = objext()
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Get the extension for an 'object' file for the current computer
% architecture
switch computer('arch')
case 'win64', ext = 'obj';
case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'}, ext = 'o' ;
otherwise, error('Unsupported architecture %s.', computer) ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function cl_path = check_clpath()
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Checks whether the cl.exe is in the path (needed for the nvcc). If
% not, tries to guess the location out of mex configuration.
cc = mex.getCompilerConfigurations('c++');
cl_path = fullfile(cc.Location, 'VC', 'bin', 'amd64');
[status, ~] = system('cl.exe -help');
if status == 1
% Add cl.exe to system path so that nvcc can find it.
warning('CL.EXE not found in PATH. Trying to guess out of mex setup.');
prev_path = getenv('PATH');
setenv('PATH', [prev_path ';' cl_path]);
status = system('cl.exe');
if status == 1
setenv('PATH', prev_path);
error('Unable to find cl.exe');
fprintf('Location of cl.exe (%s) successfully added to your PATH.\n', ...
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function paths = which_nvcc()
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
switch computer('arch')
case 'win64'
[~, paths] = system('where nvcc.exe');
paths = strtrim(paths);
paths = paths(strfind(paths, '.exe'));
case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'}
[~, paths] = system('which nvcc');
paths = strtrim(paths) ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function cuda_root = search_cuda_devkit(opts)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function tries to to locate a working copy of the CUDA Devkit.
opts.verbose && fprintf(['%s:\tCUDA: searching for the CUDA Devkit' ...
' (use the option ''CudaRoot'' to override):\n'], mfilename);
% Propose a number of candidate paths for NVCC
paths = {getenv('MW_NVCC_PATH')} ;
paths = [paths, which_nvcc()] ;
for v = {'5.5', '6.0', '6.5', '7.0', '7.5', '8.0', '8.5', '9.0', '9.5', '10.0'}
switch computer('arch')
case 'glnxa64'
paths{end+1} = sprintf('/usr/local/cuda-%s/bin/nvcc', char(v)) ;
case 'maci64'
paths{end+1} = sprintf('/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-%s/bin/nvcc', char(v)) ;
case 'win64'
paths{end+1} = sprintf('C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v%s\\bin\\nvcc.exe', char(v)) ;
paths{end+1} = sprintf('/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc') ;
% Validate each candidate NVCC path
for i=1:numel(paths)
nvcc(i).path = paths{i} ;
[nvcc(i).isvalid, nvcc(i).version] = validate_nvcc(paths{i}) ;
if opts.verbose
fprintf('\t| %5s | %5s | %-70s |\n', 'valid', 'ver', 'NVCC path') ;
for i=1:numel(paths)
fprintf('\t| %5d | %5d | %-70s |\n', ...
nvcc(i).isvalid, nvcc(i).version, nvcc(i).path) ;
% Pick an entry
index = find([nvcc.isvalid]) ;
if isempty(index)
error('Could not find a valid NVCC executable\n') ;
[~, newest] = max([nvcc(index).version]);
nvcc = nvcc(index(newest)) ;
cuda_root = fileparts(fileparts(nvcc.path)) ;
if opts.verbose
fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: choosing NVCC compiler ''%s'' (version %d)\n', ...
mfilename, nvcc.path, nvcc.version) ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [valid, cuver] = validate_nvcc(nvccPath)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[status, output] = system(sprintf('"%s" --version', nvccPath)) ;
valid = (status == 0) ;
if ~valid
cuver = 0 ;
return ;
match = regexp(output, 'V(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', 'match') ;
if isempty(match), valid = false ; return ; end
cuver = [1e4 1e2 1] * sscanf(match{1}, 'V%d.%d.%d') ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function cuver = activate_nvcc(nvccPath)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Validate the NVCC compiler installation
[valid, cuver] = validate_nvcc(nvccPath) ;
if ~valid
error('The NVCC compiler ''%s'' does not appear to be valid.', nvccPath) ;
% Make sure that NVCC is visible by MEX by setting the MW_NVCC_PATH
% environment variable to the NVCC compiler path
if ~strcmp(getenv('MW_NVCC_PATH'), nvccPath)
warning('Setting the ''MW_NVCC_PATH'' environment variable to ''%s''', nvccPath) ;
setenv('MW_NVCC_PATH', nvccPath) ;
% In some operating systems and MATLAB versions, NVCC must also be
% available in the command line search path. Make sure that this is%
% the case.
[valid_, cuver_] = validate_nvcc('nvcc') ;
if ~valid_ || cuver_ ~= cuver
warning('NVCC not found in the command line path or the one found does not matches ''%s''.', nvccPath);
nvccDir = fileparts(nvccPath) ;
prevPath = getenv('PATH') ;
switch computer
case 'PCWIN64', separator = ';' ;
case {'GLNXA64', 'MACI64'}, separator = ':' ;
setenv('PATH', [nvccDir separator prevPath]) ;
[valid_, cuver_] = validate_nvcc('nvcc') ;
if ~valid_ || cuver_ ~= cuver
setenv('PATH', prevPath) ;
error('Unable to set the command line path to point to ''%s'' correctly.', nvccPath) ;
fprintf('Location of NVCC (%s) added to your command search PATH.\n', nvccDir) ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function cudaArch = get_cuda_arch(opts)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: determining GPU compute capability (use the ''CudaArch'' option to override)\n', mfilename);
gpu_device = gpuDevice();
arch = str2double(strrep(gpu_device.ComputeCapability, '.', ''));
supparchs = get_nvcc_supported_archs(opts.nvccPath);
[~, archi] = max(min(supparchs - arch, 0));
arch_code = num2str(supparchs(archi));
cudaArch = ...
sprintf('-gencode=arch=compute_%s,code=\\\"sm_%s,compute_%s\\\" ', ...
arch_code, arch_code, arch_code) ;
opts.verbose && fprintf(['%s:\tCUDA: cannot determine the capabilities of the installed GPU and/or CUDA; ' ...
'falling back to default\n'], mfilename);
cudaArch = opts.defCudaArch;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function archs = get_nvcc_supported_archs(nvccPath)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
switch computer('arch')
case {'win64'}
[status, hstring] = system(sprintf('"%s" --help',nvccPath));
% fix possible output corruption (see manual)
[status, hstring] = system(sprintf('"%s" --help < /dev/null',nvccPath)) ;
archs = regexp(hstring, '''sm_(\d{2})''', 'tokens');
archs = cellfun(@(a) str2double(a{1}), archs);
if status, error('NVCC command failed: %s', hstring); end;
@Nicholas-Schaub But appear : gcc: error:... /matlab/src/bits/ No such file or directory
@Shiyong2019 Did you follow the compilation instructions? It looks like you didn't set up your search paths correctly
@Nicholas-Schaub thanks for your response. The path is right. but no file--"" in that path, only nnnormalizelp.cpp and nnnormalizelp.m
@Shiyong2019 It's in the MatConvNet repository. Not sure why it's missing on your machine.
