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no IP address assigned to new cloned 18.04 template #240

Open j4y4r opened 6 years ago

j4y4r commented 6 years ago


i have an issue when deploying ubuntu18.04 Preview on an esxi version 6.0.

open-vm-tools version: 2:10.2.0-3ubuntu2

After creating a new VM from a Template with pyvmomi, the machine does not get an IP address assigned, also in the VM properties->Network the options "Connect" and "Connect at power on" are not checked.

The file /etc/network/interfaces still exists on the system, but there was nothing written into the file.

I also tried to create a new Vm from a Template via the vSphere Client with the same result.

Ubuntu changed their default Networking to netplan with 17.10 https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2017-June/001215.html.

If you need any further infomation, logfiles, etc. please let me know.

hangrao commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the info. Netplan is not supported in customization yet, it will be addressed in future vSphere releases.

Please see the KB for details: https://ikb.vmware.com/s/article/52646

j4y4r commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your answer and the link, i guess we have to wait for vmware then.

saschalucas commented 6 years ago

even if you remove netplan and install legacy ifup, guest customisation does not work (see /var/log/vmware-imc/toolsDeployPkg.log at https://gist.github.com/saschalucas/5595235e6ff41bc4a4ea2bac845bd2dc).

somehow it trys cloud-init but gave up later (don't know why).

pengzhencao commented 6 years ago

We do have several internal PRs tracking customization failure for ubuntu18.04. error code 2 may be permission issue. Could you also show me the "vmware.log" inside the VM's folder on ESXi server? (usually /vmfs/volumes/DATASTORE_NAME/VM_NAME/vmware.log") Could you also show me the open-vm-tools build number? Run "vmtoolsd -v" inside the VM could get this info.

Regarding the cloud-init customization option, there are two things must be done before using cloud-init based guest customization,

  1. Cloud-init package is installed properly(You have done this, this is what we see the "cloud-init 18.1" in log)
  2. "DISABLE_VMWARE_CUSTOMIZATION: false" set in "/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg" (you did not do this, this is why it fallback to traditional customization) ref: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~baoli/cloud-init/cloud-init/revision/1173
shibumi commented 6 years ago

Hello everybody, Is there a way to get this work? I really need this feature for my deployment. Would be nice to have a workaround. Maybe official vmware-tools?

EDIT: Ok seems like the official vmware-tools work with ubuntu18.04 (at least connecting the NIC work.. I am doing the rest via ansible)

oliverkurth commented 6 years ago

@shibumi , did you provide the additional inormation requested by Peter, see https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools/issues/240#issuecomment-390815055 ?

pengzhencao commented 6 years ago

@shibumi , please try the following workaround to use customization with cloud-init:

  1. apt get install cloud-init ( I think you've done this)

  2. Add ‘disable_vmware_customization: false’ to /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
  3. Do the following to workaround tmp dir issue: 1). Edit tmp.conf under /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/ 2). comment out line 11 by adding '#' in front of this line. ex: #D /tmp 1777 root root -

Then you could try to run customization again.

saschalucas commented 6 years ago


@pengzhencao here is the requested log (somehow anonymised): vmware.log

the open-vm-tools is from stock ubuntu package:

vmtoolsd -v VMware Tools daemon, version (build-7253323)

I'll give cloud-init a try.

Thanks, Sascha.

shibumi commented 6 years ago

@oliverkurth @pengzhencao sorry maybe I expressed myself wrongly.. I am not interested in cloud-init configuration. In my case ansible does this via pyvmomi (the ESXI API) and the esxi server handles this via the running guest agent. What I want/need is a working open-vm-tools for Ubuntu 18.04

The official vm-tools are working. There the NICs get connected via the guest agent.. on ubuntu 18.04 and open-vm-tools this doesn't work.

AndrewSav commented 6 years ago

@shibumi wrong thread then?

shibumi commented 6 years ago

@AndrewSav no idea why you think this is the wrong thread. My case is exactly the one that the thread opener has. No idea why everybody started talking about cloud-init support for vmware suddenly in this thread.

The main problem is the same. open-vm-tools doesn't seem to connect NICs on Ubuntu 18.04. (Doesn't matter which tool you run above open-vm-tools. If pyvmomi, ansible-vmware or cloud-init. They all use open-vm-tools to get the NICs automatically connected. And this doesn't seem to work in ubuntu 18.04)

hangrao commented 6 years ago

@shibumi Which network controller are you using in your VM? As I know, the driver of the nics doesn't depend on OpenVMTools, all drivers (for e1000e, vmxnet3. ) are all included in the Linux kernel. (e1000 is not supported)

You could try different nic when you create the VM and see how it behave. In my understanding even there's no OVT installed the nics should work.

shibumi commented 6 years ago

@hangrao I use vmxnet3. The NIC works but they doesn't come up automatically and get connected via OVT. When I manually click on connect in the GUI of vmware center everything works fine.

jord-bh commented 6 years ago

I am hitting the same error as @shibumi through ansible, deploying a centos image works and brings up the NIC correctly, but starting an ubuntu image doesn't. I've tried to force call the object and setting connectable.connected = True to no effect. Doing it manually in GUI makes it connected.

