vmware-tanzu / velero

Backup and migrate Kubernetes applications and their persistent volumes
Apache License 2.0
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!= should be supported as an operator of label selector #4724

Open danfengliu opened 2 years ago

danfengliu commented 2 years ago

What steps did you take and what happened:

velero --namespace velero create backup backup2 --include-namespaces bsl-deletion-workload --wait --selector for!=1 --snapshot-volumes --storage-location bsl-2
Error: invalid argument "for!=1" for "-l, --selector" flag: "!=" is not a valid label selector operator
  velero create backup NAME [flags]

  # Create a backup containing all resources.
  velero backup create backup1

  # Create a backup including only the nginx namespace.
  velero backup create nginx-backup --include-namespaces nginx

  # Create a backup excluding the velero and default namespaces.
  velero backup create backup2 --exclude-namespaces velero,default

  # Create a backup based on a schedule named daily-backup.
  velero backup create --from-schedule daily-backup

  # View the YAML for a backup that doesn't snapshot volumes, without sending it to the server.
  velero backup create backup3 --snapshot-volumes=false -o yaml

  # Wait for a backup to complete before returning from the command.
  velero backup create backup4 --wait

      --default-volumes-to-restic optionalBool[=true]   Use restic by default to backup all pod volumes
      --exclude-namespaces stringArray                  Namespaces to exclude from the backup.
      --exclude-resources stringArray                   Resources to exclude from the backup, formatted as resource.group, such as storageclasses.storage.k8s.io.
      --from-schedule string                            Create a backup from the template of an existing schedule. Cannot be used with any other filters. Backup name is optional if used.
  -h, --help                                            help for backup
      --include-cluster-resources optionalBool[=true]   Include cluster-scoped resources in the backup
      --include-namespaces stringArray                  Namespaces to include in the backup (use '*' for all namespaces). (default *)
      --include-resources stringArray                   Resources to include in the backup, formatted as resource.group, such as storageclasses.storage.k8s.io (use '*' for all resources).
      --label-columns stringArray                       A comma-separated list of labels to be displayed as columns
      --labels mapStringString                          Labels to apply to the backup.
      --ordered-resources string                        Mapping Kinds to an ordered list of specific resources of that Kind.  Resource names are separated by commas and their names are in format 'namespace/resourcename'. For cluster scope resource, simply use resource name. Key-value pairs in the mapping are separated by semi-colon.  Example: 'pods=ns1/pod1,ns1/pod2;persistentvolumeclaims=ns1/pvc4,ns1/pvc8'.  Optional.
  -o, --output string                                   Output display format. For create commands, display the object but do not send it to the server. Valid formats are 'table', 'json', and 'yaml'. 'table' is not valid for the install command.
  -l, --selector labelSelector                          Only back up resources matching this label selector. (default <none>)
      --show-labels                                     Show labels in the last column
      --snapshot-volumes optionalBool[=true]            Take snapshots of PersistentVolumes as part of the backup.
      --storage-location string                         Location in which to store the backup.
      --ttl duration                                    How long before the backup can be garbage collected. (default 720h0m0s)
      --volume-snapshot-locations strings               List of locations (at most one per provider) where volume snapshots should be stored.
  -w, --wait                                            Wait for the operation to complete.

Global Flags:
      --add_dir_header                   If true, adds the file directory to the header
      --alsologtostderr                  log to standard error as well as files
      --colorized optionalBool           Show colored output in TTY. Overrides 'colorized' value from $HOME/.config/velero/config.json if present. Enabled by default
      --features stringArray             Comma-separated list of features to enable for this Velero process. Combines with values from $HOME/.config/velero/config.json if present
      --kubeconfig string                Path to the kubeconfig file to use to talk to the Kubernetes apiserver. If unset, try the environment variable KUBECONFIG, as well as in-cluster configuration
      --kubecontext string               The context to use to talk to the Kubernetes apiserver. If unset defaults to whatever your current-context is (kubectl config current-context)
      --log_backtrace_at traceLocation   when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
      --log_dir string                   If non-empty, write log files in this directory
      --log_file string                  If non-empty, use this log file
      --log_file_max_size uint           Defines the maximum size a log file can grow to. Unit is megabytes. If the value is 0, the maximum file size is unlimited. (default 1800)
      --logtostderr                      log to standard error instead of files (default true)
  -n, --namespace string                 The namespace in which Velero should operate (default "velero")
      --skip_headers                     If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages
      --skip_log_headers                 If true, avoid headers when opening log files
      --stderrthreshold severity         logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2)
  -v, --v Level                          number for the log level verbosity
      --vmodule moduleSpec               comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging

An error occurred: invalid argument "for!=1" for "-l, --selector" flag: "!=" is not a valid label selector operator

What did you expect to happen:

The following information will help us better understand what's going on:

If you are using velero v1.7.0+:
Please use velero debug --backup <backupname> --restore <restorename> to generate the support bundle, and attach to this issue, more options please refer to velero debug --help

If you are using earlier versions:
Please provide the output of the following commands (Pasting long output into a GitHub gist or other pastebin is fine.)

