vmware / nsx-container-plugin-operator

Kubernetes Operator for the NSX Container Plugin (NCP)
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Steps before removing OpenShift #125

Open JuozasA opened 3 years ago

JuozasA commented 3 years ago

Hi All,

What is the procedure to remove NCP created objects before destroying OpenShift cluster?

Is it enough to just delete NCPInstall CR? Documentation mensions python script: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-NSX-T-Data-Center/3.1/ncp-openshift/GUID-0AC013DC-AF04-4FEB-97EC-B693237AD6CF.html

However It does not mention the location of that python script...


dantingl commented 3 years ago

Hi @JuozasA ,

To remove NCP created objects, you need to use the cleanup python script, deleting NCPIntall CR is not enough. You should be able to find the cleanup python script from NCP deliverables, it is not included in this operator repo.