Open liyingbo opened 9 years ago
It looks like thw software defs arent there. In 2015.8 have you pulled down software defs? Have you run pkg.refresh_db?
I am currently working with V2015.5.4. I switched from to V2015.5.5, then to V2015.5.4. After I downloaded and installed a pygit2, it became this. But "salt-call --local state.highstate -l debug" always has problem.
C:\salt>salt-call pkg.refresh_db (this cmd works before) [ERROR ] No suitable version of pygit2/libgit2, GitPython, or Dulwich is installed. local: True
salt-call: error: no such option: --version-report
C:\salt>salt-call --versions-report Salt: 2015.5.4 Python: 2.7.8 (default, Jun 30 2014, 16:08:48) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] Jinja2: 2.7.3 M2Crypto: 0.21.1 msgpack-python: 0.4.5 msgpack-pure: Not Installed pycrypto: 2.6.1 libnacl: Not Installed PyYAML: 3.10 ioflo: Not Installed PyZMQ: 2.1.10 RAET: Not Installed ZMQ: 2.1.10 Mako: Not Installed Tornado: 4.2.1 timelib: Not Installed
Here is my minion file:
ipc_mode: tcp
root_dir: c:\salt
pki_dir: /conf/pki/minion
id: myteamcity
# #
file_roots: base:
multiprocessing: True
# #
file_client: local win_repo_cachefile: 'c:\salt\srv\win\repo\winrepo.p' win_repo: 'c:\salt\srv\win\repo\' win_gitrepos:
comment out a few lines in minion:
then, it works better: C:\salt>salt-call pkg.refresh_db local: True
C:\salt>salt-call --local state.highstate -l debug [DEBUG ] Reading configuration from c:\salt\conf\minion [DEBUG ] Configuration file path: c:\salt\conf\minion [DEBUG ] Reading configuration from c:\salt\conf\minion [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded jinja.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded yaml.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded jinja.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded yaml.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded state.highstate [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded grains.get [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded saltutil.isrunning [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded roots.envs [DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad roots.init [DEBUG ] Updating roots fileserver cache [DEBUG ] Reading configuration from c:\salt\conf\minion [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded jinja.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded yaml.render [INFO ] Loading fresh modules for state activity [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded jinja.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded yaml.render [INFO ] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', * skipped * latest already in cache 'salt://top.sls' [DEBUG ] Jinja search path: ['c:\salt\var\cache\salt\minion\files\base'] [DEBUG ] Rendered data from file: c:\salt\var\cache\salt\minion\files\base\top.sls: base: '':
ID: nginx
Function: pkg.installed
Result: False
Comment: Package nginx not found in the repository.
Started: 16:26:11.237000
Duration: 12.0 ms
ID: winscp
Function: pkg.installed
Result: False
Comment: Package winscp not found in the repository.
Started: 16:26:11.250000
Duration: 10.0 ms
Succeeded: 0
Total states run: 2
C:\salt>salt-call --versions-report Salt: 2015.5.4 Python: 2.7.8 (default, Jun 30 2014, 16:08:48) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] Jinja2: 2.7.3 M2Crypto: 0.21.1 msgpack-python: 0.4.5 msgpack-pure: Not Installed pycrypto: 2.6.1 libnacl: Not Installed PyYAML: 3.10 ioflo: Not Installed PyZMQ: 2.1.10 RAET: Not Installed ZMQ: 2.1.10 Mako: Not Installed Tornado: 4.2.1 timelib: Not Installed
What is the problem of my current configuration?
Please help! Thanks!
I am new to salt. I have spent more than a week to fight with SaltStack for all kinds of software dependencies. It looks like SaltStack have not completed the development to Windows solution, especially for masterless mode. Almost all the versions (v2015.5.4, v2.15.5.5, v2015.8.0) have problem with windows standalone minion. I followed the instructions on link
For example,
C:\salt>salt-call --local state.highstate -l debug [DEBUG ] Reading configuration from c:\salt\conf\minion [DEBUG ] Configuration file path: c:\salt\conf\minion [DEBUG ] Reading configuration from c:\salt\conf\minion [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded jinja.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded yaml.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded jinja.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded yaml.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded state.highstate [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded grains.get [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded saltutil.isrunning [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded roots.envs [ERROR ] No suitable version of pygit2/libgit2, GitPython, or Dulwich is installed. [DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad git.envs [DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad roots.init [DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad git.envs [DEBUG ] Updating roots fileserver cache [DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad git.envs [DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad git.envs [DEBUG ] Reading configuration from c:\salt\conf\minion [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded jinja.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded yaml.render [INFO ] Loading fresh modules for state activity [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded jinja.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded yaml.render [DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad git.envs [DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad git.envs [INFO ] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', * skipped * latest already in cache 'salt://top.sls' [DEBUG ] Jinja search path: ['c:\salt\var\cache\salt\minion\files\base'] [DEBUG ] Rendered data from file: c:\salt\var\cache\salt\minion\files\base\top.sls: base: '':
Succeeded: 0
Failed: 2
Total states run: 2
I have already install pyOpenssl with “pip install pyOpenssl” but still has problem. I used google search online, find this is an open issue, has not been fixed yet.
C:\salt>salt-call -l debug --local pkg.refresh_db [DEBUG ] Reading configuration from c:\salt\conf\minion [DEBUG ] Configuration file path: c:\salt\conf\minion [DEBUG ] Reading configuration from c:\salt\conf\minion [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded jinja.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded yaml.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded jinja.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded yaml.render [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded pkg.refresh_db [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded cp.is_cached [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded roots.envs [ERROR ] No suitable version of pygit2/libgit2, GitPython, or Dulwich is installed. [DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad git.envs [DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad roots.init [DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad git.envs [DEBUG ] Updating roots fileserver cache [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded nested.output local: True
Here are the dependent software have been installed on Vagrant guest VM. A lot of other software not shown here. I have switched from V2015.8.0 to V2015.5.5 to V2015.5.4. All have similar problems.
I currently have Linux host and Windows 7 host. Try to deploy on Windows 7 guest. Someone told me to start from a masterless minion.
Shall I start from a windows mater or Linux master? Salt windows standalone mode seems is not well supported yet. Or have to wait for a few months till Salt has stable version for windows masterless mode? Please suggest.