vmware / photon

Minimal Linux container host
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Build issue - photon OS #636

Closed sudhesam closed 7 years ago

sudhesam commented 7 years ago

I followed the build instructions from https://blogs.vmware.com/cloudnative/building-photon-os-from-source/

I am running 'sudo make all' and I see the following error. Any help appreciated.

2017-04-24 09:56:40,109 - Serializable Spec objects - INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017-04-24 09:56:40,109 - Serializable Spec objects - INFO - Starting Log 2017-04-24 09:56:40,109 - Serializable Spec objects - INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017-04-24 09:56:41,020 - /home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/stage/LOGS/Main - INFO - List of packages to build: 2017-04-24 09:56:41,020 - /home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/stage/LOGS/Main - INFO - ['cython3', 'pth', 'iputils', 'liblogging', 'fcgi', 'gc', 'rsyslog', 'librsync', 'gdbm', 'gpgme', 'python-jinja2', 'cython', 'grub2', 'trousers', 'openscap', 'python-setuptools', 'unzip', 'mpc', 'gnome-common', 'mkinitcpio', 'gnutls', 'npth', 'python-packaging', 'micro-config-drive', 'libyaml', 'python-pip', 'mercurial', 'libnl', 'falco', 'tboot', 'perl-Module-Build', 'zlib', 'dosfstools', 'rng-tools', 'go', 'libwebp', 'iperf', 'python-automat', 'libunistring', 'elfutils', 'inotify-tools', 'libgpg-error', 'boost', 'gawk', 'httpd-mod_jk', 'xinetd', 'pygobject', 'device-mapper-multipath', 'c-ares', 'perl-File-HomeDir', 'rubygem-rbvmomi', 'gmock', 'jansson', 'apache-maven', 'rpm-ostree', 'ltrace', 'mesos', 'apr', 'tmux', 'vim', 'deltarpm', 'python-lxml', 'httpd', 'python-webob', 'zip', 'libnetfilter_conntrack', 'syslog-ng', 'perl', 'tzdata', 'm4', 'bash', 'libgsystem', 'autogen', 'fatrace', 'perl-Types-Serialiser', 'python-simplejson', 'apache-tomcat', 'python-ntplib', 'pycurl', 'mc', 'openjdk', 'libtasn1', 'python-appdirs', 'python-Pygments', 'krb5', 'ethtool', 'sqlite', 'tar', 'sudo', 'logrotate', 'vmware-dns', 'socat', 'gcc', 'vmware-ic-config', 'libdnet', 'tdnf', 'python-pycparser', 'docbook-xsl', 'ebtables', 'python-greenlet', 'protobuf', 'tcsh', 'gperf', 'openvswitch', 'rubygem-terminal-table', 'clang', 'netcat', 'perl-libintl', 'grub2-efi', 'urlgrabber', 'pciutils', 'libnss-ato', 'iana-etc', 'libseccomp', 'python-daemon', 'kbd', 'kexec-tools', 'jna', 'perl-common-sense', 'rubygem-trollop', 'perl-Object-Accessor', 'systemd', 'coreutils', 'perl-JSON-XS', 'erlang', 'pixman', 'flex', 'crash', 'blktrace', 'python-pam', 'libatomic_ops', 'lzo', 'cifs-utils', 'rubygem-highline', 'pango', 'python-prettytable', 'cloud-utils', 'python-pbr', 'nspr', 'dbus', 'python-prompt_toolkit', 'psmisc', 'python-service_identity', 'python-pyOpenSSL', 'python-attrs', 'cairo', 'perl-Config-IniFiles', 'PyYAML', 'distrib-compat', 'perl-DBIx-Simple', 'librelp', 'unbound', 'efibootmgr', 'sshpass', 'dhcp', 'python-incremental', 'libconfig', 'sendmail', 'ntp', 'vmware-ca', 'procmail', 'git', 'libvirt', 'yum-metadata-parser', 'haveged', 'eventlog', 'openssh', 'chrpath', 'openssl', 'libarchive', 'openldap', 'yum', 'cloud-init', 'ndctl', 'lvm2', 'tcp_wrappers', 'parted', 'harfbuzz', 'xz', 'lshw', 'docker-volume-vsphere', 'python2', 'sshfs', 'python-sphinx', 'docbook-xml', 'mpfr', 'python-werkzeug', 'NetworkManager', 'zeromq', 'vmware-afd', 'vmware-lightwave-clients', 'python-configparser', 'pcstat', 'libunwind', 'hdparm', 'python-docutils', 'libevent', 'python-setuptools_scm', 'libtar', 'guile', 'google-startup-scripts', 'xmlto', 'perl-List-MoreUtils', 'python-mako', 'gnupg', 'zsh', 'perl-File-Which', 'xfsprogs', 'man-db', 'ceph', 'python-ipaddr', 'vmware-event', 'libnetfilter_cttimeout', 'libxslt', 'vmware-sts', 'libgudev', 'paramiko', 'net-snmp', 'strongswan', 'which', 'libcap', 'python-gevent', 'linux-esx', 'perl-Exporter-Tiny', 'perl-IO-Socket-SSL', 'ecdsa', 'libdb', 'efivar', 'initramfs', 'glog', 'gzip', 'nicstat', 'cronie', 'photon-release', 'nano', 'strace', 'sg3_utils', 'nss-altfiles', 'nettle', 'rabbitmq-server', 'libusb', 'rubygem-backports', 'linux-secure', 'runit', 'libpipeline', 'google-daemon', 'libtirpc', 'findutils', 'popt', 'gobject-introspection', 'gtest', 'fontconfig', 'perl-DBD-SQLite', 'libnetfilter_queue', 'iptables', 'createrepo', 'cpio', 'photon-repos', 'lz4', 'ant-contrib', 'ostree', 'util-linux', 'freetype2', 'libfastjson', 'gdb', 'python-requests', 'patch', 'python-idna', 'XML-Parser', 'bison', 