vloschiavo / powerwall2

Tesla Powerwall 2 - Local Gateway API documentation
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Reset via API #74

Closed cburne-oshyn closed 1 year ago

cburne-oshyn commented 2 years ago

I'm having an issue w/ my powerwall that it stops discharging during the evening. It goes from 100% to 70-80% and then goes into standby. The only way i've found to kick it into discharging again is to do a reset on the gateway.

I'm looking for a way to do that via the API and I am not finding one that works via the APIs that have been documented so far. The most promising one is /solar_powerwall/reset, but it requires a POST with a JSON payload and I'm not sure what it takes.

When sending no valid payload, i get: { "code": 400, "error": "unexpected end of JSON input", "message": "Unable to unmarshal body" }

I dont' want ot keep going out there every night and resetting manually so wondering if anyone has found a way to do the same type of "reset" that you do on the gateway via the api (or any other automated mechanism.


GBDownUnder commented 2 years ago

hmm, have you tried contacting Tesla support about the issue? powerwallsupportna@tesla.com