Anything else you would like to add: [Miscellaneous information that will assist in solving the issue.]


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blackpiglet commented 2 years ago

According to the apimachinery code, the valid operator includes "=" , "==", "in", "notin", "exists", "!", "gt", "lt". "!=" is not included. https://github.com/kubernetes/apimachinery/blob/v0.22.2/pkg/apis/meta/v1/helpers.go#L105-L149

Update to now, https://github.com/kubernetes/apimachinery has no version of code to support "!=" as operator yet.

danfengliu commented 2 years ago

Please check velero doc content. And also "!=" is supported by kubectl label selection, hence it should be supported by Velero.

blackpiglet commented 2 years ago

After reading the k8s document and code, I think you are right. Since k8s already supports, Velero can adopt the way k8s works.

blackpiglet commented 2 years ago

Put related code in comments for record: k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/labels/selector.go parseRequirement() parseOperator() visitBySelector()

blackpiglet commented 2 years ago

I think this is viable. The error is reported here: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/blob/main/pkg/cmd/util/flag/labelselector.go#L38-L45 In this function, the string will be passed into LabelSelector

type LabelSelector struct {
    // matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels
    // map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the
    // operator is "In", and the values array contains only "value". The requirements are ANDed.
    // +optional
    MatchLabels map[string]string `json:"matchLabels,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=matchLabels"`
    // matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed.
    // +optional
    MatchExpressions []LabelSelectorRequirement `json:"matchExpressions,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=matchExpressions"`

LabelSelector is a common query option in k8s client.

In kubectl code, the string either not decoded in client (in this case, the string will be sent to api-server, and api-server will check whether it is valid), or decoded into labels.Selector:

// Selector represents a label selector.
type Selector interface {
    // Matches returns true if this selector matches the given set of labels.
    Matches(Labels) bool

    // Empty returns true if this selector does not restrict the selection space.
    Empty() bool

    // String returns a human readable string that represents this selector.
    String() string

    // Add adds requirements to the Selector
    Add(r ...Requirement) Selector

    // Requirements converts this interface into Requirements to expose
    // more detailed selection information.
    // If there are querying parameters, it will return converted requirements and selectable=true.
    // If this selector doesn't want to select anything, it will return selectable=false.
    Requirements() (requirements Requirements, selectable bool)

    // Make a deep copy of the selector.
    DeepCopySelector() Selector

    // RequiresExactMatch allows a caller to introspect whether a given selector
    // requires a single specific label to be set, and if so returns the value it
    // requires.
    RequiresExactMatch(label string) (value string, found bool)

This interface's related parse function can deal with "!="

In Velero code, the "LabelSelector" is mainly used in "pkg/backup/item_collector.go" https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/blob/main/pkg/backup/item_collector.go#L235-L254

LabelSelector is converted from LabelSelector into Selector. I think it's possible that Velero store it as Selector from the beginning.

Of course, if change, it may impact the backup function. We should do enough test to guarantee no behavior change and bug.

anshulahuja98 commented 1 year ago

Even exists / doesnotexist filters do not work as expected in velero

An error occurred: invalid argument "l exists" for "-l, --selector" flag: couldn't parse the selector string "l exists": unable to parse requirement: found 'exists', expected: in, notin, =, ==, !=, gt, lt

This is also due to the issue in the function ParseToLabelSelector used in CLI

anshulahuja98 commented 1 year ago


fei922 commented 1 year ago

The official documentation says that it has been supported since 1.8, why does 1.9 still prompt that it is not supported. image

Not in is okay, should the official documentation be revised to avoid misleading? image

blackpiglet commented 1 year ago

Try to resolve this issue by PR #5974. After changing --selector from metav1.LabelSelector to labels.Selector, "!=" operator is supported, but this needs changing backup.Spec.LabelSelector type from metav1.LabelSelector to string, because metav1.LabelSelector doesn't support != in k8s.io/apimachinery, and labels.Selector is an interface, it cannot be used by k8s CRD framework.

Updating CRD's parameter type is tricky. This makes Velero cannot sync the previous version's backup. It fails with JSON unmarshal error.

ERRO[0007] Error getting backup metadata from backup store  backup=test01 backupLocation=velero/default controller=backup-sync error="json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field BackupSpec.spec.labelSelector of type string" error.file="/root/go/src/github.com/blackpiglet/velero/pkg/persistence/object_store.go:309" error.function="github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/pkg/persistence.(*objectBackupStore).GetBackupMetadata" logSource="/root/go/src/github.com/blackpiglet/velero/pkg/controller/backup_sync_controller.go:147"
blackpiglet commented 1 year ago

Found this issue #1218.

The comments referenced in reply are:

// Note:
// There are two different styles of label selectors used in versioned types:
// an older style which is represented as just a string in versioned types, and a
// newer style that is structured.  LabelSelector is an internal representation for the
// latter style.

I think just removing the != example from velero.io related document should be enough.

reasonerjt commented 1 year ago

+1 Since we are close to v1.11 FC and the problem is not introduced in recent releases, let's update the doc and defer it.

blackpiglet commented 1 year ago

Compared the != and notin operator in --selector parameter. component notin (velero) is the same as component!=velero. Users can use notin to replace not-supported != operator.

./_output/bin/linux/amd64/velero backup create --include-resources=pods --selector="component notin (velero)" test05

./_output/bin/linux/amd64/velero backup describe test05 --details
Name:         test05
Namespace:    velero
Labels:       velero.io/storage-location=default
Annotations:  velero.io/source-cluster-k8s-gitversion=v1.25.6-gke.1000

Phase:  Completed

Errors:    0
Warnings:  0

  Included:  *
  Excluded:  <none>

  Included:        pods
  Excluded:        <none>
  Cluster-scoped:  auto

Label selector:  component notin (velero)

Storage Location:  default

Velero-Native Snapshot PVs:  auto

TTL:  720h0m0s

CSISnapshotTimeout:    10m0s
ItemOperationTimeout:  1h0m0s

Hooks:  <none>

Backup Format Version:  1.1.0

Started:    2023-03-20 02:33:27 +0000 UTC
Completed:  2023-03-20 02:33:29 +0000 UTC

Expiration:  2023-04-19 02:33:27 +0000 UTC

Resource List:
    - kube-system/event-exporter-gke-755c4b4d97-rc96b
    - kube-system/fluentbit-gke-2jh8b
    - kube-system/fluentbit-gke-g4fhg
    - kube-system/fluentbit-gke-n287x
    - kube-system/gke-metrics-agent-5ssgc
    - kube-system/gke-metrics-agent-6r76f
    - kube-system/gke-metrics-agent-mlhv8
    - kube-system/konnectivity-agent-868f84fc89-j25cq
    - kube-system/konnectivity-agent-868f84fc89-q6wtp
    - kube-system/konnectivity-agent-868f84fc89-r79h6
    - kube-system/konnectivity-agent-autoscaler-7dc78c8c9-fqzvs
    - kube-system/kube-dns-7b9b6ffbd9-6k8nk
    - kube-system/kube-dns-7b9b6ffbd9-rxrrz
    - kube-system/kube-dns-autoscaler-5f56f8997c-vw9wg
    - kube-system/kube-proxy-gke-jxun-test-default-pool-277f9feb-tfap
    - kube-system/kube-proxy-gke-jxun-test-default-pool-3c6f2e6e-krl1
    - kube-system/kube-proxy-gke-jxun-test-default-pool-5b9bc518-g4ws
    - kube-system/l7-default-backend-5cd9c9cdf7-vdwcc
    - kube-system/metrics-server-v0.5.2-67864775dc-267vs
    - kube-system/pdcsi-node-6g4zw
    - kube-system/pdcsi-node-6skj9
    - kube-system/pdcsi-node-f52fv
    - upgrade/hello-app-7579d6745b-lkw85
    - upgrade01/hello-app-7579d6745b-4brz8

