vmware-tanzu / velero

Backup and migrate Kubernetes applications and their persistent volumes
Apache License 2.0
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Velero Snapshots Stored in Wrong Resource Group for Azure AKS (MC_*) #2328

Closed archmangler closed 4 years ago

archmangler commented 4 years ago

What steps did you take and what happened:

Install and configuration:

/usr/local/bin/velero install --provider azure \
  --bucket "lolcorpaz1aksbkp" \
  --secret-file "velero-credentials" \
  --image "velero/velero:v1.1.0" \
  --backup-location-config \
  --snapshot-location-config \
  apiTimeout="1m",resourceGroup="rsg-lolcorp-uat-az1-aksbkp" \
  --velero-pod-cpu-limit "0" \
  --velero-pod-cpu-request "0" \
  --velero-pod-mem-limit "0" \
  --velero-pod-mem-request "0"
  --use-restic --wait"







What did you expect to happen:

The output of the following commands will help us better understand what's going on: (Pasting long output into a GitHub gist or other pastebin is fine.)

[345401@asgprholpans001 tests]$ kubectl logs deployment/velero -n velero --follow| egrep "pvc-24d7d033-5e91-11ea-9866-929bf458f004"   ^C

[345401@asgprholpans001 tests]$ kubectl logs deployment/velero -n velero --follow| egrep "75f44b4c-5f64-11ea-9866-929bf458f004"

time="2020-03-06T05:00:31Z" level=info msg="Backing up item" backup=velero/backup-schedule-frequent-snapshot-test-20200306050028 group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/item_backupper.go:162" name=pvc-75f44b4c-5f64-11ea-9866-929bf458f004 namespace=default resource=pods

time="2020-03-06T05:00:31Z" level=info msg="Executing takePVSnapshot" backup=velero/backup-schedule-frequent-snapshot-test-20200306050028 group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/item_backupper.go:375" name=pvc-75f44b4c-5f64-11ea-9866-929bf458f004 namespace=default resource=pods

time="2020-03-06T05:00:31Z" level=info msg="Skipping persistent volume snapshot because volume has already been backed up with restic." backup=velero/backup-schedule-frequent-snapshot-test-20200306050028 group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/item_backupper.go:393" name=pvc-75f44b4c-5f64-11ea-9866-929bf458f004 namespace=default persistentVolume=pvc-75f44b4c-5f64-11ea-9866-929bf458f004 resource=pods
[tests]$ velero get snapshot-locations -o yaml

apiVersion: velero.io/v1

kind: VolumeSnapshotLocation


  creationTimestamp: 2020-03-06T04:31:16Z

  generation: 1


    component: velero

  name: default

  namespace: velero

  resourceVersion: "169404"

  selfLink: /apis/velero.io/v1/namespaces/velero/volumesnapshotlocations/default

  uid: 517763a6-5f63-11ea-9866-929bf458f004



    apiTimeout: 1m

    resourceGroup: rsg-lolcorp-uat-az1-aksbkp

  provider: azure

status: {}

Anything else you would like to add: [Miscellaneous information that will assist in solving the issue.]


skriss commented 4 years ago

@archmangler based on the following log line:

time="2020-03-06T05:00:31Z" level=info msg="Skipping persistent volume snapshot because volume has already been backed up with restic." backup=velero/backup-schedule-frequent-snapshot-test-20200306050028 group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/item_backupper.go:393" name=pvc-75f44b4c-5f64-11ea-9866-929bf458f004 namespace=default persistentVolume=pvc-75f44b4c-5f64-11ea-9866-929bf458f004 resource=pods

It doesn't sound like you're taking managed snapshots, you're using restic, in which case the VolumeSnapshotLocation is irrelevant. Please clarify.

archmangler commented 4 years ago

Hi @skriss - You are correct, I had installed with --restic, and had the following annotation:

backup.velero.io/backup-volumes: <volumename>

However, even in this case, how can I tell restic to use a designated resource group as the location to store its snapshots?