'net-tools', 'lttng-ust', 'rpcbind', 'json-c', 'linux-api-headers', 'zookeeper', 'aufs-util', 'sed', 'dkms', 'glib-networking', 'kmod', 'dstat', 'libestr', 'ipvsadm', 'lua', 'perl-YAML-Tiny', 'finger', 'python-coverage', 'libpng', 'libgd', 'python-iniparse', 'irqbalance', 'fakeroot-ng', 'systemtap', 'cyrus-sasl', 'python-urllib3', 'python-lockfile', 'python-cffi', 'libgcrypt', 'gtk-doc', 'libsolv', 'itstool', 'python-pyvmomi', 'valgrind', 'sysstat', 'lsof', 'python-jsonpatch', 'binutils', 'build-essential', 'python-configobj', 'perl-DBI', 'iotop', 'jaxws-ri', 'linux', 'rpm', 'libssh2', 'python-zmq', 'newt', 'bridge-utils', 'cracklib', 'procps-ng', 'ncurses', 'python-numpy', 'nfs-utils', 'geoip-api-c', 'ruby', 'python-wcwidth', 'pam_tacplus', 'rubygem-nokogiri', 'libaio', 'fleet', 'libselinux', 'python-pyvim', 'libassuan', 'nodejs', 'libxml2', 'python-jsonpointer', 'expat', 'ktap', 'thin-provisioning-tools', 'ansible', 'python-ipaddress', 'userspace-rcu', 'chkconfig', 'texinfo', 'Linux-PAM', 'leveldb', 'make', 'glibmm', 'libcap-ng', 'dbus-glib', 'sqlite2', 'libsoup', 'unixODBC', 'cgroup-utils', 'perl-WWW-Curl', 'cdrkit', 'fuse', 'perl-Net-SSLeay', 'xml-security-c', 'librepo', 'audit', 'rrdtool', 'compat-gdbm', 'libsepol', 'filesystem', 'iproute2', 'docker', 'keyutils', 'netkit-telnet', 'less', 'vsftpd', 'tcl', 'python-constantly', 'rubygem-zip', 'sysdig', 'mingetty', 'libpcap', 'lapack', 'subversion', 'snappy', 'python-Twisted', 'gmp', 'ipset', 'bindutils', 'swig', 'apr-util', 'nginx', 'ca-certificates', 'python-pytz', 'shadow', 'libnetfilter_cthelper', 'python3', 'flannel', 'python-markupsafe', 'python-netaddr', 'python-dnspython', 'ndsend', 'dnsmasq', 'protobuf-c', 'man-pages', 'pkg-config', 'python-antlrpythonruntime', 'XML-XPath', 'vmware-directory', 'json-glib', 'libmspack', 'gperftools', 'python-pyasn1', 'python-cryptography', 'rsync', 'GConf2', 'glibc', 'redis', 'btrfs-progs', 'automake', 'msr-tools', 'cni', 'rubygem-mini_portile2', 'rubygem-unicode-display_width', 'bc', 'tree', 'xerces-c', 'rpm-ostree-toolbox', 'python-pyasn1-modules', 'dmidecode', 'vmware-lightwave-server', 'libsigc++', 'apache-ant', 'wget', 'python-pyparsing', 'haproxy', 'atftp', 'postgresql', 'perl-Module-Install', 'libjpeg-turbo', 'acl', 'iptraf', 'dialog', 'cve-check-tool', 'ceph-deploy', 'lldpad', 'libtiff', 'libmnl', 'nss', 'pcre', 'WALinuxAgent', 'python-sqlalchemy', 'PyPAM', 'json_spirit', 'lldb', 'etcd', 'rubygem-libxml-ruby', 'ctags', 'groff', 'tcpdump', 'glib', 'traceroute', 'python-enum', 'rubygem-builder', 'grep', 'libnfnetlink', 'dracut', 'gptfdisk', 'attr', 'initscripts', 'python-m2r', 'perl-CGI', 'tiptop', 'autoconf', 'ipxe', 'kaigen-gothic-cjk', 'libndp', 'pgbouncer', 'python-fuse', 'libhif', 'file', 'perl-Module-ScanDeps', 'curl', 'check', 'lsscsi', 'python-zope.interface', 'bzip2', 'python-six', 'cmake', 'gnuplot', 'python-defusedxml', 'gettext', 'open-vm-tools', 'llvm', 'python-mistune', 'kubernetes', 'lttng-tools', 'likewise-open', 'asciidoc', 'intltool', 'libtool', 'hawkey', 'libffi', 'readline', 'slang', 'netmgmt', 'perl-JSON-Any', 'ddclient', 'pycrypto', 'perl-YAML', 'diffutils', 'usbutils', 'e2fsprogs', 'rubygem-mini_portile', 'commons-daemon', 'libksba', 'nasm'] 2017-04-24 09:56:41,022 - PackageManager - INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017-04-24 09:56:41,022 - PackageManager - INFO - Starting Log 2017-04-24 09:56:41,022 - PackageManager - INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017-04-24 09:56:41,022 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017-04-24 09:56:41,023 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - Starting Log 2017-04-24 09:56:41,023 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017-04-24 09:56:41,023 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - Building core tool chain packages..... 