vmware-tanzu-labs / educates-training-platform

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Update to Fedora version in v2.7.0 changed nc version installed #352

Closed ndwinton closed 2 months ago

ndwinton commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

The bosh ssh command relies on nc to perform port forwarding.

A yum install nc on Fedora 39 installs ncat and symlinks nc that (via /etc/alternatives). Earlier versions of the base image use netcat as the underlying nc version. BOSH relies on the options of the earlier version (and does not honour the user's path when trying to find it).

Additional information

Possible solution is to install both ncat and netcat and use the alternatives mechanism to set netcat as the default for nc.

GrahamDumpleton commented 2 months ago

Rather than install nc as always have (which changed what it referred to), can install ncat and netcat.

In that case the /usr/bin/nc command will use old netcat version and no need to even set which alternative is used as defaults to old one.

$ alternatives --config nc

There are 2 programs which provide 'nc'.

  Selection    Command
*+ 1           /usr/bin/netcat
   2           /usr/bin/ncat
$ nc -h
usage: nc [-46cDdFhklNnrStUuvz] [-C certfile] [-e name] [-H hash] [-I length]
          [-i interval] [-K keyfile] [-M ttl] [-m minttl] [-O length]
          [-o staplefile] [-P proxy_username] [-p source_port] [-R CAfile]
          [-s sourceaddr] [-T keyword] [-V rtable] [-W recvlimit] [-w timeout]
          [-X proxy_protocol] [-x proxy_address[:port]] [-Z peercertfile]
          [destination] [port]
        Command Summary:
                -4              Use IPv4
                -6              Use IPv6
                -C certfile     Public key file
                -c              Use TLS
                -D              Enable the debug socket option
                -d              Detach from stdin
                -e name         Required name in peer certificate
                -F              Pass socket fd
                -H hash         Hash string of peer certificate
                -h              This help text
                -I length       TCP receive buffer length
                -i interval     Delay interval for lines sent, ports scanned
                -K keyfile      Private key file
                -k              Keep inbound sockets open for multiple connects
                -l              Listen mode, for inbound connects
                -M ttl          Outgoing TTL / Hop Limit
                -m minttl       Minimum incoming TTL / Hop Limit
                -N              Shutdown the network socket after EOF on stdin
                -n              Suppress name/port resolutions
                -O length       TCP send buffer length
                -o staplefile   Staple file
                -P proxyuser    Username for proxy authentication
                -p port         Specify local port for remote connects
                -R CAfile       CA bundle
                -r              Randomize remote ports
                -S              Enable the TCP MD5 signature option
                -s sourceaddr   Local source address
                -T keyword      TOS value or TLS options
                -t              Answer TELNET negotiation
                -U              Use UNIX domain socket
                -u              UDP mode
                -V rtable       Specify alternate routing table
                -v              Verbose
                -W recvlimit    Terminate after receiving a number of packets
                -w timeout      Timeout for connects and final net reads
                -X proto        Proxy protocol: "4", "5" (SOCKS) or "connect"
                -x addr[:port]  Specify proxy address and port
                -Z              Peer certificate file
                -z              Zero-I/O mode [used for scanning]
        Port numbers can be individual or ranges: lo-hi [inclusive]