vmg / sundown

Standards compliant, fast, secure markdown processing library in C
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Footnote Extension #35

Open xoebus opened 13 years ago

xoebus commented 13 years ago

Would it be possible to add the footnotes extension from PHP-Markdown to Sundown? The details of the syntax and usage are defined here. I'm happy to add this to the redcarpet Ruby library and submit a pull request there but I have little to no C knowledge or experience to add it here myself.


brief commented 12 years ago

+1. This would be nice to have.

ghost commented 12 years ago


x3ro commented 12 years ago


etc commented 12 years ago


pepijndevos commented 12 years ago

A showstopper for switching to this great engine.

thash commented 12 years ago


FSX commented 12 years ago


CatcherITGF commented 12 years ago


xoebus commented 12 years ago

I guess it's time I learnt C properly. I'll give this a go over the next few weeks.

vmg commented 12 years ago

Wow, I totally overlooked all the +1s.

Fine, footnotes seem by far the least intrusive of the PHP Markdown extensions. Let me look into them.

ainm commented 12 years ago


ikwattro commented 12 years ago


brief commented 12 years ago

Nice, thanks for looking into this @tanoku!

bootstraponline commented 12 years ago


c4milo commented 12 years ago


thomasalbright commented 12 years ago


andersmoldin commented 11 years ago


fred6 commented 11 years ago

+1. I'm hacking in footnote functionality with raw HTML anchors right now :'(

brief commented 11 years ago

Any progress on this @vmg? Realize you've been working on some other cool projects for GitHub.

vmg commented 11 years ago

I'm hoarded atm. I'd really really appreciate if somebody stoop up and opened a PR for this. I'll gladly give implementation advice.

mxcl commented 11 years ago

I’ve cloned the source, would enjoy a pointer.

bloom commented 11 years ago


lavr commented 11 years ago


mxcl commented 11 years ago

Long since lost the enthusiasm I had when I asked for a pointer.

josegonzalez commented 11 years ago


aalexandrov commented 11 years ago


bdolman commented 11 years ago

I just submitted a pull request with a footnotes extension. Would love people to test it out and see if there are any bugs:


JuanitoFatas commented 11 years ago


0xjac commented 11 years ago


mildsunrise commented 11 years ago

:+1: and also for #141

vmg commented 11 years ago

Sundown is in feature freeze. See: https://github.com/vmg/sundown/pull/141#issuecomment-10846092

huitseeker commented 11 years ago


djui commented 11 years ago

+1 Any progress on this?

bdolman commented 11 years ago

@djui Sundown is in feature freeze so they're not taking any pull requests. But if you want footnotes, you can use my repository:


We've been using this for more than 6 months in Day One without problems. It's also being used in Drafts.

djui commented 11 years ago

@bdolman Thanks! I updated my redcarpet fork to use your footnote patches.