vmware / PowerCLI-Example-Scripts

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[VMware.Hv.Helper] New-HVPool "ADContainer_ListByDomain" Timeout #510

Open vincentdeprato opened 2 years ago

vincentdeprato commented 2 years ago


I try to create a new pool on my Horizon via powershell and PowerCLI. And I have this issue:

Failed to create Pool with error: Exception calling \"ADContainer_ListByDomain\" with \"2\" argument(s): \"The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:01:40. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.


ModuleType Version    Name                                ExportedCommands                                                                                                                                                                           

Manifest   1.3.1      VMware.Hv.Helper                    {Remove-HVPool, Get-HVvCenterServer, Get-HVSite, Start-HVFarm...}  


Scope    ProxyPolicy     DefaultVIServerMode InvalidCertificateAction  DisplayDeprecationWarnings WebOperationTimeout
Session       UseSystemProxy  Multiple Warn True 3600               
User                                                      Warn         3600               
AllUsers                                  Multiple