vmware-archive / o11n-plugin-crypto

vRealize Orchestrator Encryption Plugin
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Add support to sign and verify all JSON web Tokens #6

Open dlinsley opened 5 years ago

dlinsley commented 5 years ago

Add necessary functionality to sign and verify all algorithm types for JSON Web Tokens as documented at https://jwt.io/

Current plugin (1.0.0-30) functionality only supports algorithms: HS256, HS384, HS512.

Need to add methods to support RS & ES algorithms

Sample actions to sign/verify each token type should be added as well.

herkalurk commented 1 year ago

Has there been any movement on this issue?

I am looking to do JWT in a vro action and something with HMACSHA256 isn't working as expected. If you have any examples using the current version of the plugin that would be helpful.