vmiklos / plees-tracker

Plees Tracker is a simple sleep tracker for your Android phone.
MIT License
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Adds export to calendar functionality #46

Closed ed-george closed 3 years ago

ed-george commented 3 years ago
vmiklos commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Could you please rebase this branch against latest master?

vmiklos commented 3 years ago

Do you need help with the rebasing? Something like this should work:

git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master
# resolve conflicts
git push -f github HEAD:feature/calendar-export

Assuming that this repo is origin and your fork is github.

ed-george commented 3 years ago

Thanks - I was actually trying to do it through the new GH CLI, no idea what it's done.

Haven't had a chance to fix it up, but will look to do so this week

ed-george commented 3 years ago

@vmiklos - any issues let me know, apologies in the delay in getting this sorted :)

vmiklos commented 3 years ago

https://travis-ci.com/github/vmiklos/plees-tracker/builds/191208730#L1542 fails with:

e: /home/travis/build/vmiklos/plees-tracker/app/src/main/java/hu/vmiklos/plees_tracker/MainActivity.kt: (338, 25): Type mismatch: inferred type is Array<String> but String! was expected

Reading your commit, looks like you lost the real meat during conflict resolution: the permission and string part is there, but none of the actual code to do exporting. Could you please fix that?

ed-george commented 3 years ago

Oh man, I've force-pushed over the work. Closing this, as I will need to look at it again once the shame has passed. I think I might go for a drink...

vmiklos commented 3 years ago

Just to state the obvious, all your initial work before the rebase is still here:


Does that help? Although a drink is never a bad idea! :-)

vmiklos commented 3 years ago

Do you plan to open a PR for this or should I take this over? I would like to integrate this before it starts to bitrot. ;-)

vmiklos commented 3 years ago

I've opened #49 with a single commit that contains this work, but it's on top of latest master.

ed-george commented 3 years ago

Hi @vmiklos - apologies for the delay in getting back to you. If you have opened another issue with the code in, that's no problem :)

vmiklos commented 3 years ago

Yes, it's now merged. I hope to cut a new fdroid release over the weekend.

ed-george commented 3 years ago

Amazing - thanks for fixing my mess 👍