vluzko / manifoldpy

Python tools for working with Manifold Markets
MIT License
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FREE_RESPONSE is no longer a market type #161

Open jg-you opened 1 month ago

jg-you commented 1 month ago

Free responses were changed to multiple choice with "addAnswersMode"

This breaks several tests.

I am writing a PR, and I'm happy to contribute the code, though I'm curious about your attitude towards backward compatibility.

My proposal is not backward compatible, it

If that's all fine with you I'll put in the PR.

jg-you commented 1 month ago

(I noticed this while adding NUMBER markets. I will put in a PR for this, too.)

jg-you commented 1 month ago

The calculation of probabilities seems wrong for full_history.. from what I can gather from the manifold code, the mechanism now involves a parameter p which depends on initial antes.