vmware-tanzu / vm-operator

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proposal: VM Operator API v1alpha2 #345

Closed akutz closed 2 weeks ago

akutz commented 10 months ago

Please describe the solution you would like.

VM Operator was originally designed to support a specific set of use cases, such as deploying virtual machines to act as Kubernetes nodes. As the scope of VM Operator expanded to include a wider variety of workloads, it became clear the VM Operator API needed to evolve as well. Requirements such as a better user experience, enhanced guest bootstrapping, improved guest network configuration, and augmented status capabilities gave way to the next version of the VM Operator API. This proposal describes the VM Operator API schema version v1alpha2 and its ability to satisfy current workload requirements as well as provide a stable foundation for future API revisions as new use cases emerge.

Please find a link to the proposal entitled VM Operator API v1alpha2: One-Pager.

Is there anything else you would like to add?


Please tell us about your environment.

Value How to Obtain
Supervisor version NA rpm -qa VMware-wcp on the vCenter appliance
Supervisor node image version NA rpm -qa VMware-wcpovf on the vCenter appliance
Kubernetes version NA kubectl version
VM Operator version NA ```shell kubectl -n vmware-system-vmop get pods \ -ojsonpath='{range .items[*].spec.containers[*]}{.image}{"\n"}{end}' | \ sort -u | \ grep vmop | \ awk -F'/' '{print $3}' | \ awk -F: '{print $2}' ```
akutz commented 2 weeks ago