Next, I have now reinstalled without the restic plugin, and my intention is to have "Velero Managed Disk Snapshots" without restic. Now I am not getting any snapshots, restic or otherwise:

/usr/local/bin/velero install --provider azure \
  --bucket "lolcorpaz1aksbkp" \
  --secret-file "velero-credentials" \
  --image "velero/velero:v1.1.0" \
  --backup-location-config \
  --snapshot-location-config \
  apiTimeout="1m",resourceGroup="rsg-lolcorp-uat-az1-aksbkp" \
  --velero-pod-cpu-limit "0" \
  --velero-pod-cpu-request "0" \
  --velero-pod-mem-limit "0" \
  --velero-pod-mem-request "0"
apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: mdvelerotest3

  namespace: default



  - args:

    - "10000"


    - sleep

    image: velero/velero:v1.1.0

    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

    name: testmd2


      - mountPath: "/mnt/"

        name: mdstorage3


    - name: mdstorage3


       claimName: mdsnapshotest3


  - name: docker-release.lolcorp


apiVersion: v1

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim


  name: mdsnapshotest3

  namespace: default



    - ReadWriteOnce

  storageClassName: "lolcorp-aks-managed-disk"



      storage: 100G

NOTE: I'm running pods with both Azure Files and Managed disk PVs and need snapshots for both. My understanding is:

However, this raises new questions:

a) If I install the restic plugin for azure files snapshot, how do I exclude managed disk from restic snapshotting but include it in veleros normal snapshotting? b) How do I tell restic to use the storage account I specify? c) The managed disk snapshots are not happening without restic installed, how to enable these (without restic)?

Ideally, I'd like a configuration that allows:

a) Azure files snapshots (with restic as I understand this the only way to get this) b) Managed disk snapshots (with any other velero mechanism) c) All snapshots go to a Resource Group I specify and not the MC_ AKS resource group.

skriss commented 4 years ago

My understanding is: I can only get snapshots for azure files with the restic plugin (hence --restic option at install time), but I can get snapshots for managed disk without installing restic

That is correct.

a) If I install the restic plugin for azure files snapshot, how do I exclude managed disk from restic snapshotting but include it in veleros normal snapshotting?

You will get your desired behavior by default, assuming Velero is configured correctly. Specifically, as long as you don't add the restic annotation (backup.velero.io/backup-volumes) to the pod, the PV will be snapshotted by default (again, assuming things are configured correctly).

b) How do I tell restic to use the storage account I specify?

All restic data is stored in the same bucket/blob container as the rest of the main velero backup data/metadata. That can be in whatever storage account you want. You specify it via the config.storageAccount field on the BackupStorageLocation -- see https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero-plugin-for-microsoft-azure/blob/master/backupstoragelocation.md.

c) The managed disk snapshots are not happening without restic installed, how to enable these (without restic)?

Something is likely misconfigured. Can you provide (preferably in a gist):

That should help us start debugging. Thanks!

archmangler commented 4 years ago

Hi @skriss - I've pasted the information you requested here:


skriss commented 4 years ago

@archmangler thanks for the info.

I see that your Azure managed disk PV is named pvc-0f862e2f-53bd-4500-b563-23548c935fd5.

In your logs, I see:

time="2020-03-09T02:51:41Z" level=info msg="Skipping persistent volume snapshot because volume has already been backed up with restic." backup=velero/test-backup group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/item_backupper.go:393" name=pvc-0f862e2f-53bd-4500-b563-23548c935fd5 namespace=backuptests persistentVolume=pvc-0f862e2f-53bd-4500-b563-23548c935fd5 resource=pods

This tells me that in the pod that uses this PV, you still have an annotation indicating that this volume should be backed up with restic, i.e. backup.velero.io/backup-volumes: <VOLUME-NAME>. You need to remove the managed disk volume's name from this annotation in order for it to be snapshotted natively.