@Nicholas-Schaub I used matconvnet-1.0-beta24
I fixed this issue a long time ago to support older and newer version of Matlab. Rather than show the individual lines of code that I modified, I'm going to just paste the whole code below. Basically, Matlab 2018a are using different libraries and the compiler needs to know that. I work with computers that have various versions of Matlab on them, so I had to have a solution that would allow people to compile MatConvNet on old and new versions. You should completely replace all of the code in vl_compilenn.m with what I have here, then it will compile regardless of what version of Matlab you are running.
function vl_compilenn(varargin) %VL_COMPILENN Compile the MatConvNet toolbox. % The `vl_compilenn()` function compiles the MEX files in the % MatConvNet toolbox. See below for the requirements for compiling % CPU and GPU code, respectively. % % `vl_compilenn('OPTION', ARG, ...)` accepts the following options: % % `EnableGpu`:: `false` % Set to true in order to enable GPU support. % % `Verbose`:: 0 % Set the verbosity level (0, 1 or 2). % % `Continue`:: false % Avoid recreating a file if it was already compiled. This uses % a crude form of dependency checking, so it may occasionally be % necessary to rebuild MatConvNet without this option. % % `Debug`:: `false` % Set to true to compile the binaries with debugging % information. % % `CudaMethod`:: Linux & Mac OS X: `mex`; Windows: `nvcc` % Choose the method used to compile the CUDA code. There are two % methods: % % * The **`mex`** method uses the MATLAB MEXCUDA command. This % is, in principle, the preferred method as it uses the % MATLAB-sanctioned compiler options. % % * The **`nvcc`** method calls the NVIDIA CUDA compiler `nvcc` % directly to compile CUDA source code into object files. % % This method allows to use a CUDA toolkit version that is not % the one that officially supported by a particular MATALB % version (see below). It is also the default method for % compilation under Windows and with CuDNN. % % `CudaRoot`:: guessed automatically % This option specifies the path to the CUDA toolkit to use for % compilation. % % `EnableImreadJpeg`:: `true` % Set this option to `true` to compile `vl_imreadjpeg`. % % `EnableDouble`:: `true` % Set this option to `true` to compile the support for DOUBLE % data types. % % `ImageLibrary`:: `libjpeg` (Linux), `gdiplus` (Windows), `quartz` (Mac) % The image library to use for `vl_impreadjpeg`. % % `ImageLibraryCompileFlags`:: platform dependent % A cell-array of additional flags to use when compiling % `vl_imreadjpeg`. % % `ImageLibraryLinkFlags`:: platform dependent % A cell-array of additional flags to use when linking % `vl_imreadjpeg`. % % `EnableCudnn`:: `false` % Set to `true` to compile CuDNN support. See CuDNN % documentation for the Hardware/CUDA version requirements. % % `CudnnRoot`:: `'local/'` % Directory containing the unpacked binaries and header files of % the CuDNN library. % % `MexConfig`:: none % Use this option to specify a custom `.xml` configuration file % fot the `mex` compiler. % % `MexCudaConfig`:: none % Use this option to specify a custom `.xml` configuration file % fot the `mexcuda` compiler. % % `preCompileFn`:: none % Applies a custom modifier function just before compilation % to modify various compilation options. The % function's signature is: % [opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags] = f(opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags) ; % where the arguments are a struct with the present options, a list of % MEX files, a list of LIB files, and compilation flags, respectively. % % ## Compiling the CPU code % % By default, the `EnableGpu` option is switched to off, such that % the GPU code support is not compiled in. % % Generally, you only need a 64bit C/C++ compiler (usually Xcode, GCC or % Visual Studio for Mac, Linux, and Windows respectively). The % compiler can be setup in MATLAB using the % % mex -setup % % command. % % ## Compiling the GPU code % % In order to compile the GPU code, set the `EnableGpu` option to % `true`. For this to work you will need: % % * To satisfy all the requirements to compile the CPU code (see % above). % % * A NVIDIA GPU with at least *compute capability 2.0*. % % * The *MATALB Parallel Computing Toolbox*. This can be purchased % from Mathworks (type `ver` in MATLAB to see if this toolbox is % already comprised in your MATLAB installation; it often is). % % * A copy of the *CUDA Devkit*, which can be downloaded for free % from NVIDIA. Note that each MATLAB version requires a % particular CUDA Devkit version: % % | MATLAB version | Release | CUDA Devkit | % |----------------|---------|--------------| % | 9.2 | 2017a | 8.0 | % | 9.1 | 2016b | 7.5 | % | 9.0 | 2016a | 7.5 | % | 8.6 | 2015b | 7.0 | % % Different versions of CUDA may work using the hack described % above (i.e. setting the `CudaMethod` to `nvcc`). % % The following configurations or anything more recent (subject to % versionconstraints between MATLAB, CUDA, and the compiler) should % work: % % * Windows 10 x64, MATLAB R2015b, Visual C++ 2015, CUDA % Toolkit 8.0. Visual C++ 2013 and lower is not supported due to lack % C++11 support. % * macOS X 10.12, MATLAB R2016a, Xcode 7.3.1, CUDA % Toolkit 7.5-8.0. % * GNU/Linux, MATALB R2015b, gcc/g++ 4.8.5+, CUDA Toolkit 7.5-8.0. % % Many older versions of these components are also likely to % work. % % Compilation on Windows with MinGW compiler (the default mex compiler in % Matlab) is not supported. For Windows, please reconfigure mex to use % Visual Studio C/C++ compiler. % Furthermore your GPU card must have ComputeCapability >= 2.0 (see % output of `gpuDevice()`) in order to be able to run the GPU code. % To change the compute capabilities, for `mex` `CudaMethod` edit % the particular config file. For the 'nvcc' method, compute % capability is guessed based on the GPUDEVICE output. You can % override it by setting the 'CudaArch' parameter (e.g. in case of % multiple GPUs with various architectures). % % See also: [Compliling MatConvNet](../, % [Compiling MEX files containing CUDA % code](, % `vl_setup()`, `vl_imreadjpeg()`. % Copyright (C) 2014-17 Karel Lenc and Andrea Vedaldi. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). % Get MatConvNet root directory root = fileparts(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'))) ; addpath(fullfile(root, 'matlab')) ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Parse options % -------------------------------------------------------------------- opts.continue = false; opts.enableGpu = false; opts.enableImreadJpeg = true; opts.enableCudnn = false; opts.enableDouble = true; opts.imageLibrary = [] ; opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags = {} ; opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = [] ; opts.verbose = 0; opts.debug = false; opts.cudaMethod = [] ; opts.cudaRoot = [] ; opts.cudaArch = [] ; opts.defCudaArch = [... '-gencode=arch=compute_20,code=\"sm_20,compute_20\" '... '-gencode=arch=compute_30,code=\"sm_30,compute_30\"']; opts.mexConfig = '' ; opts.mexCudaConfig = '' ; opts.cudnnRoot = 'local/cudnn' ; opts.preCompileFn = [] ; opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin); % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Files to compile % -------------------------------------------------------------------- arch = computer('arch') ; check_compability(arch); if isempty(opts.imageLibrary) switch arch case 'glnxa64', opts.imageLibrary = 'libjpeg' ; case 'maci64', opts.imageLibrary = 'quartz' ; case 'win64', opts.imageLibrary = 'gdiplus' ; end end if isempty(opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags) switch opts.imageLibrary case 'libjpeg', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'-ljpeg'} ; case 'quartz', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'-framework Cocoa -framework ImageIO'} ; case 'gdiplus', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'gdiplus.lib'} ; end end lib_src = {} ; mex_src = {} ; % Files that are compiled as CPP or CU depending on whether GPU support % is enabled. if opts.enableGpu, ext = 'cu' ; else ext='cpp' ; end lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['data.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['datamex.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnconv.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnfullyconnected.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnsubsample.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnpooling.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnnormalize.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnnormalizelp.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbnorm.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbias.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbilinearsampler.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnroipooling.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnconv.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnconvt.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnpool.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnnormalize.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnnormalizelp.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnbnorm.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnbilinearsampler.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnroipool.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_taccummex.' ext]) ; switch arch case {'glnxa64','maci64'} % not yet supported in windows mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_tmove.' ext]) ; end % CPU-specific files lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','im2row_cpu.cpp') ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','copy_cpu.cpp') ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','tinythread.cpp') ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','imread.cpp') ; % GPU-specific files if opts.enableGpu lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','') ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','') ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','') ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','') ; end % cuDNN-specific files if opts.enableCudnn end % Other files if opts.enableImreadJpeg mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', ['vl_imreadjpeg.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', ['vl_imreadjpeg_old.