vmware-archive / vsphere-storage-for-docker

vSphere Storage for Docker
Apache License 2.0
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Error looking up volume plugin vfile: plugin "vfile" not found #2087

Open Murf opened 6 years ago

Murf commented 6 years ago

After I restart docker the plugin is no longer found. 'docker plugin ls' shows the plugin as installed though.

govint commented 6 years ago

@Murf thanks for contacting, can you also upload the logs of the plugin in the guest OS.

Murf commented 6 years ago

I have no idea how to do that sorry OS is Photon 2

Murf commented 6 years ago

Hi, I found it in /var/log./vfile.log and it appears I may have a firewall issue, I will take a look

2018-06-01 07:14:30.632235402 +0000 UTC [ERROR] Failed to join ETCD ClusternodeID=na2f9s97qzdzhd0i0h38z2x2s error="grpc: timed out when dialing" 2018-06-01 07:14:30.632257233 +0000 UTC [WARNING] Failed to create new KV store. Retry 2018-06-01 07:14:30.656586179 +0000 UTC [INFO] getEtcdPorts: clientPort=:4001 peerPort=:4002 2018-06-01 07:14:30.656634841 +0000 UTC [INFO] ETCD data-dir does not exist, continue to create/join a new ETCD cluster 2018-06-01 07:14:30.658904443 +0000 UTC [INFO] joinEtcdCluster on node with nodeID na2f9s97qzdzhd0i0h38z2x2s and nodeAddr

Murf commented 6 years ago

No luck, I added tcp/4001 and tcp/4002 to iptables INPUT chain and still get above error in vfile.log

Murf commented 6 years ago

I realised what I did wrong, I used the wrong installation line from the readme, I now have the right one for correct etcd ports but still no luck, it is as if my docker swarm does not have etcd

2018-06-01 07:53:44.976072805 +0000 UTC [ERROR] Failed to join ETCD cluster on manager leaderAddr="" nodeID=na2f9s97qzdzhd0i0h38z2x2s nodeAddr= 2018-06-01 07:53:44.976162576 +0000 UTC [ERROR] Failed to join ETCD ClusternodeID=na2f9s97qzdzhd0i0h38z2x2s error="grpc: timed out when dialing" 2018-06-01 07:53:44.97620337 +0000 UTC [WARNING] Failed to create new KV store. Retry 2018-06-01 07:53:44.997275929 +0000 UTC [INFO] getEtcdPorts: clientPort=:2379 peerPort=:2380 2018-06-01 07:53:44.997326676 +0000 UTC [INFO] ETCD data-dir does not exist, continue to create/join a new ETCD cluster 2018-06-01 07:53:44.999216807 +0000 UTC [INFO] joinEtcdCluster on node with nodeID na2f9s97qzdzhd0i0h38z2x2s and nodeAddr

Murf commented 6 years ago

OK more to this, the vfile plugin ONLY works on the leader node of the swarm, it expects to find etcd service there (which it does) and then I have to install/start the plugin on all the other nodes afterwards.

Murf commented 6 years ago

vfile=unstable/not usable.