Separately, I see that the Azure File volume is also annotated to be backed up with restic, but you don't have the restic daemonset installed so it's never getting processed. You need to either remove the annotation (on the pod that uses the volume, backup.velero.io/backup-volumes: <VOLUME-NAME>) so Velero doesn't attempt to back up this volume with restic, OR you need to install the restic daemonset (--use-restic flag to velero install command).

skriss commented 4 years ago

@archmangler were you able to resolve this?

archmangler commented 4 years ago

Hi @skriss - I've been rebuilding my test set up to reproduce this issue on a clean cluster. I will paste the new results tomorrow.

archmangler commented 4 years ago

Hi @skriss - I've pasted debug information here from a fresh cluster:



17:42:18  backups/backup-schedule-daily7d168h-20200313191036/backup-schedule-daily7d168h-20200313191036-volumesnapshots.json.gz                            BlockBlob                 29        application/octet-stream  2020-03-13T19:10:41+00:00

17:42:18  backups/backup-schedule-daily7d168h-20200318174118/backup-schedule-daily7d168h-20200318174118-volumesnapshots.json.gz                            BlockBlob                 29        application/octet-stream  2020-03-18T17:41:24+00:00

17:42:18  backups/backup-schedule-daily7d168h-20200319010008/backup-schedule-daily7d168h-20200319010008-volumesnapshots.json.gz                            BlockBlob                 29        application/octet-stream  2020-03-19T07:10:14+00:00

17:42:18  backups/backup-schedule-daily7d168h-20200319092353/backup-schedule-daily7d168h-20200319092353-volumesnapshots.json.gz                            BlockBlob                 29        application/octet-stream  2020-03-19T09:23:58+00:00

17:42:18  backups/backup-schedule-sunday7d168h-20200318174121/backup-schedule-sunday7d168h-20200318174121-volumesnapshots.json.gz                          BlockBlob                 29        application/octet-stream  2020-03-18T17:41:29+00:00

17:42:18  backups/backup-schedule-sunday7d168h-20200319092355/backup-schedule-sunday7d168h-20200319092355-volumesnapshots.json.gz                          BlockBlob                 29        application/octet-stream  2020-03-19T09:24:04+00:00

17:42:18  backups/backup-schedule-wednesday7d168h-20200318174121/backup-schedule-wednesday7d168h-20200318174121-volumesnapshots.json.gz                    BlockBlob                 29        application/octet-stream  2020-03-18T17:41:35+00:00

17:42:18  backups/backup-schedule-wednesday7d168h-20200319092355/backup-schedule-wednesday7d168h-20200319092355-volumesnapshots.json.gz                    BlockBlob                 29        application/octet-stream  2020-03-19T09:24:09+00:00
/velero install --provider azure --bucket plnszcaz1aksbkp --secret-file velero-credentials --image docker-release.lolcorp.lolcorp.com:8443/velero/velero:v1.1.0 --backup-location-config resourceGroup=rsg-lolcorp-dev-az1-aksbkp,storageAccount=stalolcorpdevaz1aksbkp --snapshot-location-config apiTimeout=1m,resourceGroup=rsg-lolcorp-dev-az1-aksbkp --velero-pod-cpu-limit 0 --velero-pod-cpu-request 0 --velero-pod-mem-limit 0 --velero-pod-mem-request 0 –wait
me="2020-03-19T10:37:21Z" level=info msg="Adding pvc azurefilesnapshotest2 to additionalItems" backup=velero/backuptests-lite cmd=/v

elero logSource="pkg/backup/pod_action.go:67" pluginName=velero

time="2020-03-19T10:37:21Z" level=info msg="Backing up item" backup=velero/backuptests-lite group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/item_backup

per.go:162" name=azurefilesnapshotest2 namespace=backuptests resource=pods

time="2020-03-19T10:37:21Z" level=info msg="Executing custom action" backup=velero/backuptests-lite group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/ite