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', 'bits', 'impl', ['imread_' opts.imageLibrary '.cpp']) ; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Setup CUDA toolkit % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if opts.enableGpu opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: * CUDA configuration *\n', mfilename) ; % Find the CUDA Devkit if isempty(opts.cudaRoot), opts.cudaRoot = search_cuda_devkit(opts) ; end opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: using CUDA Devkit ''%s''.\n', ... mfilename, opts.cudaRoot) ; opts.nvccPath = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'bin', 'nvcc') ; switch arch case 'win64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib', 'x64') ; case 'maci64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib') ; case 'glnxa64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib64') ; end % Set the nvcc method as default for Win platforms if strcmp(arch, 'win64') && isempty(opts.cudaMethod) opts.cudaMethod = 'nvcc'; end % Activate the CUDA Devkit cuver = activate_nvcc(opts.nvccPath) ; opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: using NVCC ''%s'' (%d).\n', ... mfilename, opts.nvccPath, cuver) ; % Set the CUDA arch string (select GPU architecture) if isempty(opts.cudaArch), opts.cudaArch = get_cuda_arch(opts) ; end opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: NVCC architecture string: ''%s''.\n', ... mfilename, opts.cudaArch) ; end if opts.enableCudnn opts.cudnnIncludeDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'include') ; switch arch case 'win64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib', 'x64') ; case 'maci64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib') ; case 'glnxa64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib64') ; end end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Compiler options % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Build directories flags.src_dir = fullfile(root, 'matlab', 'src') ; flags.mex_dir = fullfile(root, 'matlab', 'mex') ; flags.bld_dir = fullfile(flags.mex_dir, '.build'); if ~exist(fullfile(flags.bld_dir,'bits','impl'), 'dir') mkdir(fullfile(flags.bld_dir,'bits','impl')) ; end % BASE: Base flags passed to `mex` and `nvcc` always. flags.base = {} ; if opts.enableGpu, flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_GPU' ; end if opts.enableDouble, flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_DOUBLE' ; end if opts.enableCudnn flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_CUDNN' ; flags.base{end+1} = ['-I"' opts.cudnnIncludeDir '"'] ; end if opts.verbose > 1, flags.base{end+1} = '-v' ; end if opts.debug flags.base{end+1} = '-g' ; flags.base{end+1} = '-DDEBUG' ; else flags.base{end+1} = '-O' ; flags.base{end+1} = '-DNDEBUG' ; end % MEX: Additional flags passed to `mex` for compiling C++ % code. CXX and CXXOPTIOM are passed directly to the encapsualted compiler. if verLessThan('matlab','9,4') flags.mex = {'-largeArrayDims'} ; else flags.mex = {''}; end flags.cxx = {} ; flags.cxxoptim = {} ; if ~isempty(opts.mexConfig), flags.mex = horzcat(flags.mex, {'-f', opts.mexConfig}) ; end % MEX: Additional flags passed to `mex` for compiling CUDA % code. CXX and CXXOPTIOM are passed directly to the encapsualted compiler. if verLessThan('matlab','9,4') flags.mexcuda = {'-largeArrayDims'} ; else flags.mexcuda = {''}; end flags.mexcuda_cxx = {} ; flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim = {} ; if ~isempty(opts.mexCudaConfig), flags.mexcuda = horzcat(flags.mexcuda, {'-f', opts.mexCudaConfig}) ; end % MEX_LINK: Additional flags passed to `mex` for linking. if verLessThan('matlab','9,4') flags.mexlink = {'-largeArrayDims','-lmwblas'} ; else flags.mexlink = {'','-lmwblas'}; end flags.mexlink_ldflags = {} ; flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags = {} ; flags.mexlink_linklibs = {} ; % NVCC: Additional flags passed to `nvcc` for compiling CUDA code. flags.nvcc = {'-D_FORCE_INLINES', '--std=c++11', ... sprintf('-I"%s"',fullfile(matlabroot,'extern','include')), ... sprintf('-I"%s"',fullfile(toolboxdir('distcomp'),'gpu','extern','include')), ... opts.cudaArch} ; switch arch case {'maci64','glnxa64'} flags.cxx{end+1} = '--std=c++11' ; flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-fPIC' ; if ~opts.debug flags.cxxoptim = horzcat(flags.cxxoptim,'-mssse3','-ffast-math') ; flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mssse3,-ffast-math' ; flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mssse3,-ffast-math' ; end case 'win64' % Visual Studio 2015 does C++11 without futher switches end if opts.enableGpu flags.mexlink = horzcat(flags.mexlink, ... {['-L"' opts.cudaLibDir '"'], '-lcudart', '-lcublas'}) ; switch arch case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'} flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lmwgpu' ; case 'win64' flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lgpu' ; end if opts.enableCudnn flags.mexlink{end+1} = ['-L"' opts.cudnnLibDir '"'] ; flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lcudnn' ; end end switch arch case {'maci64'} flags.mex{end+1} = '-cxx' ; flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10' ; [s,r] = system('xcrun -f clang++') ; if s == 0 flags.nvcc{end+1} = sprintf('--compiler-bindir="%s"',strtrim(r)) ; end if opts.enableGpu flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudaLibDir) ; end if opts.enableGpu && opts.enableCudnn flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudnnLibDir) ; end case {'glnxa64'} flags.mex{end+1} = '-cxx' ; flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lrt' ; if opts.enableGpu flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudaLibDir) ; end if opts.enableGpu && opts.enableCudnn flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudnnLibDir) ; end case {'win64'} % VisualC does not pass this even if available in the CPU architecture flags.mex{end+1} = '-D__SSSE3__' ; cl_path = fileparts(check_clpath()); % check whether cl.exe in path flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=/MD' ; flags.nvcc{end+1} = sprintf('--compiler-bindir="%s"', cl_path) ; end if opts.enableImreadJpeg flags.mex = horzcat(flags.mex, opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags) ; flags.mexlink_linklibs = horzcat(flags.mexlink_linklibs, opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags) ; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Command flags % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if opts.verbose fprintf('%s: * Compiler and linker configurations *\n', mfilename) ; fprintf('%s: \tintermediate build products directory: %s\n', mfilename, flags.bld_dir) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX files: %s/\n', mfilename, flags.mex_dir) ; fprintf('%s: \tBase options: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.base)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXX: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mex)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXXFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.cxx)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXXOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.cxxoptim)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LDFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldflags)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LDOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LINKLIBS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_linklibs)) ; end if opts.verbose && opts.enableGpu fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA CXXFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxx)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA CXXOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim)) ; end if opts.verbose && opts.enableGpu && strcmp(opts.cudaMethod,'nvcc') fprintf('%s: \tNVCC: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.nvcc)) ; end if opts.verbose && opts.enableImreadJpeg fprintf('%s: * Reading images *\n', mfilename) ; fprintf('%s: \tvl_imreadjpeg enabled\n', mfilename) ; fprintf('%s: \timage library: %s\n', mfilename, opts.imageLibrary) ; fprintf('%s: \timage library compile flags: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags)) ; fprintf('%s: \timage library link flags: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags)) ; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Compile % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Apply pre-compilation modifier function to adjust the flags and % parameters. This can be used to add additional files to compile on the % fly. if ~isempty(opts.preCompileFn) [opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags] = opts.preCompileFn(opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags) ; end % Compile intermediate object files srcs = horzcat(lib_src,mex_src) ; for i = 1:numel(horzcat(lib_src, mex_src)) [~,~,ext] = fileparts(srcs{i}) ; ext(1) = [] ; objfile = toobj(flags.bld_dir,srcs{i}); if strcmp(ext,'cu') if strcmp(opts.cudaMethod,'nvcc') nvcc_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ; else mexcuda_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ; end else mex_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ; end assert(exist(objfile, 'file') ~= 0, 'Compilation of %s failed.', objfile); end % Link MEX files for i = 1:numel(mex_src) objs = toobj(flags.bld_dir, [mex_src(i), lib_src]) ; mex_link(opts, objs, flags.mex_dir, flags) ; end % Reset path adding the mex subdirectory just created vl_setupnn() ; if strcmp(arch, 'win64') && opts.enableCudnn if opts.verbose(), fprintf('Copying CuDNN dll to mex folder.\n'); end copyfile(fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'bin', '*.dll'), flags.mex_dir); end % Save the last compile flags to the build dir if isempty(opts.preCompileFn) save(fullfile(flags.bld_dir, 'last_compile_opts.mat'), '-struct', 'opts'); end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Utility functions % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function check_compability(arch) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- cc = mex.getCompilerConfigurations('C++'); if isempty(cc) error(['Mex is not configured.'... 'Run "mex -setup" to configure your compiler. See ',... ' ', ... 