vlfeat / matconvnet

MatConvNet: CNNs for MATLAB
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Transfer caffemodel to .mat format #439

Open zwx8981 opened 8 years ago

zwx8981 commented 8 years ago

Hi, anybody know how to transfer a pre-trained caffe model to .mat format which can be used in Matconvnet? To be specific, I want to use places cnn model which was trained for scene classification task but has not been provided as .mat format in Matconvnet official website. Thank you!

zwx8981 commented 8 years ago

I know the import-caffe.py in utils can do this, but how can I use it? I mean, I don't know where should I edit the import-caffe.py to specify the path of the caffe model which I want to convert to .mat format and anything that should be correctly set for it.

alecwangcq commented 7 years ago

Hi is this solved?