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Configuration table is hard to read #55

Open lentzi90 opened 6 years ago

lentzi90 commented 6 years ago

Several charts use a table with parameter, description and default value columns. Unfortunately, it is very hard to read the tables because of the narrow column used for the content. See Prometheus for an example.

I'm not suggesting that we just change the max-width. This would make the rest of the text hard to read with too long lines. Maybe there could be a separate section just for the table, with full width?

What do you think?

prydonius commented 6 years ago

Agreed @lentzi90, it does look pretty difficult to read. I'm not sure how much control we have over the table rendering since we're just using https://github.com/markedjs/marked. @Angelmmiguel any ideas?

Angelmmiguel commented 6 years ago

You're right @prydonius. Since we're rendering the markdown file it's quite complicated to customize the table. The same issue happens on Github: https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/prometheus#configuration.

We can make more obvious you need to scroll the table using an inner shadow. However, that's not gonna solve the readability issue.

Another option could be to include an "expand table" button that removes the overflow: auto; property:

Table without overflow: auto

We can modify how marked renders the table using the renderer helpers: https://marked.js.org/#/USING_PRO.md.

What do you think @prydonius @lentzi90 ?

prydonius commented 6 years ago

@Angelmmiguel to clarify, are you suggesting having the table always be expanded, or to have a button next to it to expand it? I think the latter could be very useful, the former might end up hiding other elements.

Angelmmiguel commented 6 years ago

@prydonius yea, I'm talking about adding a button to expand the table (toggle). The button will be showed when users' mouse is hover the table. This button will toggle the overflow property for the table.

To highlight the table is expanded and avoid issues with the right sidebar, I'd add a high z-index and a box-shadow to the table when it's expanded.

prydonius commented 6 years ago

@Angelmmiguel that sounds good to me!

lentzi90 commented 6 years ago

This sounds good to me as well! :+1: