vmarquet / baldr

Plagiarism prevention software
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Support for Java 1.8 #1

Open oussbenk opened 6 years ago

oussbenk commented 6 years ago

The current version (v0.2) seems to not be working with Java 1.8. When launching Baldr, a pop up window is shown including this message: "can not fin Java 1.5.0". How to support the newer Java version without installing the old Java version? Thanks.

vmarquet commented 6 years ago

Hi, I don't have time to fix this, but if you can, a pull request will be much appreciated!

I don't know exactly how the build system works, I'm not the one who created the project, but a quick search gave me some indication:

$ ack '1\.5'

So I guess just try modifying the version in project.properties to 1.8 and see if it works.

Good luck!