vmware-archive / cfops

This is simply an automation that is based on the supported way to back up Pivotal Cloud Foundry
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ERT using cfops version v3.1.2 fails; OpsMgr passes #114

Closed findneville closed 6 years ago

findneville commented 7 years ago

While performing CF Backups, the ERT backup fails. Backing up OpsMgr passes without any issues. I tried checking the validity of the uaac client and it is working fine. If it wasnt working, OpsMgr backups would fail too.


CFOPS Version ]# /usr/local/bin/cfops3.1.12 version cfops version v3.1.2

UAAC Client

]# /opt/comcast/ruby/2.1.2/bin/uaac context
[0]*[https://myOMFQDN/uaa] skip_ssl_validation: true

[0]*[backupuser] client_id: backupuser access_token: backupusertoken token_type: bearer expires_in: 43199 scope: opsman.admin jti: backupuserjti


LOG_LEVEL=debug /usr/local/bin/cfops3.1.12 backup --opsmanagerhost myOMFQDN --clientid backupuser --clientsecret backuppwd --opsmanageruser omuser -d /file/path --tile elastic-runtime -nfs bp

2017/07/17 10:58:24 D0717 10:58:24.8856 16863 init.go:38] not loading plugins: %!(EXTRA os.PathError=open ./plugins: no such file or directory, []os.FileInfo=[]) 2017/07/17 10:58:24 D0717 10:58:24.885991 16863 createCliCommand.go:85] checking registry for 'elastic-runtime' tile 2017/07/17 10:58:24 D0717 10:58:24.886025 16863 createCliCommand.go:88] found tile in registry 2017/07/17 10:58:24 D0717 10:58:24.886065 16863 createCliCommand.go:91] we have all required flags and a proper builder 2017/07/17 10:58:24 D0717 10:58:24.886521 16863 remote_execute.go:26] using password for authn 2017/07/17 10:58:24 D0717 10:58:24.886599 16863 opsmanager.go:90] Exporting url 'https://myOMFQDN/api/installation_settings' 2017/07/17 10:58:24 D0717 10:58:24.886631 16863 opsmanager.go:144] attempting to auth against%!(EXTRA string=https://myOMFQDN/api/installation_settings) 2017/07/17 10:58:24 D0717 10:58:24.88667 16863 opsmanager.go:196] aquiring your token from: %!(EXTRA url.URL=https://myOMFQDN/api/installation_settings, string=https://myOMFQDN/api/installation_settings) 2017/07/17 10:58:25 D0717 10:58:25.191005 16863 opsmanager.go:202] token acquired 2017/07/17 10:58:26 D0717 10:58:26.74029 16863 createCliCommand.go:74] Running backup for tile: struct { tileregistry.Tile; tileregistry.Closer }{Tile:(elasticruntime.ElasticRuntime)(0xc4200aa000), Closer:(elasticruntime.TempFile)(0xc42000e060)} 2017/07/17 10:58:26 E0717 10:58:26.987062 16863 createCliCommand.go:52] there was an error: failed on check for valid director credentials: failed creating new director: failed creating bosh client: oauth2: cannot fetch token: 401 Unauthorized Response: {"error":"unauthorized","error_description":"No available authentication providers."} running backup on elastic-runtime tile:tile

Murryy79 commented 6 years ago

@findneville did you resolve this issue? thanks

henryaj commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm closing this out in favour of resolving on Pivotal Support. Thanks.