'for supported compilers for your platform.']); end switch arch case 'win64' clversion = str2double(cc.Version); if clversion < 14 error('Unsupported VS C++ compiler, ver >=14.0 required (VS 2015).'); end case 'maci64' case 'glnxa64' otherwise, error('Unsupported architecture ''%s''.', arch) ; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function done = check_deps(opts, tgt, src) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- done = false ; if ~iscell(src), src = {src} ; end if ~opts.continue, return ; end if ~exist(tgt,'file'), return ; end ttime = dir(tgt) ; ttime = ttime.datenum ; for i=1:numel(src) stime = dir(src{i}) ; stime = stime.datenum ; if stime > ttime, return ; end end fprintf('%s: ''%s'' already there, skipping.\n', mfilename, tgt) ; done = true ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function objs = toobj(bld_dir, srcs) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- str = [filesep, 'src', filesep]; % NASTY. Do with regexp? multiple = iscell(srcs) ; if ~multiple, srcs = {srcs} ; end objs = cell(1, numel(srcs)); for t = 1:numel(srcs) i = strfind(srcs{t},str); i = i(end); % last occurence of '/src/' objs{t} = fullfile(bld_dir, srcs{t}(i+numel(str):end)) ; end if ~multiple, objs = objs{1} ; end objs = regexprep(objs,'.cpp$',['.' objext]) ; objs = regexprep(objs,'.cu$',['.' objext]) ; objs = regexprep(objs,'.c$',['.' objext]) ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function mex_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end args = horzcat({'-c', '-outdir', fileparts(tgt), src}, ... flags.base, flags.mex, ... {['CXXFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.cxx)]}, ... {['CXXOPTIMFLAGS=$CXXOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.cxxoptim)]}) ; opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX CC: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ; mex(args{:}) ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function mexcuda_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end % Hacky fix: In glnxa64 MATLAB includes the -ansi option by default, which % prevents -std=c++11 to work (an error?). This could be solved by editing the % mex configuration file; for convenience, we take it out here by % avoiding to append to the default flags. glue = '$CXXFLAGS' ; switch computer('arch') case {'glnxa64'} glue = '--compiler-options=-fexceptions,-fPIC,-fno-omit-frame-pointer,-pthread' ; end args = horzcat({'-c', '-outdir', fileparts(tgt), src}, ... flags.base, flags.mexcuda, ... {['CXXFLAGS=' glue ' ' strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxx)]}, ... {['CXXOPTIMFLAGS=$CXXOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim)]}) ; opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX CUDA: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ; mexcuda(args{:}) ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function nvcc_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end nvcc_path = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'bin', 'nvcc'); nvcc_cmd = sprintf('"%s" -c -o "%s" "%s" %s ', ... nvcc_path, tgt, src, ... strjoin(horzcat(flags.base,flags.nvcc))); opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: NVCC CC: %s\n', mfilename, nvcc_cmd) ; status = system(nvcc_cmd); if status, error('Command %s failed.', nvcc_cmd); end; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function mex_link(opts, objs, mex_dir, flags) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- args = horzcat({'-outdir', mex_dir}, ... flags.base, flags.mexlink, ... {['LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldflags)]}, ... {['LDOPTIMFLAGS=$LDOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags)]}, ... {['LINKLIBS=' strjoin(flags.mexlink_linklibs) ' $LINKLIBS']}, ... objs) ; if ~verLessThan('matlab','9.4') args{end+1} = '-R2018a'; end opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX LINK: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ; mex(args{:}) ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function ext = objext() % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Get the extension for an 'object' file for the current computer % architecture switch computer('arch') case 'win64', ext = 'obj'; case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'}, ext = 'o' ; otherwise, error('Unsupported architecture %s.', computer) ; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function cl_path = check_clpath() % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Checks whether the cl.exe is in the path (needed for the nvcc). If % not, tries to guess the location out of mex configuration. cc = mex.getCompilerConfigurations('c++'); cl_path = fullfile(cc.Location, 'VC', 'bin', 'amd64'); [status, ~] = system('cl.exe -help'); if status == 1 % Add cl.exe to system path so that nvcc can find it. warning('CL.EXE not found in PATH. Trying to guess out of mex setup.'); prev_path = getenv('PATH'); setenv('PATH', [prev_path ';' cl_path]); status = system('cl.exe'); if status == 1 setenv('PATH', prev_path); error('Unable to find cl.exe'); else fprintf('Location of cl.exe (%s) successfully added to your PATH.\n', ... cl_path); end end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function paths = which_nvcc() % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- switch computer('arch') case 'win64' [~, paths] = system('where nvcc.exe'); paths = strtrim(paths); paths = paths(strfind(paths, '.exe')); case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'} [~, paths] = system('which nvcc'); paths = strtrim(paths) ; end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function cuda_root = search_cuda_devkit(opts) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function tries to to locate a working copy of the CUDA Devkit. opts.verbose && fprintf(['%s:\tCUDA: searching for the CUDA Devkit' ... ' (use the option ''CudaRoot'' to override):\n'], mfilename); % Propose a number of candidate paths for NVCC paths = {getenv('MW_NVCC_PATH')} ; paths = [paths, which_nvcc()] ; for v = {'5.5', '6.0', '6.5', '7.0', '7.5', '8.0', '8.5', '9.0', '9.5', '10.0'} switch computer('arch') case 'glnxa64' paths{end+1} = sprintf('/usr/local/cuda-%s/bin/nvcc', char(v)) ; case 'maci64' paths{end+1} = sprintf('/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-%s/bin/nvcc', char(v)) ; case 'win64' paths{end+1} = sprintf('C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v%s\\bin\\nvcc.exe', char(v)) ; end end paths{end+1} = sprintf('/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc') ; % Validate each candidate NVCC path for i=1:numel(paths) nvcc(i).path = paths{i} ; [nvcc(i).isvalid, nvcc(i).version] = validate_nvcc(paths{i}) ; end if opts.verbose fprintf('\t| %5s | %5s | %-70s |\n', 'valid', 'ver', 'NVCC path') ; for i=1:numel(paths) fprintf('\t| %5d | %5d | %-70s |\n', ... nvcc(i).isvalid, nvcc(i).version, nvcc(i).path) ; end end % Pick an entry index = find([nvcc.isvalid]) ; if isempty(index) error('Could not find a valid NVCC executable\n') ; end [~, newest] = max([nvcc(index).version]); nvcc = nvcc(index(newest)) ; cuda_root = fileparts(fileparts(nvcc.path)) ; if opts.verbose fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: choosing NVCC compiler ''%s'' (version %d)\n', ... mfilename, nvcc.path, nvcc.version) ; end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [valid, cuver] = validate_nvcc(nvccPath) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [status, output] = system(sprintf('"%s" --version', nvccPath)) ; valid = (status == 0) ; if ~valid cuver = 0 ; return ; end match = regexp(output, 'V(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', 'match') ; if isempty(match), valid = false ; return ; end cuver = [1e4 1e2 1] * sscanf(match{1}, 'V%d.%d.%d') ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function cuver = activate_nvcc(nvccPath) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Validate the NVCC compiler installation [valid, cuver] = validate_nvcc(nvccPath) ; if ~valid error('The NVCC compiler ''%s'' does not appear to be valid.', nvccPath) ; end % Make sure that NVCC is visible by MEX by setting the MW_NVCC_PATH % environment variable to the NVCC compiler path if ~strcmp(getenv('MW_NVCC_PATH'), nvccPath) warning('Setting the ''MW_NVCC_PATH'' environment variable to ''%s''', nvccPath) ; setenv('MW_NVCC_PATH', nvccPath) ; end % In some operating systems and MATLAB versions, NVCC must also be % available in the command line search path. Make sure that this is% % the case. [valid_, cuver_] = validate_nvcc('nvcc') ; if ~valid_ || cuver_ ~= cuver warning('NVCC not found in the command line path or the one found does not matches ''%s''.', nvccPath); nvccDir = fileparts(nvccPath) ; prevPath = getenv('PATH') ; switch computer case 'PCWIN64', separator = ';' ; case {'GLNXA64', 'MACI64'}, separator = ':' ; end setenv('PATH', [nvccDir separator prevPath]) ; [valid_, cuver_] = validate_nvcc('nvcc') ; if ~valid_ || cuver_ ~= cuver setenv('PATH', prevPath) ; error('Unable to set the command line path to point to ''%s'' correctly.', nvccPath) ; else fprintf('Location of NVCC (%s) added to your command search PATH.\n', nvccDir) ; end end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function cudaArch = get_cuda_arch(opts) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: determining GPU compute capability (use the ''CudaArch'' option to override)\n', mfilename); try gpu_device = gpuDevice(); arch = str2double(strrep(gpu_device.ComputeCapability, '.', '')); supparchs = get_nvcc_supported_archs(opts.nvccPath); [~, archi] = max(min(supparchs - arch, 0)); arch_code = num2str(supparchs(archi)); assert(~isempty(arch_code)); cudaArch = ... sprintf('-gencode=arch=compute_%s,code=\\\"sm_%s,compute_%s\\\" ', ... arch_code, arch_code, arch_code) ; catch opts.verbose && fprintf(['%s:\tCUDA: cannot determine the capabilities of the installed GPU and/or CUDA; ' ... 'falling back to default\n'], mfilename); cudaArch = opts.defCudaArch; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function archs = get_nvcc_supported_archs(nvccPath) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- switch computer('arch') case {'win64'} [status, hstring] = system(sprintf('"%s" --help',nvccPath)); otherwise % fix possible output corruption (see manual) [status, hstring] = system(sprintf('"%s" --help < /dev/null',nvccPath)) ; end archs = regexp(hstring, '''sm_(\d{2})''', 'tokens'); archs = cellfun(@(a) str2double(a{1}), archs); if status, error('NVCC command failed: %s', hstring); end;
Used your code but then got the reversed problem: compiled with R2017a but linked to R2018a.
