vmg / sundown

Standards compliant, fast, secure markdown processing library in C
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Staying Tuned? #155

Open FeepingCreature opened 9 years ago

FeepingCreature commented 9 years ago

So what's going on? Github seems to still be using this library, and a replacement doesn't appear to have materialized. The last commit saying "Stay tuned" is from 2012. What's up in Markdown land?

Has there simply been no need to make any changes for the last three years?

[edit] Just found HoeDown. Maybe the README.md should be changed to direct users to that?

mildsunrise commented 9 years ago

Quick recap:

  1. Sundown was frozen and @vmg started to work on "a formal Markdown standard and parser that will supersede Sundown".
  2. A year passed without signs of a new parser, so we decided to fork Sundown into Hoedown and continue development there, add requested extensions and so on.
  3. Meanwhile, Github has been pushing fixes and features to the copy of Sundown they use in Redcarpet, so the code in this repo is not used at all. Some of the fixes applied in Redcarpet were merged into Hoedown.
  4. Standard Markdown (now named CommonMark) is published, together with reference parsers that @vmg had been working on.
  5. Hoedown is currently at the process of being rewritten to support CommonMark.

Note that I've not been actively following Redcarpet, so the info may be incomplete --or wrong.

vmg commented 9 years ago

@jmendeth's summary is pretty accurate. We shipped a replacement parser as part of CommonMark, which should hopefully fit your needs if you're looking for a C library to parse Markdown.

mildsunrise commented 9 years ago

We should add that summary to README and finally close Github Issues for this repo.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Thank you for this. Even one year after the message, that is how I got to know where to find reference markdown implementation I was looking for.

breezewish commented 8 years ago

+1 for add CommonMark to README

tordans commented 7 years ago

This is Github's blogpost about the change: https://githubengineering.com/a-formal-spec-for-github-markdown/

markand commented 5 years ago

And now, it's hoedown which is abandoned.