Unsure if related or not, but I notice they have different VMWare Tools version installed (ubuntu: 10304, centos: 10282)

Also tried the workaround regarding cloud-init approach to no avail.

hangrao commented 6 years ago

@jord-bh @shibumi We tried to install ubuntu 18.04 from iso, and tried deploy ovf using ovftool or vSphere web client, either way is working fine. The Nic can go up successfully and the VM can get ip address.

Could you capture a screen shot with the error and add the reproducing steps there? I'd like to try that further.

shibumi commented 6 years ago

@hangrao See also this Bug Issue for Ansible: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/41133 Which version did of ovf did you use? I use the one in the Ubuntu 18.04 Repository.

And what we talk about is getting the nic up automatically via Vmware API (that uses OVF) not via manually clicking on things.

hangrao commented 6 years ago

@shibumi Thanks for the clarification, will have a try using steps you described in ansible/ansible#41133.

jwalkins2017 commented 6 years ago

I am seeing the same issue when using salt-cloud to clone a vm. The clone's network adapter starts disconnected

jord-bh commented 6 years ago

@hangrao any luck reproducing this yet?

hangrao commented 6 years ago

@jord-bh We're able to reproduce this issue, and have already raised internal ticket to track it. Will update this thread if there's any progress.

jstoja commented 6 years ago

@pengzhencao Modifying the template to use cloud-init + setting to false the disable_vmware_customization worked for me. Waiting for any update to make it work straight away though!

pengzhencao commented 6 years ago

@jstoja Glad to know it could work. That option is not totally controlled by VMware. Cloud-init developers disabled vmware customization by default, as they do not want to check for customization every OS boot due to performance concern. refer: https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init/commit/?id=05afe04edbe4c28f2170194d226821c1e755ee2d

shibumi commented 6 years ago

@jstoja For me this even doesn't work when I have no cloudinit installed. So it's definitly something with Ubuntu 18.04

jstoja commented 6 years ago

@shibumi @pengzhencao I'll rebuild everything from scratch and try again to double check. If I get something working, I'll share it here.

shibumi commented 6 years ago

@jstoja did you install deprecated network-ifup scripts on that host?

jstoja commented 6 years ago

Humm I tested a dozen times with the exact same template each time and it worked twice without even doing something special... I didn't find something interesting in the logs... I tried with the legacy network-ifup and it doesn't help.

shibumi commented 6 years ago

@jstoja which esxi version? which template? which distribution and distribution version? was the template modified? if so, what has been modified? No idea why it works for you. Fact is for a lot of people it doesn't work :)

jstoja commented 6 years ago

Like I said in my last message, I relaunched it a dozen of times and it worked only twice... No idea why yet. I'm trying with: ESXI 6.0 Ubuntu 18.04 (https://github.com/heizo/packer-ubuntu-18.04 exported to https://gist.github.com/jstoja/544aac68ab2e8f142ad94ab9985aac5d) I modified the template just by replacing the Network to one that is present into vSphere, but also the virtualbox-2.2 to vmx-07 value.

I've tried manually and it didn't work either, so I'm trying to find why did it work very rarely... The thing is that it's not only about the NIC only, nothing is customized, not even the hostname, so it's pretty easy to check.

shibumi commented 6 years ago

@jstoja Ok here we have the difference. I use ESXI 6.5 and I have installed ubuntu 18.04 Server Edition manually from ISO and installed Open-vm-tools in it and generated a template out of it.

So I guess it's working in your case either because of your esxi version or because of something special in your via hashicorp packer generated image..

jstoja commented 6 years ago

I don't really know... It's weird because you should be in a better position then myself if we look at the compatibility matrix result here: https://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/detail.php?deviceCategory=software&testConfig=16&productid=45909&supRel=369,408,367,338,&deviceCategory=software&details=1&partner=271&productNames=15&osFamily=2&page=1&display_interval=500&sortColumn=OSRelease&sortOrder=Asc&testConfig=16

ESXi 6.0 isn't supported for 18.04

jstoja commented 6 years ago

Linked to #269 #267 #261

PengpengSun commented 6 years ago

@shibumi Could you please share with me the /var/log/vmware-imc/toolsDeployPkg.log on the VM has this issue.

