vmware-archive / operator-builder

A Kubebuilder plugin to accelerate the development of Kubernetes operators
MIT License
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test: intermittent e2e failures #273

Open scottd018 opened 2 years ago

scottd018 commented 2 years ago

Intermittent Error 1:

The edge standalone test intermittently fails E2E testing with messages similar to:

"unable to complete Check-Ready phase for WebStore, unable to determine if resources are ready, unable to determine ready status for resource, no object was found"

Intermittent Error 2:

Collection tests intermittently fail E2E testing with messages similar to:

found errors in controller: +[2022-02-12T17:07:41.374Z  ERROR   controller.contour  Reconciler error    {"reconciler group": "ingress.acme.com", "reconciler kind": "Contour", "name": "contour-sample", "namespace": "", "error": "unable to complete DeletionComplete phase for Contour, unable to update Phase Condition for Contour, Operation cannot be fulfilled on contours.ingress.acme.com \"contour-sample\": StorageError: invalid object, Code: 4, Key: /registry/ingress.acme.com/contours/contour-sample, ResourceVersion: 0, AdditionalErrorMsg: Precondition failed: UID in precondition: 3a9b2520-609d-43de-93a2-2b4ec49eb522, UID in object meta: "} 2022-02-12T17:07:53.179Z ERROR

Re-running will allow the e2e test to pass. Believe this has to do with the external operator-builder-tools repo, but haven't looked deeply into it yet. These are found when checking the logs for errors. They are known and can be ignored until we can fix the underlying cause of the error. Functionally, the operator is doing it's job.