m_backupper.go:310" name=azurefilesnapshotest2 namespace=backuptests resource=pods

time="2020-03-19T10:37:21Z" level=info msg="Executing takePVSnapshot" backup=velero/backuptests-lite group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/it

em_backupper.go:375" name=pvc-d1c1a9d2-69cb-11ea-94a1-5ebe98412ed4 namespace=backuptests resource=pods

time="2020-03-19T10:37:21Z" level=info msg="Skipping persistent volume snapshot because volume has already been backed up with restic.

" backup=velero/backuptests-lite group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/item_backupper.go:393" name=pvc-d1c1a9d2-69cb-11ea-94a1-5ebe98412ed4 n

amespace=backuptests persistentVolume=pvc-d1c1a9d2-69cb-11ea-94a1-5ebe98412ed4 resource=pods

time="2020-03-19T11:37:21Z" level=info msg="Adding pvc mdsnapshotest to additionalItems" backup=velero/backuptests-lite cmd=/velero lo

gSource="pkg/backup/pod_action.go:67" pluginName=velero

time="2020-03-19T11:37:22Z" level=info msg="Backing up item" backup=velero/backuptests-lite group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/item_backup

per.go:162" name=mdsnapshotest namespace=backuptests resource=pods

time="2020-03-19T11:37:22Z" level=info msg="Executing custom action" backup=velero/backuptests-lite group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/ite

m_backupper.go:310" name=mdsnapshotest namespace=backuptests resource=pods

time="2020-03-19T11:37:22Z" level=info msg="Executing takePVSnapshot" backup=velero/backuptests-lite group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/it

em_backupper.go:375" name=pvc-c7d25291-69cb-11ea-94a1-5ebe98412ed4 namespace=backuptests resource=pods

time="2020-03-19T11:37:22Z" level=info msg="Skipping persistent volume snapshot because volume has already been backed up with restic.

" backup=velero/backuptests-lite group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/item_backupper.go:393" name=pvc-c7d25291-69cb-11ea-94a1-5ebe98412ed4 n

amespace=backuptests persistentVolume=pvc-c7d25291-69cb-11ea-94a1-5ebe98412ed4 resource=pods

time="2020-03-19T11:37:22Z" level=info msg="Adding pvc mdsnapshotest2 to additionalItems" backup=velero/backuptests-lite cmd=/velero l

ogSource="pkg/backup/pod_action.go:67" pluginName=velero

time="2020-03-19T11:37:22Z" level=info msg="Backing up item" backup=velero/backuptests-lite group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/item_backup

per.go:162" name=mdsnapshotest2 namespace=backuptests resource=pods

time="2020-03-19T11:37:22Z" level=info msg="Executing custom action" backup=velero/backuptests-lite group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/ite

m_backupper.go:310" name=mdsnapshotest2 namespace=backuptests resource=pods

time="2020-03-19T11:37:22Z" level=info msg="Executing takePVSnapshot" backup=velero/backuptests-lite group=v1 logSource="pkg/backup/it

em_backupper.go:375" name=pvc-ca06433c-69cb-11ea-94a1-5ebe98412ed4 namespace=backuptests resource=pods

time="2020-03-19T11:37:23Z" level=info msg="Got volume ID for persistent volume" backup=velero/backuptests-lite group=v1 logSource="pk

g/backup/item_backupper.go:426" name=pvc-ca06433c-69cb-11ea-94a1-5ebe98412ed4 namespace=backuptests persistentVolume=pvc-ca06433c-69cb

-11ea-94a1-5ebe98412ed4 resource=pods volumeSnapshotLocation=default
skriss commented 4 years ago