2017-04-24 09:56:41,034 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - Preparing build environment 2017-04-24 09:56:41,096 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - Successfully prepared chroot:/home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/stage/photonroot/build-core-toolchain 2017-04-24 09:56:41,097 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - Installing Tool Chain RPMS....... 2017-04-24 09:56:41,274 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - No old version of bzip2-libs exists, skip until the new version is built 2017-04-24 09:56:41,410 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - No old version of xz-libs exists, skip until the new version is built 2017-04-24 09:56:41,485 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - No old version of nspr-devel exists, skip until the new version is built 2017-04-24 09:56:41,500 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - No old version of sqlite-libs exists, skip until the new version is built 2017-04-24 09:56:41,518 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - No old version of nss-libs exists, skip until the new version is built 2017-04-24 09:56:41,567 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - No old version of expat-libs exists, skip until the new version is built 2017-04-24 09:56:41,682 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - No old version of rpm-libs exists, skip until the new version is built 2017-04-24 09:56:41,709 - Toolchain Utils - DEBUG - Installing rpms: filesystem linux-api-headers glibc glibc-devel zlib zlib-devel file binutils binutils-devel gmp gmp-devel mpfr mpfr-devel mpc libgcc libgcc-devel libstdc++ libstdc++-devel libgomp libgomp-devel gcc pkg-config ncurses bash bzip2 bzip2-devel sed ncurses-devel procps-ng coreutils m4 grep readline diffutils gawk findutils gettext gzip make patch util-linux util-linux-devel tar xz libtool flex flex-devel bison readline-devel lua lua-devel popt popt-devel nspr sqlite-autoconf nss nss-devel elfutils-libelf elfutils elfutils-libelf-devel elfutils-devel expat libffi libpipeline gdbm perl texinfo autoconf automake openssl openssl-devel python2 python2-libs python2-devel libcap rpm rpm-build rpm-devel groff man-pages cpio go rpm: RPM should not be used directly install RPM packages, use Alien instead! rpm: However assuming you know what you are doing... warning: /home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/stage/PUBLISHRPMS/x86_64/filesystem-1.0-7.ph1.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 66fd4949: NOKEY warning: %post(bash-4.4-1.ph1.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 127 2017-04-24 09:56:47,433 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - Successfully installed all Tool Chain RPMS in Chroot:/home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/stage/photonroot/build-core-toolchain 2017-04-24 09:56:47,467 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - Building rpm's for package:filesystem 2017-04-24 09:56:47,467 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - Building rpm.... 2017-04-24 09:56:47,467 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - rpmbuild -ba --clean --define \"dist .ph2\" --nocheck --define \"KERNEL_RELEASE 2.ph2\" --define \"dist .ph2\" --define \"photon_build_number dcf60ec\" --define \"KERNEL_VERSION 4.9.13\" --define \"kernelsubrelease .12577282\" --define \"photon_release_version 1.0\" /usr/src/photon/SPECS/filesystem.spec 2017-04-24 09:56:47,754 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - RPM build is successful 2017-04-24 09:56:48,116 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - Successfully destroyed chroot:/home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/stage/photonroot/build-core-toolchain 2017-04-24 09:56:48,126 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - Preparing build environment 2017-04-24 09:56:48,186 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - Successfully prepared chroot:/home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/stage/photonroot/build-core-toolchain 2017-04-24 09:56:48,187 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - Installing Tool Chain RPMS....... 2017-04-24 09:56:48,364 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - No old version of bzip2-libs exists, skip until the new version is built 2017-04-24 09:56:48,501 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - No old version of xz-libs exists, skip until the new version is built 2017-04-24 09:56:48,577 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - No old version of nspr-devel exists, skip until the new version is built 2017-04-24 09:56:48,592 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - No old version of sqlite-libs exists, skip until the new version is built 2017-04-24 09:56:48,606 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - No old version of nss-libs exists, skip until the new version is built 2017-04-24 09:56:48,655 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - No old version of expat-libs exists, skip