Velero-Native Snapshots: <none included>

CSI Volume Snapshots: <none included>
kubectl get pods -A -l "component notin (velero)"
NAMESPACE     NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
kube-system   event-exporter-gke-755c4b4d97-rc96b                   2/2     Running   0               18d
kube-system   fluentbit-gke-2jh8b                                   2/2     Running   0               18d
kube-system   fluentbit-gke-g4fhg                                   2/2     Running   0               18d
kube-system   fluentbit-gke-n287x                                   2/2     Running   0               18d
kube-system   gke-metrics-agent-5ssgc                               2/2     Running   0               9d
kube-system   gke-metrics-agent-6r76f                               2/2     Running   0               9d
kube-system   gke-metrics-agent-mlhv8                               2/2     Running   0               9d
kube-system   konnectivity-agent-868f84fc89-j25cq                   1/1     Running   0               9d
kube-system   konnectivity-agent-868f84fc89-q6wtp                   1/1     Running   0               9d
kube-system   konnectivity-agent-868f84fc89-r79h6                   1/1     Running   0               9d
kube-system   konnectivity-agent-autoscaler-7dc78c8c9-fqzvs         1/1     Running   0               9d
kube-system   kube-dns-7b9b6ffbd9-6k8nk                             4/4     Running   0               18d
kube-system   kube-dns-7b9b6ffbd9-rxrrz                             4/4     Running   0               18d
kube-system   kube-dns-autoscaler-5f56f8997c-vw9wg                  1/1     Running   0               18d
kube-system   kube-proxy-gke-jxun-test-default-pool-277f9feb-tfap   1/1     Running   0               18d
kube-system   kube-proxy-gke-jxun-test-default-pool-3c6f2e6e-krl1   1/1     Running   0               18d
kube-system   kube-proxy-gke-jxun-test-default-pool-5b9bc518-g4ws   1/1     Running   0               18d
kube-system   l7-default-backend-5cd9c9cdf7-vdwcc                   1/1     Running   0               18d
kube-system   metrics-server-v0.5.2-67864775dc-267vs                2/2     Running   0               18d
kube-system   pdcsi-node-6g4zw                                      2/2     Running   0               18d
kube-system   pdcsi-node-6skj9                                      2/2     Running   0               18d
kube-system   pdcsi-node-f52fv                                      2/2     Running   0               18d
upgrade       hello-app-7579d6745b-lkw85                            1/1     Running   444 (46m ago)   18d
upgrade01     hello-app-7579d6745b-4brz8                            1/1     Running   444 (46m ago)   18d

kubectl get pods -A -l "component!=velero"
NAMESPACE     NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
kube-system   event-exporter-gke-755c4b4d97-rc96b                   2/2     Running   0               18d
kube-system   fluentbit-gke-2jh8b                                   2/2     Running   0               18d
kube-system   fluentbit-gke-g4fhg                                   2/2     Running   0               18d
kube-system   fluentbit-gke-n287x                                   2/2     Running   0               18d
kube-system   gke-metrics-agent-5ssgc                               2/2     Running   0               9d
kube-system   gke-metrics-agent-6r76f                               2/2     Running   0               9d
kube-system   gke-metrics-agent-mlhv8                               2/2     Running   0               9d
kube-system   konnectivity-agent-868f84fc89-j25cq                   1/1     Running   0               9d
kube-system   konnectivity-agent-868f84fc89-q6wtp                   1/1     Running   0               9d
kube-system   konnectivity-agent-868f84fc89-r79h6                   1/1     Running   0               9d
kube-system   konnectivity-agent-autoscaler-7dc78c8c9-fqzvs         1/1     Running   0               9d
kube-system   kube-dns-7b9b6ffbd9-6k8nk                             4/4     Running   0               18d
kube-system   kube-dns-7b9b6ffbd9-rxrrz                             4/4     Running   0               18d
kube-system   kube-dns-autoscaler-5f56f8997c-vw9wg                  1/1     Running   0               18d
kube-system   kube-proxy-gke-jxun-test-default-pool-277f9feb-tfap   1/1     Running   0               18d
kube-system   kube-proxy-gke-jxun-test-default-pool-3c6f2e6e-krl1   1/1     Running   0               18d
kube-system   kube-proxy-gke-jxun-test-default-pool-5b9bc518-g4ws   1/1     Running   0               18d
kube-system   l7-default-backend-5cd9c9cdf7-vdwcc                   1/1     Running   0               18d
kube-system   metrics-server-v0.5.2-67864775dc-267vs                2/2     Running   0               18d
kube-system   pdcsi-node-6g4zw                                      2/2     Running   0               18d
kube-system   pdcsi-node-6skj9                                      2/2     Running   0               18d
kube-system   pdcsi-node-f52fv                                      2/2     Running   0               18d
upgrade       hello-app-7579d6745b-lkw85                            1/1     Running   444 (49m ago)   18d
upgrade01     hello-app-7579d6745b-4brz8                            1/1     Running   444 (49m ago)   18d