vmg / sundown

Standards compliant, fast, secure markdown processing library in C
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Backslash escapes are ignored #136

Open jgm opened 11 years ago

jgm commented 11 years ago

Sundown does not seem to recognize backslash escapes. This is a bug according to the official markdown syntax description. It also makes it difficult for authors to insert literal symbols when they need to.





jgm commented 11 years ago

Also title attributes:


jgm commented 11 years ago

And atx headers:


mildsunrise commented 11 years ago


@vmg Please fix that! To not recognize backslash escapes is a very grave bug in a Markdown engine.

I can confirm that happens with the latest Sundown source.

PD: Also, look at the icon and your username. There's no space between them! This is a GitHub bug, though.

mildsunrise commented 11 years ago

@jgm About title attributes, I disagree about your example. You don't escape parentheses within an HTML attribute.

This renders correctly:

[Link](http://google.es "me (not you)")
=>  <a href="http://google.es" title="me (not you)">Link</a>

But this doesn't:

[Link](http://google.es "here \"we\" go")
=>  <a href="http://google.es" title="here \&quot;we\&quot; go">Link</a>

Neither does this:

[Link](http://google.es "here \\"we\\" go")
=>  <a href="http://google.es" title="here \\&quot;we\\&quot; go">Link</a>
mildsunrise commented 9 years ago

This should now be fully fixed in Hoedown's master.