until the new version is built 2017-04-24 09:56:48,773 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - No old version of rpm-libs exists, skip until the new version is built 2017-04-24 09:56:48,801 - Toolchain Utils - DEBUG - Installing rpms: filesystem linux-api-headers glibc glibc-devel zlib zlib-devel file binutils binutils-devel gmp gmp-devel mpfr mpfr-devel mpc libgcc libgcc-devel libstdc++ libstdc++-devel libgomp libgomp-devel gcc pkg-config ncurses bash bzip2 bzip2-devel sed ncurses-devel procps-ng coreutils m4 grep readline diffutils gawk findutils gettext gzip make patch util-linux util-linux-devel tar xz libtool flex flex-devel bison readline-devel lua lua-devel popt popt-devel nspr sqlite-autoconf nss nss-devel elfutils-libelf elfutils elfutils-libelf-devel elfutils-devel expat libffi libpipeline gdbm perl texinfo autoconf automake openssl openssl-devel python2 python2-libs python2-devel libcap rpm rpm-build rpm-devel groff man-pages cpio go rpm: RPM should not be used directly install RPM packages, use Alien instead! rpm: However assuming you know what you are doing... warning: /home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/stage/PUBLISHRPMS/noarch/linux-api-headers-4.2.0-1.ph1.noarch.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 66fd4949: NOKEY warning: %post(bash-4.4-1.ph1.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 127 2017-04-24 09:56:54,988 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - Successfully installed all Tool Chain RPMS in Chroot:/home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/stage/photonroot/build-core-toolchain 2017-04-24 09:56:55,023 - Toolchain Utils - INFO - Building rpm's for package:linux-api-headers 2017-04-24 09:56:55.027018: Downloading https://dl.bintray.com/vmware/photon_sources/1.0/linux-4.9.13.tar.xz... ("bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', 'ssl3_get_server_certificate', 'certificate verify failed')],)",) 2017-04-24 09:56:55,210 - Toolchain Utils - ERROR - Unable to build tool chain. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/support/package-builder/ToolChainUtils.py", line 97, in buildCoreToolChainPackages pkgUtils.buildRPMSForGivenPackage(package, chrootID, listBuildOptionPackages, pkgBuildOptionFile, destLogPath) File "/home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/support/package-builder/PackageUtils.py", line 164, in buildRPMSForGivenPackage self.copySourcesTobuildroot(listSourcesFiles,package,chrootSourcePath) File "/home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/support/package-builder/PackageUtils.py", line 115, in copySourcesTobuildroot PullSources.get(source, sha1, constants.sourcePath, constants.pullsourcesConfig) File "/home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/support/package-builder/PullSources.py", line 48, in get raise Exception("Missing source: "+source) Exception: Missing source: linux-4.9.13.tar.xz 2017-04-24 09:56:55,211 - PackageManager - ERROR - Unable to build tool chain 2017-04-24 09:56:55,212 - PackageManager - ERROR - Missing source: linux-4.9.13.tar.xz 2017-04-24 09:56:55,212 - /home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/stage/LOGS/Main - ERROR - Caught an exception 2017-04-24 09:56:55,212 - /home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/stage/LOGS/Main - ERROR - Missing source: linux-4.9.13.tar.xz Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/support/package-builder/builder.py", line 130, in main buildPackagesForAllSpecs(listBuildOptionPackages, options.pkgBuildOptionFile, logger, options.buildThreads, pkgInfoJsonFile) File "/home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/support/package-builder/builder.py", line 265, in buildPackagesForAllSpecs pkgManager.buildPackages(listPackages, listBuildOptionPackages, pkgBuildOptionFile, buildThreads) File "/home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/support/package-builder/PackageManager.py", line 145, in buildPackages self.buildToolChainPackages(listBuildOptionPackages, pkgBuildOptionFile, buildThreads) File "/home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/support/package-builder/PackageManager.py", line 128, in buildToolChainPackages self.buildToolChain() File "/home/vmware/GIT_REPOS/photon/support/package-builder/PackageManager.py", line 125, in buildToolChain raise e Exception: Missing source: linux-4.9.13.tar.xz Makefile:228: recipe for target 'packages' failed make: *** [packages] Error 1

