vmware-tanzu / velero

Backup and migrate Kubernetes applications and their persistent volumes
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PodVolumeBackup CR status.message field has an extra colon, also the get word can be replaced with found. #7857

Open PrasadJoshi12 opened 3 weeks ago

PrasadJoshi12 commented 3 weeks ago

What steps did you take and what happened: Triggered filesystem backup with restic and removed velero pod during the InProgress phase. PodVolumeBackup failed as expected with the error. Not a blocking issue for 1.14

old string:- "get a podvolumebackup with status \"InProgress\" during the server starting, mark it as \"Failed\""

New string ": get a podvolumebackup with status \"InProgress\" during the server starting, mark it as \"Failed\""

What did you expect to happen:

I noticed an colon has been added to the message, also the word get can be replaced with found something similar to restore.failureReason field.

"found a restore with status \"InProgress\" during the server starting, mark it as \"Failed\""

Attached podvolumebackup CR below.

$ oc get podvolumebackup -o yaml backup1-5294a049-2269-11ef-bd2e-845cf3eff33a-h6sf7
apiVersion: velero.io/v1
kind: PodVolumeBackup
    velero.io/pvc-name: postgresql
  creationTimestamp: "2024-06-04T11:57:15Z"
  generateName: backup1-5294a049-2269-11ef-bd2e-845cf3eff33a-
  generation: 3
    velero.io/backup-name: backup1-5294a049-2269-11ef-bd2e-845cf3eff33a
    velero.io/backup-uid: e6c54302-f6ca-4a8c-9406-f83e8c9b3337
    velero.io/pvc-uid: b1ad14da-223b-42b3-aee6-f906c5d8e5c8
  name: backup1-5294a049-2269-11ef-bd2e-845cf3eff33a-h6sf7
  namespace: openshift-adp
  - apiVersion: velero.io/v1
    controller: true
    kind: Backup
    name: backup1-5294a049-2269-11ef-bd2e-845cf3eff33a
    uid: e6c54302-f6ca-4a8c-9406-f83e8c9b3337
  resourceVersion: "163355"
  uid: f721d4b5-1ab4-44f0-8775-5cddbc0bf685
  backupStorageLocation: ts-dpa-1
  node: oadp-82541-zqmld-worker-a-2zbhr
    kind: Pod
    name: postgresql-1-msnw8
    namespace: test-oadp-231
    uid: fac6b2dc-f59a-4c2c-8040-204fdf65acfb
  repoIdentifier: gs:oadp82541zqmld:/velero-e2e-7789e47c-225f-11ef-b036-845cf3eff33a/restic/test-oadp-231
    backup: backup1-5294a049-2269-11ef-bd2e-845cf3eff33a
    backup-uid: e6c54302-f6ca-4a8c-9406-f83e8c9b3337
    ns: test-oadp-231
    pod: postgresql-1-msnw8
    pod-uid: fac6b2dc-f59a-4c2c-8040-204fdf65acfb
    pvc-uid: b1ad14da-223b-42b3-aee6-f906c5d8e5c8
    volume: postgresql-data
  uploaderType: restic
  volume: postgresql-data
  completionTimestamp: "2024-06-04T11:57:20Z"
  message: ': get a podvolumebackup with status "InProgress" during the server starting,
    mark it as "Failed"'
  phase: Failed
  progress: {}
  startTimestamp: "2024-06-04T11:57:15Z"

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blackpiglet commented 3 weeks ago



This piece of code is why the message looks different from before. We can use some meaningful information to replace the empty string when calling the PodVolumeBackup status update function.