I have trouble compiling MatConvNet. My computer is a Macbook with Apple Silicon M2, so my Matlab's architecture 'maca64' is not supported by MatConvNet(version 1.0-beta25).
Here is what I have when I ran compilenn:
addpath matlab
Error using vl_compilenn>check_compability
Unsupported architecture 'maca64'.
Error in vl_compilenn (line 197)
What could I do to figure it out? (MatConvNet is required for my homework...Please)
Hi everyone,
I have trouble compiling MatConvNet. My computer is a Macbook with Apple Silicon M2, so my Matlab's architecture 'maca64' is not supported by MatConvNet(version 1.0-beta25).
Here is what I have when I ran compilenn:
Error in vl_compilenn (line 197) check_compability(arch);
What could I do to figure it out? (MatConvNet is required for my homework...Please)
Best, Libby