sudhesam commented 7 years ago

Same 'wget' command from the 'host' environment :

vmware@fmbuild:~$ wget https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-remote-resources-plugin/1.5/maven-remote-resources-plugin-1.5.pom --2017-05-03 09:36:18-- https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-remote-resources-plugin/1.5/maven-remote-resources-plugin-1.5.pom Resolving repo.maven.apache.org (repo.maven.apache.org)... Connecting to repo.maven.apache.org (repo.maven.apache.org)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 13353 (13K) [text/xml] Saving to: ‘maven-remote-resources-plugin-1.5.pom’

maven-remote-resources-plugin-1.5.pom 100%[======================================================================================================================================>] 13.04K --.-KB/s in 0s

2017-05-03 09:36:24 (26.5 MB/s) - ‘maven-remote-resources-plugin-1.5.pom’ saved [13353/13353]

vmware@fmbuild:~$ ls -l maven-remote-resources-plugin-1.5.pom -rw-r--r-- 1 vmware users 13353 Aug 14 2013 maven-remote-resources-plugin-1.5.pom vmware@fmbuild:~$ cksum maven-remote-resources-plugin-1.5.pom 1831691500 13353 maven-remote-resources-plugin-1.5.pom vmware@fmbuild:~$

ppadmavilasom commented 7 years ago

"I am guessing that this issue is NOT isolated only to my setup. This should be an issue in every build."

I dont see this. Let me make sure that i am not caching something so let me start a new build.

"ERROR: cannot verify repo.maven.apache.org's certificate, issued by ‘CN=’: Self-signed certificate encountered."

I dont see this certificate - i see a CN with repos.maven.apache.org and a validated cert.

build chroot installs certificates from the openssl package. the ip above seems to belong to an ISP somewhere else - based on who is lookup.

YustasSwamp commented 7 years ago

To upload file use these steps: 1) Go to https://ftpsite.vmware.com. 2) Enter this information: Username: inbound Password: inbound 3) Ensure that HTML is selected. 4) Click Login.

5) Click New Directory. 6) Enter directory name "sudhesam", then click OK. 7) Click Change Directory and enter "sudhesam", then click OK. 8) Click Add and select the files you would like to upload to VMware Support, then click Upload.

sudhesam commented 7 years ago

build-apache-maven.tar.gz uploaded.

dthaluru commented 7 years ago

I was not able to repro build apache-maven with your uploaded tar. wget is a legitimate issue, as we did not install ca-certificates in chroot during build process, but for building apache-maven these certificates are not required.

I did following steps: tar -xvf build-apache-maven.tar.gz pushd ~/workspace/photon/support/package-builder sudo ./prepare-build-root.sh ~/workspace/build-apache-maven popd sudo chroot build-apache-maven bash rpmbuild -ba /usr/src/photon/SPECS/apache-maven.spec ->succesfull.

sudhesam commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the steps. I want to try the above steps in another setup.

One question:

Did you do step #1 (tar) as 'non-root' user ?

