vmware-archive / buildkit-cli-for-kubectl

BuildKit CLI for kubectl is a tool for building container images with your Kubernetes cluster
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k3s support #107

Open smerschjohann opened 2 years ago

smerschjohann commented 2 years ago

Describe the problem/challenge you have Currently k3s as kubernetes cluster is not supported as it deploys containerd at a different location and not all settings are exposed to override it at creation time.

Description of the solution you'd like Either detect a k3s instance and deploy the buildkit pod/deployment with the correct settings or allow the customization in such a way that it will work on k3s.

A working deployment looks like this:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: buildkit
        - mountPath: /etc/buildkit/
          name: buildkitd-config
        - mountPath: /run/containerd/containerd.sock
          name: containerd-sock
        - mountPath: /var/lib/buildkit/buildkit
          mountPropagation: Bidirectional
          name: var-lib-buildkit
        - mountPath: /var/lib/containerd
          mountPropagation: Bidirectional
          name: var-lib-containerd
        - mountPath: /run/containerd
          mountPropagation: Bidirectional
          name: run-containerd
        - mountPath: /var/log
          mountPropagation: Bidirectional
          name: var-log
        - mountPath: /tmp
          mountPropagation: Bidirectional
          name: tmp
        - mountPath: /var/lib/rancher
          mountPropagation: Bidirectional
          name: rancher
      - configMap:
          defaultMode: 420
          name: buildkit
        name: buildkitd-config
      - hostPath:
          path: /run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock
          type: Socket
        name: containerd-sock
      - hostPath:
          path: /var/lib/buildkit/buildkit
          type: DirectoryOrCreate
        name: var-lib-buildkit
      - hostPath:
          path: /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/containerd
          type: Directory
        name: var-lib-containerd
      - hostPath:
          path: /run/containerd
          type: Directory
        name: run-containerd
      - hostPath:
          path: /var/log
          type: Directory
        name: var-log
      - hostPath:
          path: /tmp
          type: Directory
        name: tmp
      - hostPath:
          path: /var/lib/rancher
          type: Directory
        name: rancher

This means:

Design/Architecture Details It would be enough to change the following:

Environment Details:

k3s v1.21.5+k3s2

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sacesare commented 2 years ago

k0s too)

spkane commented 2 years ago

k3s does not appear to be the core problem here.

colima uses k3s and this can be made to work there without adjusting code. (see: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/buildkit-cli-for-kubectl/issues/133)

So, I think the issue may be more specific to the specific implementation that is being used.

That being said, making this tool configurable would be a big win and something that will make it much more useable in general.

Blackmamba23 commented 1 year ago

Would be nice if k3s is supported, getting the following error for k3s cluster

FailedMount MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "containerd-sock" : hostPath type check failed: /run/containerd/containerd.sock is not a socket file

sdemura commented 1 year ago

./buildkitd --containerd-worker-addr /run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock

zcrisler commented 1 year ago

Just encountered this issue on an RKE2 v1.24.9+rke2r2 cluster. The suggested changes to the buildkit Deployment worked.

Perhaps it would be simpler to work around these types of issues if kubectl buildkit create had a --dry-run option that output the Deployment and ConfigMap resources instead of creating them?