vmware-tanzu / tanzu-framework

Tanzu Framework provides a set of building blocks to build atop of the Tanzu platform and leverages Carvel packaging and plugins to provide users with a much stronger, more integrated experience than the loose coupling and stand-alone commands of the previous generation of tools.
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As a user, I want to know if my installed package is using customized configuration. #418

Open jorgemoralespou opened 3 years ago

jorgemoralespou commented 3 years ago

As a user, I want to know if my installed package is using customized configuration.

Status: Currently not possible in TCE package plugin. Will be moved into Tanzu CLI Package plugin. (link to issue when exists)

Experience to be defined.

jorgemoralespou commented 2 years ago

Defining the experience. Expanding on https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/tanzu-framework/pull/601 I would want an additional column (that is searchable via the CLI) that will print whether the package has configuration (values file).


artifacts/darwin/amd64/cli/package/v0.2.0/tanzu-package-darwin_amd64 installed list -A
/ Retrieving installed packages... 
  NAME            PACKAGE-NAME                     PACKAGE-VERSION        STATUS               NAMESPACE     USER-CONFIG 
  cert-manager    cert-manager.tanzu.vmware.com    1.1.0+vmware.1-tkg.1   Reconciling          cert-manager  yes
  antrea          antrea.tanzu.vmware.com          0.13.3+vmware.1-tkg.1  Reconcile succeeded  tkg-system    no
  metrics-server  metrics-server.tanzu.vmware.com  0.4.0+vmware.1-tkg.1   Reconcile succeeded  tkg-system    yes
  vsphere-cpi     vsphere-cpi.tanzu.vmware.com     1.21.0+vmware.1-tkg.1  Reconcile succeeded  tkg-system    yes
  vsphere-csi     vsphere-csi.tanzu.vmware.com     2.3.0+vmware.1-tkg.1   Reconcile succeeded  tkg-system    no

It would be good that I can query for packages with user provided configuration.

tanzu package installed list --filter 'config=yes'
  NAME            PACKAGE-NAME                     PACKAGE-VERSION        STATUS               NAMESPACE     USER-CONFIG 
  cert-manager    cert-manager.tanzu.vmware.com    1.1.0+vmware.1-tkg.1   Reconciling          cert-manager  yes
  metrics-server  metrics-server.tanzu.vmware.com  0.4.0+vmware.1-tkg.1   Reconcile succeeded  tkg-system    yes
  vsphere-cpi     vsphere-cpi.tanzu.vmware.com     1.21.0+vmware.1-tkg.1  Reconcile succeeded  tkg-system    yes

And also that there's an easy way to see the configuration:

tanzu package installed get contour
- Retrieving installation details for contour...
NAME:                    contour
PACKAGE-NAME:            contour.community.tanzu.vmware.com
PACKAGE-VERSION:         1.17.1
STATUS:                  Reconcile succeeded
CONDITIONS:              [{ReconcileSucceeded True  }]
                         bla: foo
                         blabla: foofoo
                           - item1
                           - item2

CC/ @vijaykatam