vmware-archive / kafka-trigger

Kubernetes CRD controller for Kafka topic as event source for Kubeless functions
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Default k8s services domains are hardcoded in trigger, can`t specify it in config #22

Open mgolovatiy-atconsulting-ru opened 4 years ago

mgolovatiy-atconsulting-ru commented 4 years ago


What happened: After kafka message put into queue, kafka-trigger-controller pod shows error in logs

time="2020-02-20T16:23:07Z" level=error msg="Failed to send message to function: Post http://nodejs-kafka-consumer-sample.<test_namespace_here>.svc.cluster.local:8080: dial tcp: lookup nodejs-kafka-consumer-sample.<test_namespace_here>.svc.cluster.local on no such host"

What you expected to happen: Trigger send message to function pod nodejs-kafka-consumer-sample, can see logged event in its logs.

May be this domain should be got from configMap (kubeless-config?).

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):

Anything else we need to know?: kubelet run with --cluster-domain=k8s.test option Sources have hardcoded literal with domain: event_sender.go: 57

 fmt.Sprintf("http://%s.%s.svc.cluster.local:%s", funcName, namespace, funcPort)

Seems to be bug.


andresmgot commented 4 years ago

Hi @mgolovatiy-atconsulting-ru,

Thanks for reporting the issue. You mention that the cluster domain has been changed in your case. What would be the correct URL for your function? (Rather than http://%s.%s.svc.cluster.local:%s)

mgolovatiy-atconsulting-ru commented 4 years ago

svc.cluster.local -> k8s.test that specified as cluster-domain param in kube. So correct solution should be fmt.Sprintf("http://%s.%s.%s:%s", funcName, namespace, kubeDomain, funcPort) where kubeDomain should be configured in configMap or another place.

Or, may be, should query domain via k8s api, don`t know if it is possible. If i know go, i could make PR as soon as noticed this.

andresmgot commented 4 years ago

In theory the .svc is not part of the domain so http://%s.%s.svc.%s:%s", funcName, namespace, kubeDomain, funcPort) should work for you as well.

I see that parameter available in the kubelet configmap present in the kube-system namespace but it seems a bit difficult to retrieve. Probably it's better to configure it just as a flag for the kafka-trigger-controller deployment.

Marking this up for grabs since I don't have the bandwidth to work on this right now. Happy to help to anyone to want to give this a try.

mgolovatiy-atconsulting-ru commented 4 years ago

@andresmgot I suggest a solution without introducing an enviroment variable:

  1. kubeless-> add getClusterDomain function (in utils.k8sutil) - shall it be usefull?

  2. kafka-trigger -> add the same function in utils.k8sutil (is it another package?)

    func getClusterDomain() string {
    apiSvc := "kubernetes.default.svc"
    clusterDomain := "cluster.local"
    cname, err := net.LookupCNAME(apiSvc)
    if err != nil {
        return clusterDomain
    clusterDomain = strings.TrimPrefix(cname, apiSvc)
    clusterDomain = strings.TrimSuffix(clusterDomain, ".")
    return clusterDomain

    Seems to be pretty simple.

  3. kafka-trigger -> fix event_sender.GetHTTPReq :

    req, err := http.NewRequest(method, fmt.Sprintf("http://%s.%s.svc.%s:%s", funcName, namespace, getClusterDomain(), funcPort), strings.NewReader(body))

Don't have unix, so cant test well, even can't run makefile.

Need CR due to my zero go-expirence

andresmgot commented 4 years ago

Comments in the PR. I think it's easier to leave this code in kafka trigger for the moment (no need to move it kubeless core).

mgolovatiy-atconsulting-ru commented 4 years ago

Couldn`t find in which repo new image was put, wish to use it with my test enviroment. Can i use some snapshot or only must wait for stable version?

andresmgot commented 4 years ago

I have a working environment so I have built the image for you, you can use it as andresmgot/kafka-trigger-controller:mgolovatiy-atconsulting-ru and test it

mgolovatiy-atconsulting-ru commented 4 years ago

Thank u

mgolovatiy-atconsulting-ru commented 4 years ago

My solution doesn't work, have the same error. Don't understand why net.LookupCNAME("kubernetes.default.svc") returns wrong domain.

This question seems to be raised long before: https://github.com/kubeless/kubeless/issues/832 I think it is a good idea to specify domain on creating function or trigger. May be it should be reopened?

andresmgot commented 4 years ago

Sorry to hear that.

I think it is a good idea to specify domain on creating function or trigger. May be it should be reopened?

Well, it's not related to a specific function or trigger but to a cluster. I think this should be a flag for the trigger controller just as it was started in https://github.com/kubeless/kubeless/pull/857.

I think you are close with your implementation, you just need to use a command flag instead of trying to auto-resolve the domain.

andresmgot commented 4 years ago

closed by mistake

mgolovatiy-atconsulting-ru commented 4 years ago

May be PR https://github.com/kubeless/kubeless/pull/857 is good enough? I only don't like empty param check (if clusterDomain == ""), should not it be checked to null too?

mgolovatiy-atconsulting-ru commented 4 years ago

I wish to test kubeless image with PR #857 changes in my enviroment

andresmgot commented 4 years ago

857 is not syntactically correct (it doesn't compile) so it's not usable as it is