vlfeat / matconvnet

MatConvNet: CNNs for MATLAB
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documentation from MatLab Terminal does not match documentation online #578

Open brando90 opened 8 years ago

brando90 commented 8 years ago

if you do help for some commands, the documentations do not match.

For example, vl_nnconv says:

[DZDX, DZDF, DZDB] = vl_nnconv(X, F, B, DZDY) computes the derivatives of the block projected onto DZDY.

while online (http://www.vlfeat.org/matconvnet/mfiles/vl_nnconv/) one says:

[DX, DF, DB] = VL_NNCONV(X, F, B, DY) computes the derivatives of the operator projected onto P.

while this one is trivial, it would be good to make sure the documentations match to avoid unnecessary mistakes on the users.

lenck commented 8 years ago

Hi, are you sure you have the latest version? The website is generated from the code and I've just checked it and it seems to be be the same with the current version in master...

brando90 commented 8 years ago

I am using the one that comes with the regression tutorial. Maybe that one is not in sync with the latest...let me check...

brando90 commented 8 years ago

Tutorial site


brando90 commented 8 years ago

Even if its the right version, should the documentation read (the one from the website):

[DX, DF, DB] = VL_NNCONV(X, F, B, DY) computes the derivatives of the operator projected onto DY.


[DX, DF, DB] = VL_NNCONV(X, F, B, P) computes the derivatives of the operator projected onto P.


brando90 commented 8 years ago

Isn't this a typo on the website?

[DX, DF, DB] = VL_NNCONV(X, F, B, DY) computes the derivatives of the operator projected onto P.