vmeurisse / flipperzero-plugins

GNU General Public License v3.0
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None of the apps work on newest firmware #1

Closed Blobadoodle closed 2 years ago

Blobadoodle commented 2 years ago

I am using release firmware 0.69.1 (3ab17e59) and none of the apps launch anymore. They all simply show the message:

Preload failed
API version mismatch
Maffsie commented 2 years ago

Confirmed. Quite a few APIs appear to have changed since firmware 0.67.x, including an overhaul of how strings are done apparently.

I tried to build the apps myself but found that a few won't compile at all with the new firmware due to the change from struct string_t * to FuriString *. I've been working my way through some of the apps, hoping to contribute a PR, but at least the flipfrid app is full of strings and i'm getting tangled up.

A few notes:

I found the above through reading the diff from the PR that introduced the FuriString stuff: https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/pull/1795/files

Hope this helps? ^^;

Maffsie commented 2 years ago

I had some time today, so I picked this up again and finished patching using mostly regular expressions. There was a second breaking change between 0.67.x and 0.69.x: the with_view_model macro had changed to be more memory-efficient. The signature changed from with_view_model(MyView, (MyModel * model) {some_code; return true;}); to with_view_model(MyView, MyModel * model, {some_code}, true);

I've attached the compilation output (haven't tested yet if they actually work) and the patch that can be applied to this repo after recursively cloning it.



Hope this helped!

Blobadoodle commented 2 years ago

I've tried the faps you've attatched but for some reason they still don't work?, they all still show the same error.

I'm going to try compiling them myself but I'm not sure if that will make a difference.

Maffsie commented 2 years ago

@Blobadoodle I managed to get them loaded on my flipper zero and it turns out I'd been building against the dev branch the whole time (I forgot how to switch branches..)

Here's a built and tested set of apps for 0.69.1:

0.69.1 fap_dist.zip

The patch I provided in my last message works, I just built the apps against the wrong branch.

Blobadoodle commented 2 years ago

Just tested your build and all the apps work fine now.


Maffsie commented 2 years ago

@Blobadoodle No problem! :)

I've also attached an updated build of the flipfrid.fap (RFID Fuzzer) app, because I found it was crashing. Turns out there were some changes needed to be pulled in from the upstream for that app (https://github.com/DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware). I'm not sure how @vmeurisse is doing the upstreaming work so I'll leave that.


And the full bundle for completeness' sake. 0.69.1 Apps.zip

alairock commented 1 year ago

And the full bundle for completeness' sake. 0.69.1 Apps.zip

This problem is happening again with this build and the latest firmware.