vmware-archive / cfops

This is simply an automation that is based on the supported way to back up Pivotal Cloud Foundry
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Unable to backup ops-manager with cfops 3.0.8 on Azure #110

Closed ntdt closed 7 years ago

ntdt commented 7 years ago

I've tried to backup ops-manager with cfops version 3.0.8 and I have this error below. I've also tried to backup elastic-runtime with the same command and it works correctly. There are no ssh connection issue with user ubuntu@opsman.mydomain.com with password.

$ LOG_LEVEL=debug cfops backup --opsmanagerhost opsman.mydomain.com -d backup  --adminuser admin --adminpass  'adminpass' --opsmanageruser ubuntu --opsmanagerpass 'pass'  --tile ops-manager
2017/04/03 18:16:37 D0403 18:16:37.459835 58705 init.go:38] not loading plugins:  open ./plugins: no such file or directory []
2017/04/03 18:16:37 D0403 18:16:37.46009 58705 createCliCommand.go:85] checking registry for 'ops-manager' tile
2017/04/03 18:16:37 D0403 18:16:37.460113 58705 createCliCommand.go:88] found tile in registry
2017/04/03 18:16:37 D0403 18:16:37.460126 58705 createCliCommand.go:91] we have all required flags and a proper builder
2017/04/03 18:16:37 D0403 18:16:37.460187 58705 remote_execute.go:26] using password for authn
2017/04/03 18:16:37 D0403 18:16:37.460206 58705 opsmanager.go:90] Exporting url 'https://opsman.mydomain.com/api/installation_settings'
2017/04/03 18:16:37 D0403 18:16:37.460238 58705 opsmanager.go:144] attempting to auth against https://opsman.mydomain.com/api/installation_settings
2017/04/03 18:16:37 D0403 18:16:37.46029 58705 opsmanager.go:196] aquiring your token from:  https://opsman.mydomain.com/api/installation_settings https://opsman.mydomain.com/api/installation_settings
2017/04/03 18:16:37 D0403 18:16:37.7485 58705 opsmanager.go:202] token acquired
2017/04/03 18:16:38 D0403 18:16:38.839144 58705 opsmanager_builder.go:30] we found a iaas info block
2017/04/03 18:16:38 D0403 18:16:38.839197 58705 opsmanager.go:69] Setting SSHKey
2017/04/03 18:16:38 D0403 18:16:38.839207 58705 remote_execute.go:32] using sslkey for authn
2017/04/03 18:16:38 D0403 18:16:38.839572 58705 createCliCommand.go:74] Running backup for tile: struct { tileregistry.Tile; tileregistry.Closer }{Tile:(*opsmanager.OpsManager)(0xc42014a180), Closer:(*tileregistry.DoNothingCloser)(0xb3df10)}
2017/04/03 18:16:38 E0403 18:16:38.859087 58705 remote_execute.go:81] ssh connection issue: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain
2017/04/03 18:16:38 E0403 18:16:38.859121 58705 remote_execute.go:124] un-initialized client executor
2017/04/03 18:16:38 E0403 18:16:38.859144 58705 createCliCommand.go:52] there was an error: un-initialized client executor running backup on ops-manager tile:tile
   cfops backup - creates a backup archive of the target tile

   cfops backup [command options] [arguments...]

   backup --opsmanagerhost <host> --adminuser <usr> --adminpass <pass> --opsmanageruser <opsuser> --opsmanagerpass <opspass> --omr <opsmanager-encryption-password> -d <dir> --tile elastic-runtime

   --admintoken value, --dt value             Ops Mgr OAuth admin token (not required if adminuser and adminpass are provided) [$CFOPS_ADMIN_TOKEN]
   --clientsecret value, --cis value          client secret if using a UAA client instead of a UAA user [$CFOPS_CLIENT_SECRET]
   --clientid value, --cid value              client ID if using a UAA client instead of a UAA user [$CFOPS_CLIENT_ID]
   --destination value, -d value              path of the Cloud Foundry archive [$CFOPS_DEST_PATH]
   --encryptionkey value, -k value            encryption key to encrypt/decrypt your archive (key lengths supported are 16, 24, 32 for AES-128, AES-192, or AES-256) [$CFOPS_ENCRYPTION_KEY]
   --pluginargs value, -p value               Arguments for plugin to execute [$CFOPS_PLUGIN_ARGS]
   --nfs value                                options are 'lite' (skips optional parts of blobstore), 'full' (backs up whole blobstore) or 'bp' (only backs up buildpacks). This will only apply to elastic-runtime. Defaults to 'full' (default: "full") [$NFS_BACKUP]
   --opsmanagerhost value, --omh value        hostname for Ops Manager [$CFOPS_HOST]
   --adminpass value, --dp value              password for Ops Mgr admin (Ops Manager WebConsole Credentials) [$CFOPS_ADMIN_PASS]
   --opsmanageruser value, --omu value        username for Ops Manager VM Access (used for ssh connections) [$CFOPS_OM_USER]
   --tile value, -t value                     a tile you would like to run the operation on [$CFOPS_TILE]
   --clear-bosh-manifest value                set this flag if you would like to clear the bosh-deployments.yml (this should only affect a restore of Ops-Manager) [$CFOPS_CLEAR_BOSH_MANIFEST]
   --adminuser value, --du value              username for Ops Mgr admin (Ops Manager WebConsole Credentials) [$CFOPS_ADMIN_USER]
   --opsmanagerpass value, --omp value        password for Ops Manager VM Access (used for ssh connections) [$CFOPS_OM_PASS]
   --opsmanagerpassphrase value, --omr value  passphrase is used by Ops Manager 1.7 and above to decrypt the installation files during restore [$CFOPS_OM_PASSPHRASE]
henryaj commented 7 years ago

Hi @ntdt,

Unfortunately cfops doesn't support Azure deployments at this time.

Henry Pivotal Backup & Restore team