The image has a default gateway entry in the routing table for This should be deleted. If you feel ambitious with the build script, you could have it automatically populate the contents of /etc/network/interfaces as well. Right now I'm assigning static ips to de10s in the 192.168.8.x range beginning from (I'm reserving for their gateway). Here's an example:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
The default settings.yml file that appears when you create a conan installation doesn't have gcc 7.4 whitelisted. The build will fail if this isn't fixed. We've removed the dependency on conan.
Something happened with the conan recipe that we use for google-benchmark. You can get around this by removing the pointer from the top-level conan file and then removing the recursive pointer to the test directory in the top-level CMakeLists.txt file. Ditto.
The default bitstream which is loaded on the fpga should be whatever is currently in the master branch of the repository. None of led[7:0] should be used for heartbeat.
The default settings.yml file that appears when you create a conan installation doesn't have gcc 7.4 whitelisted. The build will fail if this isn't fixed.We've removed the dependency on conan.Something happened with the conan recipe that we use for google-benchmark. You can get around this by removing the pointer from the top-level conan file and then removing the recursive pointer to the test directory in the top-level CMakeLists.txt file.Ditto.The default bitstream which is loaded on the fpga should be whatever is currently in the master branch of the repository. None of led[7:0] should be used for heartbeat.