I'm using CUDA_10.0, cudnn_7.3.0, Matlab R2019a, matconvnet-1.0-beta25
I used matconvnet-1.0-beta25, visual studio community 2017, MATLAB 2019a, CUDA 10.0, and cudnn64_7.dll
After fixing the following issues, it worked fine.
Followed ngcthuong's solution.
In nvcc_compile, changed nvcc_cmd to sprintf('"%s" -c "%s" %s -o "%s" ', nvcc_path, src, strjoin(horzcat(flags.base,flags.nvcc)),tgt);
Make sure cl.exe can be correctly found.
I changed to this to fix this error in vl_comilenn file. Force the code to compile with R2018a, and also remove largeArrayDims command
I tried to compile with that points in matlab 2019b but I got this error:
Unknown MEX argument '-R2019b'.
Do not use your matlab version. You must use '-R2018a' because it is the mex api version. See the mex docs.
I changed to this to fix this error in vl_comilenn file. Force the code to compile with R2018a, and also remove largeArrayDims command
I changed to this to fix this error in vl_comilenn file. Force the code to compile with R2018a, and also remove largeArrayDims command
I get the following error. Could you please help with this. It is getting frustrating.
I fixed this issue a long time ago to support older and newer version of Matlab. Rather than show the individual lines of code that I modified, I'm going to just paste the whole code below. Basically, Matlab 2018a are using different libraries and the compiler needs to know that. I work with computers that have various versions of Matlab on them, so I had to have a solution that would allow people to compile MatConvNet on old and new versions. You should completely replace all of the code in vl_compilenn.m with what I have here, then it will compile regardless of what version of Matlab you are running.
function vl_compilenn(varargin) %VL_COMPILENN Compile the MatConvNet toolbox. % The `vl_compilenn()` function compiles the MEX files in the % MatConvNet toolbox. See below for the requirements for compiling % CPU and GPU code, respectively. % % `vl_compilenn('OPTION', ARG, ...)` accepts the following options: % % `EnableGpu`:: `false` % Set to true in order to enable GPU support. % % `Verbose`:: 0 % Set the verbosity level (0, 1 or 2). % % `Continue`:: false % Avoid recreating a file if it was already compiled. This uses % a crude form of dependency checking, so it may occasionally be % necessary to rebuild MatConvNet without this option. % % `Debug`:: `false` % Set to true to compile the binaries with debugging % information. % % `CudaMethod`:: Linux & Mac OS X: `mex`; Windows: `nvcc` % Choose the method used to compile the CUDA code. There are two % methods: % % * The **`mex`** method uses the MATLAB MEXCUDA command. This % is, in principle, the preferred method as it uses the % MATLAB-sanctioned compiler options. % % * The **`nvcc`** method calls the NVIDIA CUDA compiler `nvcc` % directly to compile CUDA source code into object files. % % This method allows to use a CUDA toolkit version that is not % the one that officially supported by a particular MATALB % version (see below). It is also the default method for % compilation under Windows and with CuDNN. % % `CudaRoot`:: guessed automatically % This option specifies the path to the CUDA toolkit to use for % compilation. % % `EnableImreadJpeg`:: `true` % Set this option to `true` to compile `vl_imreadjpeg`. % % `EnableDouble`:: `true` % Set this option to `true` to compile the support for DOUBLE % data types. % % `ImageLibrary`:: `libjpeg` (Linux), `gdiplus` (Windows), `quartz` (Mac) % The image library to use for `vl_impreadjpeg`. % % `ImageLibraryCompileFlags`:: platform dependent % A cell-array of additional flags to use when compiling % `vl_imreadjpeg`. % % `ImageLibraryLinkFlags`:: platform dependent % A cell-array of additional flags to use when linking % `vl_imreadjpeg`. % % `EnableCudnn`:: `false` % Set to `true` to compile CuDNN support. See CuDNN % documentation for the Hardware/CUDA version requirements. % % `CudnnRoot`:: `'local/'` % Directory containing the unpacked binaries and header files of % the CuDNN library. % % `MexConfig`:: none % Use this option to specify a custom `.xml` configuration file % fot the `mex` compiler. % % `MexCudaConfig`:: none % Use this option to specify a custom `.xml` configuration file % fot the `mexcuda` compiler. % % `preCompileFn`:: none % Applies a custom modifier function just before compilation % to modify various compilation options. The % function's signature is: % [opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags] = f(opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags) ; % where the arguments are a struct with the present options, a list of % MEX files, a list of LIB files, and compilation flags, respectively. % % ## Compiling the CPU code % % By default, the `EnableGpu` option is switched to off, such that % the GPU code support is not compiled in. % % Generally, you only need a 64bit C/C++ compiler (usually Xcode, GCC or % Visual Studio for Mac, Linux, and Windows respectively). The % compiler can be setup in MATLAB using the % % mex -setup % % command. % % ## Compiling the GPU code % % In order to compile the GPU code, set the `EnableGpu` option to % `true`. For this to work you will need: % % * To satisfy all the requirements to compile the CPU code (see % above). % % * A NVIDIA GPU with at least *compute capability 2.0*. % % * The *MATALB Parallel Computing Toolbox*. This can be purchased % from Mathworks (type `ver` in MATLAB to see if this toolbox is % already comprised in your MATLAB installation; it often is). % % * A copy of the *CUDA Devkit*, which can be downloaded for free % from NVIDIA. Note that each MATLAB version requires a % particular CUDA Devkit version: % % | MATLAB version | Release | CUDA Devkit | % |----------------|---------|--------------| % | 9.2 | 2017a | 8.0 | % | 9.1 | 2016b | 7.5 | % | 9.0 | 2016a | 7.5 | % | 8.6 | 2015b | 7.0 | % % Different versions of CUDA may work using the hack described % above (i.e. setting the `CudaMethod` to `nvcc`). % % The following configurations or anything more recent (subject to % versionconstraints between MATLAB, CUDA, and the compiler) should % work: % % * Windows 10 x64, MATLAB R2015b, Visual C++ 2015, CUDA % Toolkit 8.0. Visual C++ 2013 and lower is not supported due to lack % C++11 support. % * macOS X 10.12, MATLAB R2016a, Xcode 7.3.1, CUDA % Toolkit 7.5-8.0. % * GNU/Linux, MATALB R2015b, gcc/g++ 4.8.5+, CUDA Toolkit 7.5-8.0. % % Many older versions of these components are also likely to % work. % % Compilation on Windows with MinGW compiler (the default mex compiler in % Matlab) is not supported. For Windows, please reconfigure mex to use % Visual Studio C/C++ compiler. % Furthermore your GPU card must have ComputeCapability >= 2.0 (see % output of `gpuDevice()`) in order to be able to run the GPU code. % To change the compute capabilities, for `mex` `CudaMethod` edit % the particular config file. For the 'nvcc' method, compute % capability is guessed based on the GPUDEVICE output. You can % override it by setting the 'CudaArch' parameter (e.g. in case of % multiple GPUs with various architectures). % % See also: [Compliling MatConvNet](../, % [Compiling MEX files containing CUDA % code](, % `vl_setup()`, `vl_imreadjpeg()`. % Copyright (C) 2014-17 Karel Lenc and Andrea Vedaldi. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). % Get MatConvNet root directory root = fileparts(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'))) ; addpath(fullfile(root, 'matlab')) ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Parse options % -------------------------------------------------------------------- opts.continue = false; opts.enableGpu = false; opts.enableImreadJpeg = true; opts.enableCudnn = false; opts.enableDouble = true; opts.imageLibrary = [] ; opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags = {} ; opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = [] ; opts.verbose = 0; opts.debug = false; opts.cudaMethod = [] ; opts.cudaRoot = [] ; opts.cudaArch = [] ; opts.defCudaArch = [... '-gencode=arch=compute_20,code=\"sm_20,compute_20\" '... '-gencode=arch=compute_30,code=\"sm_30,compute_30\"']; opts.mexConfig = '' ; opts.mexCudaConfig = '' ; opts.cudnnRoot = 'local/cudnn' ; opts.preCompileFn = [] ; opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin); % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Files to compile % -------------------------------------------------------------------- arch = computer('arch') ; check_compability(arch); if isempty(opts.imageLibrary) switch arch case 'glnxa64', opts.imageLibrary = 'libjpeg' ; case 'maci64', opts.imageLibrary = 'quartz' ; case 'win64', opts.imageLibrary = 'gdiplus' ; end end if isempty(opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags) switch opts.imageLibrary case 'libjpeg', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'-ljpeg'} ; case 'quartz', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'-framework Cocoa -framework ImageIO'} ; case 'gdiplus', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'gdiplus.lib'} ; end end lib_src = {} ; mex_src = {} ; % Files that are compiled as CPP or CU depending on whether GPU support % is enabled. if opts.enableGpu, ext = 'cu' ; else ext='cpp' ; end lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['data.