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Terminal tab giving error: create terminal viewer: the server could not find the requested resource #2518

Open MarkANeves opened 3 years ago

MarkANeves commented 3 years ago

What steps did you take and what happened: Go to any pod and click on the Terminal tab

The page displays error "create terminal viewer: the server could not find the requested resource"

This has been working until recently. Probably something that's changed on our kubernetes cluster, but our kubernetes platform engineer is lost to why this would start to happen. BTW I can start a terminal session using kubectl from the command line.

Any advise on what could be causing this error, or what Octant needs to be enabled in kubernetes would be most appreciated.

What did you expect to happen: A terminal session to start


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MarkANeves commented 3 years ago

Hi, here's a screen grab of the error if it helps at all:


wwitzel3 commented 3 years ago

There is a known issue with Terminals and AKS virtual nodes. Just want to double check what vendor/flavor of Kubernetes you're running?

MarkANeves commented 3 years ago

I don't currently have access to the exact information, but I do know that Kubernetes was hosted on a recent version of Ubuntu on the company's own IT infrastructure by an member of staff.

MarkANeves commented 3 years ago

Is there a specific set of perms you need in Kubernetes to allow Octant to start a terminal session? As I say I can start a terminal session via kubectl. Perhaps there's a set of additional options Octant specifies when starting a session that I don't set from the command line that are having a negative effect?