vlfeat / matconvnet

MatConvNet: CNNs for MATLAB
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compile issue #477

Closed iammarvelous closed 8 years ago

iammarvelous commented 8 years ago


When I compiled the code on redhat, I came across this error:

cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-std=c++11"

Could you help with this?

Thanks, Marvin

albanie commented 8 years ago

This error suggests that your g++ might be out of date.

What output do you see if you run g++ --version? As pointed out in this SO answer, if your g++ is older than 4.7 then -std=c++0x needs to be supplied as an option instead.

rafarez commented 8 years ago

I'm running on the same error (using g++ 4.6.3), but I can't seem to find where to edit vl_compilenn.m to supply -std=c++0x. Could someone help?

iammarvelous commented 8 years ago

Thanks albanie! My output for g++ -- version is g++ (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-11). I did not find ways to supply -std=c++0x either. Any suggestions?

lenck commented 8 years ago

Hmm, I'm wondering where the c++11 does occur as we do not supply it in our compilation scripts :/ Can you maybe post somewhere the whole compilation log (compiling with vl_compilenn('verbose', 1, ...) and your Matlab version somewhere? e.g. a pastebin...).

lenck commented 8 years ago

Ok, I think I found solution to this: First run mex -setup c++. This would create a file mex_C++_glnxa64.xml in your prefdir (which you can get by calling prefdir in MATLAB). Then you can simply edit this file and replace the -std=c++11 with -std=c++0x and hope that nothing will break :P This is really something we cannot do anything with as it is default MATLAB mex configuration... :/

rafarez commented 8 years ago

In MATLAB R2015a, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS vl_compilenn('EnableGpu', false, 'Verbose', 1, 'ImageLibrary', 'libjpeg')

vl_compilenn: * Compiler and linker configurations *
vl_compilenn:   intermediate build products directory: /nfs/scratch/sampaiod/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build
vl_compilenn:   MEX files: /nfs/scratch/sampaiod/matconvnet/matlab/mex/
vl_compilenn:   MEX compiler options: -DNDEBUG -DENABLE_DOUBLE -largeArrayDims -cxx
vl_compilenn:   MEX linker options: -lmwblas -ljpeg -largeArrayDims
vl_compilenn: * Reading images *
vl_compilenn:   vl_imreadjpeg enabled
vl_compilenn:   image library: libjpeg
vl_compilenn:   image library compile flags: 
vl_compilenn:   image library link flags: -ljpeg
439     mex_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags.mexcc) ;
vl_compilenn: MEX CC: -outdir /nfs/scratch/sampaiod/matconvnet/matlab/mex/.build/bits /nfs/scratch/sampaiod/matconvnet/matlab/src/bits/data.cpp -c -DNDEBUG -DENABLE_DOUBLE -largeArrayDims -cxx
Building with 'g++'.
Error using mex
cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=c++11’

Error in vl_compilenn>mex_compile (line 478)
mex(mopts{:}) ;

Error in vl_compilenn (line 439)
    mex_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags.mexcc) ;
lenck commented 8 years ago

Have you tried my previous comment? That should help. It is caused by too old version of GCC and too new version of MATLAB, so you have to hack a bit the MATLAB's configuration...

rafarez commented 8 years ago

Sorry lenck, I haven't seen your previous comment. It worked after editing mex_C++_glnxa64.xml, thanks a lot! This is a indeed a problem of incompatibility of MATLAB and g++. I also tried compiling it with MATLAB R2012a and it worked just fine.

lenck commented 8 years ago

Ah, great to hear that! :)

iammarvelous commented 8 years ago

Yes, I have also fixed the problem by using new version of gcc.

smajee commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem. It works on my mac. But I get issues running on computational clusters. Editing mex_C++_glnxa64.xml or updating GCC to 4.7 didn't help. Which version did you update to?