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['datamex.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnconv.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnfullyconnected.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnsubsample.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnpooling.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnnormalize.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnnormalizelp.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbnorm.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbias.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbilinearsampler.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnroipooling.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnconv.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnconvt.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnpool.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnnormalize.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnnormalizelp.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnbnorm.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnbilinearsampler.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnroipool.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_taccummex.' ext]) ; switch arch case {'glnxa64','maci64'} % not yet supported in windows mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_tmove.' ext]) ; end % CPU-specific files lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','im2row_cpu.cpp') ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','copy_cpu.cpp') ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','tinythread.cpp') ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','imread.cpp') ; % GPU-specific files if opts.enableGpu lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','') ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','') ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','') ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','') ; end % cuDNN-specific files if opts.enableCudnn end % Other files if opts.enableImreadJpeg mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', ['vl_imreadjpeg.' ext]) ; mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', ['vl_imreadjpeg_old.' ext]) ; lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', 'bits', 'impl', ['imread_' opts.imageLibrary '.cpp']) ; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Setup CUDA toolkit % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if opts.enableGpu opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: * CUDA configuration *\n', mfilename) ; % Find the CUDA Devkit if isempty(opts.cudaRoot), opts.cudaRoot = search_cuda_devkit(opts) ; end opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: using CUDA Devkit ''%s''.\n', ... mfilename, opts.cudaRoot) ; opts.nvccPath = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'bin', 'nvcc') ; switch arch case 'win64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib', 'x64') ; case 'maci64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib') ; case 'glnxa64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib64') ; end % Set the nvcc method as default for Win platforms if strcmp(arch, 'win64') && isempty(opts.cudaMethod) opts.cudaMethod = 'nvcc'; end % Activate the CUDA Devkit cuver = activate_nvcc(opts.nvccPath) ; opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: using NVCC ''%s'' (%d).\n', ... mfilename, opts.nvccPath, cuver) ; % Set the CUDA arch string (select GPU architecture) if isempty(opts.cudaArch), opts.cudaArch = get_cuda_arch(opts) ; end opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: NVCC architecture string: ''%s''.\n', ... mfilename, opts.cudaArch) ; end if opts.enableCudnn opts.cudnnIncludeDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'include') ; switch arch case 'win64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib', 'x64') ; case 'maci64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib') ; case 'glnxa64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib64') ; end end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Compiler options % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Build directories flags.src_dir = fullfile(root, 'matlab', 'src') ; flags.mex_dir = fullfile(root, 'matlab', 'mex') ; flags.bld_dir = fullfile(flags.mex_dir, '.build'); if ~exist(fullfile(flags.bld_dir,'bits','impl'), 'dir') mkdir(fullfile(flags.bld_dir,'bits','impl')) ; end % BASE: Base flags passed to `mex` and `nvcc` always. flags.base = {} ; if opts.enableGpu, flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_GPU' ; end if opts.enableDouble, flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_DOUBLE' ; end if opts.enableCudnn flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_CUDNN' ; flags.base{end+1} = ['-I"' opts.cudnnIncludeDir '"'] ; end if opts.verbose > 1, flags.base{end+1} = '-v' ; end if opts.debug flags.base{end+1} = '-g' ; flags.base{end+1} = '-DDEBUG' ; else flags.base{end+1} = '-O' ; flags.base{end+1} = '-DNDEBUG' ; end % MEX: Additional flags passed to `mex` for compiling C++ % code. CXX and CXXOPTIOM are passed directly to the encapsualted compiler. if verLessThan('matlab','9,4') flags.mex = {'-largeArrayDims'} ; else flags.mex = {''}; end flags.cxx = {} ; flags.cxxoptim = {} ; if ~isempty(opts.mexConfig), flags.mex = horzcat(flags.mex, {'-f', opts.mexConfig}) ; end % MEX: Additional flags passed to `mex` for compiling CUDA % code. CXX and CXXOPTIOM are passed directly to the encapsualted compiler. if verLessThan('matlab','9,4') flags.mexcuda = {'-largeArrayDims'} ; else flags.mexcuda = {''}; end flags.mexcuda_cxx = {} ; flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim = {} ; if ~isempty(opts.mexCudaConfig), flags.mexcuda = horzcat(flags.mexcuda, {'-f', opts.mexCudaConfig}) ; end % MEX_LINK: Additional flags passed to `mex` for linking. if verLessThan('matlab','9,4') flags.mexlink = {'-largeArrayDims','-lmwblas'} ; else flags.mexlink = {'','-lmwblas'}; end flags.mexlink_ldflags = {} ; flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags = {} ; flags.mexlink_linklibs = {} ; % NVCC: Additional flags passed to `nvcc` for compiling CUDA code. flags.nvcc = {'-D_FORCE_INLINES', '--std=c++11', ... sprintf('-I"%s"',fullfile(matlabroot,'extern','include')), ... sprintf('-I"%s"',fullfile(toolboxdir('distcomp'),'gpu','extern','include')), ... opts.cudaArch} ; switch arch case {'maci64','glnxa64'} flags.cxx{end+1} = '--std=c++11' ; flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-fPIC' ; if ~opts.debug flags.cxxoptim = horzcat(flags.cxxoptim,'-mssse3','-ffast-math') ; flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mssse3,-ffast-math' ; flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mssse3,-ffast-math' ; end case 'win64' % Visual Studio 2015 does C++11 without futher switches end if opts.enableGpu flags.mexlink = horzcat(flags.mexlink, ... {['-L"' opts.cudaLibDir '"'], '-lcudart', '-lcublas'}) ; switch arch case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'} flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lmwgpu' ; case 'win64' flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lgpu' ; end if opts.enableCudnn flags.mexlink{end+1} = ['-L"' opts.cudnnLibDir '"'] ; flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lcudnn' ; end end switch arch case {'maci64'} flags.mex{end+1} = '-cxx' ; flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10' ; [s,r] = system('xcrun -f clang++') ; if s == 0 