vmware-archive / buildkit-cli-for-kubectl

BuildKit CLI for kubectl is a tool for building container images with your Kubernetes cluster
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kubectl buildkit create --replicas N -> no ClusterIP service? #96

Closed mmisztal1980 closed 2 years ago

mmisztal1980 commented 3 years ago

What steps did you take and what happened I'm setting up a multi-node build-farm within my k8s cluster using the following kubectl commands:

kubectl \
            --kubeconfig ./kubeconfig \
            --namespace build \
            create secret docker-registry buildkit \
            --docker-server=<REGISTRY_ADDRESS> \
            --docker-username=<USERNAME> \
            --docker-password=<PASSWORD> \
            --dry-run=client \
            -o yaml | kubectl apply --kubeconfig ./kubeconfig -f -

kubectl \
            buildkit create \
            --replicas <REPLICAS> \
            --namespace build \
            --kubeconfig ./kubeconfig

A desired amount of buildkit pods has been provisioned as expected.

What did you expect to happen I'd like to ensure that my set of pods is loadbalanced. Typically in k8s, one needs to create a ClusterIP service that will route all requests to the buildkit deployment. The buildkit k8s examples also mention this: https://github.com/moby/buildkit/tree/master/examples/kubernetes

Can anyone share their insights?

dhiltgen commented 2 years ago

We do not expose buildkitd as a network accessible API in this tool, and instead rely on exec to access the builder running within the pod. You can find a more detailed description on how the communication works at https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/buildkit-cli-for-kubectl/blob/main/docs/architecture.md

When you run a build command with the CLI, it will select which builder to use in a multi-node cluster based on the pod chooser that was configured. The build will be performed on a single node (pod) and the image will then be replicated across to the other nodes after the build completes.