Two things:

time="2020-03-19T11:37:23Z" level=error msg="Error backing up item" backup=velero/backuptests-lite error="error getting volume info: r

pc error: code = Unknown desc = compute.DisksClient#Get: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=404 -- Original Error: autorest/azu

re: Service returned an error. Status=404 Code=\"ResourceNotFound\" Message=\"The Resource 'Microsoft.Compute/disks/kubernetes-dynamic

-pvc-ca06433c-69cb-11ea-94a1-5ebe98412ed4' under resource group 'rsg-lolcorp-dev-az1-aksbkp' was not found.\"" group=v1 logSource="pkg/

backup/resource_backupper.go:264" name=mdvelerotest2 namespace=backuptests resource=pods

This implies that in the secret, you set AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP to rsg-lolcorp-dev-az1-aksbkp, not the AKS auto-generated resource group where your disks actually are. This is incorrect.

Please see the documentation for setting this up correctly: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero-plugin-for-microsoft-azure#get-resource-group-for-persistent-volume-snapshots

archmangler commented 4 years ago

Hi @skriss - I 've corrected the resource group in the velero credential file and removed the annotation in the 2 pods I deployed (before running the backups). Here is the debug output from a a fresh installation:


apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


name: afsvelerotest

namespace: backuptests



apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


name: afsvelerotest

namespace: backuptests



skriss commented 4 years ago

Can you paste the full output of kubectl -n backuptests get pods -o yaml?

archmangler commented 4 years ago

Hi @skriss - as below

Arg, I see It. Let me fix that.

apiVersion: v1


- apiVersion: v1

  kind: Pod



      backup.velero.io/backup-volumes: afsstorage

      kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |


      kubernetes.io/psp: privileged

    creationTimestamp: "2020-03-19T16:40:10Z"

    name: afsvelerotest

    namespace: backuptests

    resourceVersion: "5360"

    selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/backuptests/pods/afsvelerotest

    uid: 4c50ffdf-6a00-11ea-a0f5-4681ac8d14e2



    - args:

      - "100000"


      - sleep

      image: docker-release.lolcorp.comlolcorp.lolcorp.com:8443/velero/velero:v1.1.0

      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

      name: test

      resources: {}

      terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log

      terminationMessagePolicy: File


      - mountPath: /mnt/

        name: afsstorage

      - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount

        name: default-token-szkz2

        readOnly: true

        dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst

        enableServiceLinks: true


        - name: docker-release.lolcorp.lolcorp.com

        nodeName: aks-aksaz1np0-22735939-vmss000000

        priority: 0

        restartPolicy: Always

        schedulerName: default-scheduler

        securityContext: {}

        serviceAccount: default

        serviceAccountName: default

        terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30


        - effect: NoExecute

          key: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready

          operator: Exists

          tolerationSeconds: 300

        - effect: NoExecute

          key: node.kubernetes.io/unreachable

          operator: Exists

          tolerationSeconds: 300


        - name: afsstorage


            claimName: azurefilesnapshotest2

        - name: default-token-szkz2


            defaultMode: 420

            secretName: default-token-szkz2



        - lastProbeTime: null

          lastTransitionTime: "2020-03-19T16:40:31Z"

          status: "True"

          type: Initialized

        - lastProbeTime: null

          lastTransitionTime: "2020-03-19T16:40:34Z"

          status: "True"

          type: Ready

        - lastProbeTime: null

          lastTransitionTime: "2020-03-19T16:40:34Z"

          status: "True"

          type: ContainersReady

        - lastProbeTime: null

          lastTransitionTime: "2020-03-19T16:40:31Z"

          status: "True"

          type: PodScheduled


        - containerID: docker://ec220bf7b8b367f12b84cfd3e0258fbebcea7154d6121af0c5d329c167ea4cc9

          image: docker-release.lolcorp.lolcorp.com:8443/velero/velero:v1.1.0

          imageID: docker-pullable://docker-release.lolcorp.lolcorp.com:8443/velero/velero@sha256:e35ea9ebcaaa4c4d256a04698b2c337cf8f10d2cc359497468014e4a7e39ee19

          lastState: {}

          name: test

          ready: true

          restartCount: 0



              startedAt: "2020-03-19T16:40:33Z"


        phase: Running


        qosClass: BestEffort

        startTime: "2020-03-19T16:40:31Z"