flags.nvcc{end+1} = sprintf('--compiler-bindir="%s"',strtrim(r)) ; end if opts.enableGpu flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudaLibDir) ; end if opts.enableGpu && opts.enableCudnn flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudnnLibDir) ; end case {'glnxa64'} flags.mex{end+1} = '-cxx' ; flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lrt' ; if opts.enableGpu flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudaLibDir) ; end if opts.enableGpu && opts.enableCudnn flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudnnLibDir) ; end case {'win64'} % VisualC does not pass this even if available in the CPU architecture flags.mex{end+1} = '-D__SSSE3__' ; cl_path = fileparts(check_clpath()); % check whether cl.exe in path flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=/MD' ; flags.nvcc{end+1} = sprintf('--compiler-bindir="%s"', cl_path) ; end if opts.enableImreadJpeg flags.mex = horzcat(flags.mex, opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags) ; flags.mexlink_linklibs = horzcat(flags.mexlink_linklibs, opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags) ; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Command flags % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if opts.verbose fprintf('%s: * Compiler and linker configurations *\n', mfilename) ; fprintf('%s: \tintermediate build products directory: %s\n', mfilename, flags.bld_dir) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX files: %s/\n', mfilename, flags.mex_dir) ; fprintf('%s: \tBase options: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.base)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXX: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mex)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXXFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.cxx)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXXOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.cxxoptim)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LDFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldflags)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LDOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LINKLIBS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_linklibs)) ; end if opts.verbose && opts.enableGpu fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA CXXFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxx)) ; fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA CXXOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim)) ; end if opts.verbose && opts.enableGpu && strcmp(opts.cudaMethod,'nvcc') fprintf('%s: \tNVCC: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.nvcc)) ; end if opts.verbose && opts.enableImreadJpeg fprintf('%s: * Reading images *\n', mfilename) ; fprintf('%s: \tvl_imreadjpeg enabled\n', mfilename) ; fprintf('%s: \timage library: %s\n', mfilename, opts.imageLibrary) ; fprintf('%s: \timage library compile flags: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags)) ; fprintf('%s: \timage library link flags: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags)) ; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Compile % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Apply pre-compilation modifier function to adjust the flags and % parameters. This can be used to add additional files to compile on the % fly. if ~isempty(opts.preCompileFn) [opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags] = opts.preCompileFn(opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags) ; end % Compile intermediate object files srcs = horzcat(lib_src,mex_src) ; for i = 1:numel(horzcat(lib_src, mex_src)) [~,~,ext] = fileparts(srcs{i}) ; ext(1) = [] ; objfile = toobj(flags.bld_dir,srcs{i}); if strcmp(ext,'cu') if strcmp(opts.cudaMethod,'nvcc') nvcc_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ; else mexcuda_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ; end else mex_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ; end assert(exist(objfile, 'file') ~= 0, 'Compilation of %s failed.', objfile); end % Link MEX files for i = 1:numel(mex_src) objs = toobj(flags.bld_dir, [mex_src(i), lib_src]) ; mex_link(opts, objs, flags.mex_dir, flags) ; end % Reset path adding the mex subdirectory just created vl_setupnn() ; if strcmp(arch, 'win64') && opts.enableCudnn if opts.verbose(), fprintf('Copying CuDNN dll to mex folder.\n'); end copyfile(fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'bin', '*.dll'), flags.mex_dir); end % Save the last compile flags to the build dir if isempty(opts.preCompileFn) save(fullfile(flags.bld_dir, 'last_compile_opts.mat'), '-struct', 'opts'); end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Utility functions % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function check_compability(arch) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- cc = mex.getCompilerConfigurations('C++'); if isempty(cc) error(['Mex is not configured.'... 'Run "mex -setup" to configure your compiler. See ',... ' ', ... 'for supported compilers for your platform.']); end switch arch case 'win64' clversion = str2double(cc.Version); if clversion < 14 error('Unsupported VS C++ compiler, ver >=14.0 required (VS 2015).'); end case 'maci64' case 'glnxa64' otherwise, error('Unsupported architecture ''%s''.', arch) ; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function done = check_deps(opts, tgt, src) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- done = false ; if ~iscell(src), src = {src} ; end if ~opts.continue, return ; end if ~exist(tgt,'file'), return ; end ttime = dir(tgt) ; ttime = ttime.datenum ; for i=1:numel(src) stime = dir(src{i}) ; stime = stime.datenum ; if stime > ttime, return ; end end fprintf('%s: ''%s'' already there, skipping.\n', mfilename, tgt) ; done = true ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function objs = toobj(bld_dir, srcs) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- str = [filesep, 'src', filesep]; % NASTY. Do with regexp? multiple = iscell(srcs) ; if ~multiple, srcs = {srcs} ; end objs = cell(1, numel(srcs)); for t = 1:numel(srcs) i = strfind(srcs{t},str); i = i(end); % last occurence of '/src/' objs{t} = fullfile(bld_dir, srcs{t}(i+numel(str):end)) ; end if ~multiple, objs = objs{1} ; end objs = regexprep(objs,'.cpp$',['.' objext]) ; objs = regexprep(objs,'.cu$',['.' objext]) ; objs = regexprep(objs,'.c$',['.' objext]) ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function mex_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end args = horzcat({'-c', '-outdir', fileparts(tgt), src}, ... flags.base, flags.mex, ... {['CXXFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.cxx)]}, ... {['CXXOPTIMFLAGS=$CXXOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.cxxoptim)]}) ; opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX CC: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ; mex(args{:}) ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function mexcuda_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end % Hacky fix: In glnxa64 MATLAB includes the -ansi option by default, which % prevents -std=c++11 to work (an error?). This could be solved by editing the % mex configuration file; for convenience, we take it out here by % avoiding to append to the default flags. glue = '$CXXFLAGS' ; switch computer('arch') case {'glnxa64'} glue = '--compiler-options=-fexceptions,-fPIC,-fno-omit-frame-pointer,-pthread' ; end args = horzcat({'-c', '-outdir', fileparts(tgt), src}, ... flags.base, flags.mexcuda, ... {['CXXFLAGS=' glue ' ' strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxx)]}, ... {['CXXOPTIMFLAGS=$CXXOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim)]}) ; opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX CUDA: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ; mexcuda(args{:}) ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function nvcc_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end nvcc_path = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'bin', 'nvcc'); nvcc_cmd = sprintf('"%s" -c -o "%s" "%s" %s ', ... nvcc_path, tgt, src, ... strjoin(horzcat(flags.base,flags.nvcc))); opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: NVCC CC: %s\n', mfilename, nvcc_cmd) ; status = system(nvcc_cmd); if status, error('Command %s failed.', nvcc_cmd); end; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function