PengpengSun commented 6 years ago

@jstoja No, ESXi 6.0 isn't supported for 18.04. Ubuntu18.04 adopts Netplan on network, it supports from ESXi6.5 Update2.

bitmand commented 6 years ago

Sometimes it works - as in, the NIC is being connected in vmware, the network comes up and everything works as expected.

Sometimes it doesn't work - as in, the API request to vmware just hangs. If I look in vcenter, the NIC is not connected. If I wait it out, it just fails. If I manually connect the NIC in vcenter, during the API request, the bootstrap process continues and works as expected.

Wild guess, it's currently about 50/50 if it works or not.

PengpengSun commented 6 years ago

@bitmand This is very similar with an issue we found recently. Could you please share with me the /var/log/vmware-imc/toolsDeployPkg.log file when it doesn't work.

bitmand commented 6 years ago

@PengpengSun sure - attached :)


PengpengSun commented 6 years ago

@bitmand Yes, it's the same issue. The root cause is dbus.service is not running before guest customization happens, this is not always happening, depends on VM's cpu/memory numbers. There is a workaround on this issue: Add dependence to open-vm-tools.service by inserting a new line "After=dbus.service" under [Unit] of /lib/systemd/system/open-vm-tools.service file.

bitmand commented 6 years ago

@PengpengSun I added the line to open-vm-tools.service to make sure dbus service is started to the template.

Then created 5 VMs and all worked as expected - thank you very much for workaround, highly appreciated :)

shibumi commented 6 years ago

@PengpengSun I will try it tomorrow, when I am at work again.

gaui commented 6 years ago

@PengpengSun THANK YOU !!!!!

gruffled commented 6 years ago

We are also experiencing this exact issue on Ubuntu 16.04.

PengpengSun commented 6 years ago

@idoru78 The dbus issue should only reproduce on Ubuntu18.04, but I need know VMTools version on your Ubuntu 16.04 VM, and could you please share the /var/log/vmware-imc/toolsDeployPkg.log file.

gruffled commented 6 years ago


Edit: Oops first one was from 18.04...

The log appears differently but the symptom is the same in that the NIC starts in a disconnected state. log16.04.txt

We have worked around it for now my keep the open-vm-tools package at v10.0.7 and not upgrading to 10.2.

PengpengSun commented 6 years ago

From the log, it says the VM is Ubuntu18.04 but 16.04, please try the workaround in my previous comment at Aug 15.

DEBUG: Command: 'cat /etc/lsb-release' DEBUG: Result: DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=18.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=bionic DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 18.04 LTS"

getSurreal commented 6 years ago

VMware KB that was just posted as a workaround solved it for me

maxim-hansen commented 5 years ago


Could we get a clarification on whether or not netplan is supported during customization using open-vm-tools?

My understanding is that Ubuntu 18.04, including the configuration of netplan during the guest os customization is supported on vSphere 6.7 and 6.5U2.

We've tried this now with both cloud-init and the "traditional GOSC" workflows, but with no luck on getting the network configured on 18.04.

Environment Info: vCenter: 6.5.0 Build 5973321 ESXi: 6.5.0 Build 8294253 Guest OS: Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 open-vm-tools: 2:10.3.0-0ubuntu1~18.04.2

Deployment logs: toolsDeployPkg.log

PengpengSun commented 5 years ago

@maximhan Your understanding is correct, netplan supporting is available on 6.5U2, while the fix is on vCenter side, you need a 6.5U2 vCenter, your ESXi build is good. Your current vCenter is 6.5U1, I double-checked toolsDeployPkg.log, the netplan fix is not there. Please upgrade your vCenter to 6.5U2+ and have a try.

Thanks, Pengpeng

AndrewSav commented 5 years ago

Works fine here on vCenter 6.7

BrightVictoria commented 5 years ago

Hi guys, I have a similar error... no IP address assigned to new cloned 18.04 template, but host name and dns suffix assign without problems. The error: Customization command failed: Could not set property: Access $ after the string DEBUG: Removing lock file /var/lock/vmware/gosc in the /var/log/vmware-imc/toolsDeployPkg.log file

ESXi 6.7.0 Ubuntu 18.04 open-vm-tools 2:10.3.0-0ubuntu1

hangrao commented 5 years ago

Hi guys, I have a similar error... no IP address assigned to new cloned 18.04 template, but host name and dns suffix assign without problems. The error: Customization command failed: Could not set property: Access $ after the string DEBUG: Removing lock file /var/lock/vmware/gosc in the /var/log/vmware-imc/toolsDeployPkg.log file

ESXi 6.7.0 Ubuntu 18.04 open-vm-tools 2:10.3.0-0ubuntu1

Hi BrightVictoria,

Could you check if you have already follow the steps in this KB: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/54986

Best regards, Hang Rao