    - apiVersion: v1

      kind: Pod



          backup.velero.io/backup-volumes: mdstorage

          kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |


            kubernetes.io/psp: privileged

          creationTimestamp: "2020-03-19T16:39:52Z"

          name: mdvelerotest

          namespace: backuptests

          resourceVersion: "5437"

          selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/backuptests/pods/mdvelerotest

          uid: 41e8471b-6a00-11ea-a0f5-4681ac8d14e2



          - args:

            - "100000"


            - sleep

            image: docker-release.lolcorp.lolcorp.com:8443/velero/velero:v1.1.0

            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

            name: testmd

            resources: {}

            terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log

            terminationMessagePolicy: File


            - mountPath: /mnt/

              name: mdstorage

            - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount

              name: default-token-szkz2

              readOnly: true

          dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst

          enableServiceLinks: true


          - name: docker-release.lolcorp.lolcorp.com

          nodeName: aks-aksaz1np0-22735939-vmss000001

          priority: 0

          restartPolicy: Always

          schedulerName: default-scheduler

          securityContext: {}

          serviceAccount: default

          serviceAccountName: default

          terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30


          - effect: NoExecute

            key: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready

            operator: Exists

            tolerationSeconds: 300

          - effect: NoExecute

            key: node.kubernetes.io/unreachable

            operator: Exists

            tolerationSeconds: 300


          - name: mdstorage


              claimName: mdsnapshotest

          - name: default-token-szkz2


              defaultMode: 420

              secretName: default-token-szkz2



          - lastProbeTime: null

            lastTransitionTime: "2020-03-19T16:40:26Z"

            status: "True"

            type: Initialized

          - lastProbeTime: null

            lastTransitionTime: "2020-03-19T16:41:46Z"

            status: "True"

            type: Ready

          - lastProbeTime: null

            lastTransitionTime: "2020-03-19T16:41:46Z"

            status: "True"

            type: ContainersReady

          - lastProbeTime: null

            lastTransitionTime: "2020-03-19T16:40:26Z"

            status: "True"

            type: PodScheduled


          - containerID: docker://1ce5c86b5cf7b96e1d9f9d75a063c8ff4936aa87400c5ee4915d72369d4aa4b9

          image: docker-release.lolcorp.lolcorp.com:8443/velero/velero:v1.1.0

          imageID: docker-pullable://docker-release.lolcorp.lolcorp.com:8443/velero/velero@sha256:e35ea9ebcaaa4c4d256a04698b2c337cf8f10d2cc359497468014e4a7e39ee19

          lastState: {}

          name: testmd

          ready: true

          restartCount: 0



              startedAt: "2020-03-19T16:41:46Z"


        phase: Running


        qosClass: BestEffort

        startTime: "2020-03-19T16:40:26Z"

    kind: List


      resourceVersion: ""

      selfLink: ""
archmangler commented 4 years ago

hi @skriss - new output, this time with annotations carefully removed from both test pods:


skriss commented 4 years ago

🎉 looks like you got a snapshot for your managed disk - if you do velero backup describe backuptests-lite --details, you'll be able to see the snapshot identifier and confirm which resource group it ended up in.

archmangler commented 4 years ago

Brilliant! And in the right resource group! Many thanks @skriss this resolves my issue.

skriss commented 4 years ago

awesome, glad you got it working :) I'll close this out.

KurtSchenk commented 1 year ago

Does this work across BackupStorageLocation is a different region, or the backup of the disk, and then the restore, in order to support DR?

Satsank commented 1 year ago

Yes, file system backups can go to a BSL in a different region and used to perform DR.