mex_link(opts, objs, mex_dir, flags) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- args = horzcat({'-outdir', mex_dir}, ... flags.base, flags.mexlink, ... {['LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldflags)]}, ... {['LDOPTIMFLAGS=$LDOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags)]}, ... {['LINKLIBS=' strjoin(flags.mexlink_linklibs) ' $LINKLIBS']}, ... objs) ; if ~verLessThan('matlab','9.4') args{end+1} = '-R2018a'; end opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX LINK: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ; mex(args{:}) ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function ext = objext() % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Get the extension for an 'object' file for the current computer % architecture switch computer('arch') case 'win64', ext = 'obj'; case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'}, ext = 'o' ; otherwise, error('Unsupported architecture %s.', computer) ; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function cl_path = check_clpath() % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Checks whether the cl.exe is in the path (needed for the nvcc). If % not, tries to guess the location out of mex configuration. cc = mex.getCompilerConfigurations('c++'); cl_path = fullfile(cc.Location, 'VC', 'bin', 'amd64'); [status, ~] = system('cl.exe -help'); if status == 1 % Add cl.exe to system path so that nvcc can find it. warning('CL.EXE not found in PATH. Trying to guess out of mex setup.'); prev_path = getenv('PATH'); setenv('PATH', [prev_path ';' cl_path]); status = system('cl.exe'); if status == 1 setenv('PATH', prev_path); error('Unable to find cl.exe'); else fprintf('Location of cl.exe (%s) successfully added to your PATH.\n', ... cl_path); end end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function paths = which_nvcc() % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- switch computer('arch') case 'win64' [~, paths] = system('where nvcc.exe'); paths = strtrim(paths); paths = paths(strfind(paths, '.exe')); case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'} [~, paths] = system('which nvcc'); paths = strtrim(paths) ; end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function cuda_root = search_cuda_devkit(opts) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function tries to to locate a working copy of the CUDA Devkit. opts.verbose && fprintf(['%s:\tCUDA: searching for the CUDA Devkit' ... ' (use the option ''CudaRoot'' to override):\n'], mfilename); % Propose a number of candidate paths for NVCC paths = {getenv('MW_NVCC_PATH')} ; paths = [paths, which_nvcc()] ; for v = {'5.5', '6.0', '6.5', '7.0', '7.5', '8.0', '8.5', '9.0', '9.5', '10.0'} switch computer('arch') case 'glnxa64' paths{end+1} = sprintf('/usr/local/cuda-%s/bin/nvcc', char(v)) ; case 'maci64' paths{end+1} = sprintf('/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-%s/bin/nvcc', char(v)) ; case 'win64' paths{end+1} = sprintf('C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v%s\\bin\\nvcc.exe', char(v)) ; end end paths{end+1} = sprintf('/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc') ; % Validate each candidate NVCC path for i=1:numel(paths) nvcc(i).path = paths{i} ; [nvcc(i).isvalid, nvcc(i).version] = validate_nvcc(paths{i}) ; end if opts.verbose fprintf('\t| %5s | %5s | %-70s |\n', 'valid', 'ver', 'NVCC path') ; for i=1:numel(paths) fprintf('\t| %5d | %5d | %-70s |\n', ... nvcc(i).isvalid, nvcc(i).version, nvcc(i).path) ; end end % Pick an entry index = find([nvcc.isvalid]) ; if isempty(index) error('Could not find a valid NVCC executable\n') ; end [~, newest] = max([nvcc(index).version]); nvcc = nvcc(index(newest)) ; cuda_root = fileparts(fileparts(nvcc.path)) ; if opts.verbose fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: choosing NVCC compiler ''%s'' (version %d)\n', ... mfilename, nvcc.path, nvcc.version) ; end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [valid, cuver] = validate_nvcc(nvccPath) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [status, output] = system(sprintf('"%s" --version', nvccPath)) ; valid = (status == 0) ; if ~valid cuver = 0 ; return ; end match = regexp(output, 'V(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', 'match') ; if isempty(match), valid = false ; return ; end cuver = [1e4 1e2 1] * sscanf(match{1}, 'V%d.%d.%d') ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function cuver = activate_nvcc(nvccPath) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Validate the NVCC compiler installation [valid, cuver] = validate_nvcc(nvccPath) ; if ~valid error('The NVCC compiler ''%s'' does not appear to be valid.', nvccPath) ; end % Make sure that NVCC is visible by MEX by setting the MW_NVCC_PATH % environment variable to the NVCC compiler path if ~strcmp(getenv('MW_NVCC_PATH'), nvccPath) warning('Setting the ''MW_NVCC_PATH'' environment variable to ''%s''', nvccPath) ; setenv('MW_NVCC_PATH', nvccPath) ; end % In some operating systems and MATLAB versions, NVCC must also be % available in the command line search path. Make sure that this is% % the case. [valid_, cuver_] = validate_nvcc('nvcc') ; if ~valid_ || cuver_ ~= cuver warning('NVCC not found in the command line path or the one found does not matches ''%s''.', nvccPath); nvccDir = fileparts(nvccPath) ; prevPath = getenv('PATH') ; switch computer case 'PCWIN64', separator = ';' ; case {'GLNXA64', 'MACI64'}, separator = ':' ; end setenv('PATH', [nvccDir separator prevPath]) ; [valid_, cuver_] = validate_nvcc('nvcc') ; if ~valid_ || cuver_ ~= cuver setenv('PATH', prevPath) ; error('Unable to set the command line path to point to ''%s'' correctly.', nvccPath) ; else fprintf('Location of NVCC (%s) added to your command search PATH.\n', nvccDir) ; end end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function cudaArch = get_cuda_arch(opts) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: determining GPU compute capability (use the ''CudaArch'' option to override)\n', mfilename); try gpu_device = gpuDevice(); arch = str2double(strrep(gpu_device.ComputeCapability, '.', '')); supparchs = get_nvcc_supported_archs(opts.nvccPath); [~, archi] = max(min(supparchs - arch, 0)); arch_code = num2str(supparchs(archi)); assert(~isempty(arch_code)); cudaArch = ... sprintf('-gencode=arch=compute_%s,code=\\\"sm_%s,compute_%s\\\" ', ... arch_code, arch_code, arch_code) ; catch opts.verbose && fprintf(['%s:\tCUDA: cannot determine the capabilities of the installed GPU and/or CUDA; ' ... 'falling back to default\n'], mfilename); cudaArch = opts.defCudaArch; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function archs = get_nvcc_supported_archs(nvccPath) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- switch computer('arch') case {'win64'} [status, hstring] = system(sprintf('"%s" --help',nvccPath)); otherwise % fix possible output corruption (see manual) [status, hstring] = system(sprintf('"%s" --help < /dev/null',nvccPath)) ; end archs = regexp(hstring, '''sm_(\d{2})''', 'tokens'); archs = cellfun(@(a) str2double(a{1}), archs); if status, error('NVCC command failed: %s', hstring); end;
It's effective, and your code and links is helpful to me to configure MatConvNet.
hey vl_compilenn('enableGPU', true) Error using vl_compilenn>search_cuda_devkit (line 727) Could not find a valid NVCC executable\n
Error in vl_compilenn (line 279) if isempty(opts.cudaRoot), opts.cudaRoot = search_cuda_devkit(opts) ; end
how to solve this issue
please help me its an emergency....!!1
Hi everyone, When i run vl_compilenn('enableGpu', true) in matconvnet's matlab directory, i got the error below. i have been working on it for hours searching , i uninstall VisualStudio2017 community 15.0 version, and install Visual Studio 2015 community update 3 but nothing changed so far. I will be very grateful if you can help.
nvcc warning : The -std=c++11 flag is not supported with the configured host compiler. Flag will be ignored. nvcc warning : The -std=c++11 flag is not supported with the configured host compiler. Flag will be ignored. . . . .
Error using mex 'C:\matconvnet-1.0-beta25\matlab\mex\vl_nnconv.mexw64' compiled with '-R2018a' and linked with '-R2017b'. For more information, see MEX file compiled with one API and linked with another.
Error in vl_compilenn>mex_link (line 627) mex(args{:}) ;
Error in vl_compilenn (line 500) mex_link(opts, objs, flags.mex_dir, flags) ;