vmous / jToolbox

Utilities and best practices library for Java.
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Missing packages #1

Closed silviubqualitance closed 11 years ago

silviubqualitance commented 11 years ago

In the SheetMusic.java there is an import: import toolbox.design.patterns.creational.prototype.Note.Accidental;

There is no folder Note in the prototype folder.

I haven't checked all the code, there may be some other missing packages/files.

vmous commented 11 years ago

Hi Silviu,

thanks for your observation! Note is not a folder, is a class you can find lying in the same prototype folder of SheetMusic. Note.Helmhotz for example is an enumeration declared inside the Note class; that is why I have to deference it through its enclosing class. Do not think the dotted format of imports as a directory hierarchy, it is a namespace. Of course it happens also that the package part also maps to folders in the filesystem but do not generalize more than that :)

According to this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1677037/how-can-i-reference-my-java-enum-without-specifying-its-type it looked that maybe the imports have to be static so I changed this and pushed.

If you also agree that this ticket can be considered closed please do so. β

silviubqualitance commented 11 years ago

Hi Vassilis,

Thank you for the fast feedback. You are right, I haven't really paid attention to Note class. I will close it.

Good job, you have a very nice and helpful repository. I really enjoyed it last night.

One suggestion(I don't want another ticket for it): Can you simulate the Beans Factory from the Spring factory? I want to see how it works behind the doors.


vmous commented 11 years ago

Hi Silviu,

glad that you found my repo useful!

I suggest for what you asked about the Bean Factory you open an "enhancement" ticket where you provide

The above will help me have a concrete starting point. The only thing I cannot guarantee, though, is my response because this period I'm really lacking of time...

Thanks and all the best, β