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opensource.com article #18

Open vmbrasseur opened 8 years ago

vmbrasseur commented 8 years ago

From Rikki:

We're running an article series to promote SCALE14x (we're media sponsors...plus we love SCALE). Would you and/or Vicky be interested in writing a brief article on "10 tips to improve your conference" to promote your talk? We know you both are busy, so we'll understand if you don't have the bandwidth or desire to add "write article" to your to-do list.

vmbrasseur commented 8 years ago

Initial brain dump on the 10 tips:


vmbrasseur commented 8 years ago

We've edited the initial list down into 10 points. These focus on making things better for attendees. We've contacted Rikki & offered to do additional articles about:

She was A-OK with this. It also allowed us to pull out a number of points into notes for other articles.

Next step: Josh is very busy with move stuff, so VMB is going to take the outline & prose-ify it for a draft.

vmbrasseur commented 8 years ago

The draft sent to opensource.com.

They're editing & will send me a link for approval before publishing. Then again, they said the same thing with the interview Alexis & I did for Linuxcon NA/All Things Open, then we never got to approve it before publishing, so we'll see how this goes this time.