I tried to untar it using the local 'vmware' user account and I got the following error :

tar: build-apache-maven/dev/console: Cannot mknod: Operation not permitted build-apache-maven/dev/urandom tar: build-apache-maven/dev/urandom: Cannot mknod: Operation not permitted build-apache-maven/dev/random tar: build-apache-maven/dev/random: Cannot mknod: Operation not permitted build-apache-maven/dev/null tar: build-apache-maven/dev/null: Cannot mknod: Operation not permitted build-apache-maven/lib64 tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors vmware@fmbuild:~/try$

sudhesam commented 7 years ago

Got the same error.

vmware@fmbuild:~/try/build-apache-maven$ pushd ../../workspaces/photon/support/package-builder/ ~/workspaces/photon/support/package-builder ~/try/build-apache-maven vmware@fmbuild:~/workspaces/photon/support/package-builder$ sudo ./prepare-build-root.sh ~/try/build-apache-maven/ [sudo] password for vmware: vmware@fmbuild:~/workspaces/photon/support/package-builder$ echo $? 0 vmware@fmbuild:~/workspaces/photon/support/package-builder$ popd ~/try/build-apache-maven vmware@fmbuild:~/try/build-apache-maven$ cd ../ vmware@fmbuild:~/try$ sudo chroot build-apache-maven bash root [ / ]# rpmbuild -ba /usr/src/photon/SPECS/apache-maven.spec Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.MbVecS


initTaskDefs: [echo] Building Apache Maven ...


init: [echo] maven.home = /var/opt/apache-maven-3.3.9 [echo] maven.repo.local = /root/.m2/repository [echo] distributionId = apache-maven [echo] distributionName = Apache Maven [echo] distributionDirectory = apache-maven

prompt-maven-home-exists: ... ... ... maven-compile: [java] null 3.3.9 [java] ${distributionShortName} home: [java] Java version: 1.8.0_112-BLFS, vendor: Oracle Corporation [java] Java home: /var/opt/OpenJDK- [java] Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: ANSI_X3.4-1968 [java] OS name: "linux", version: "4.4.0-28-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" [java] SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. [java] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/root/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-simple/1.7.5/slf4j-simple-1.7.5.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] [java] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/root/.m2/repository/ch/qos/logback/logback-classic/1.0.7/logback-classic-1.0.7.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] [java] SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation. [java] SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLoggerFactory] [java] SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. [java] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/root/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-simple/1.7.5/slf4j-simple-1.7.5.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] [java] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/root/.m2/repository/ch/qos/logback/logback-classic/1.0.7/logback-classic-1.0.7.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] [java] SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation. [java] SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLoggerFactory] [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli - Error stacktraces are turned on. ... ... ... [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.transfer.Slf4jMavenTransferListener - Downloading: https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-remote-resources-plugin/1.5/maven-remote-resources-plugin-1.5.pom [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Reactor Summary: [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Apache Maven ....................................... FAILURE [ 0.704 s] [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Maven Model ........................................ SKIPPED [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Maven Artifact ..................................... SKIPPED [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Maven Plugin API ................................... SKIPPED [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Maven Builder Support .............................. SKIPPED [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Maven Model Builder ................................ SKIPPED [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Maven Settings ..................................... SKIPPED [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Maven Settings Builder ............................. SKIPPED [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Maven Repository Metadata Model .................... SKIPPED [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Maven Aether Provider .............................. SKIPPED [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Maven Core ......................................... SKIPPED [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Maven Compat ....................................... SKIPPED [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Maven Embedder ..................................... SKIPPED [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Apache Maven Distribution .......................... SKIPPED [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - BUILD FAILURE [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Total time: 1.061 s [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Finished at: 2017-05-04T21:34:24+00:00 [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - Final Memory: 14M/202M [java] [main] INFO org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [java] [main] ERROR org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli - Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-remote-resources-plugin:jar:1.5: Could not transfer artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-remote-resources-plugin:pom:1.5 from/to central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2): sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target -> [Help 1]

ppadmavilasom commented 7 years ago

@sudhesam there is something thats odd about your setup is what we can conclude. as to what, i have no idea. i asked around and there are others that build with a base ubuntu machine like you do and does not have this issue. there were some certificate related issues from the beginning and it seems to be carrying through. you could try this build in a fresh ubuntu vm or try in a photon vm from the 1.0 iso you could also copy the rpms from bintray to your stage/RPMS/x86_64 or noarch folder to bypass problematic rpm builds. searching on maven build errors like what you are having yields some results but they are all well in the past you can try researching there as well

sudhesam commented 7 years ago

According to 'init' section in RPM SPEC : init: [echo] maven.home = /var/opt/apache-maven-3.3.9 [echo] maven.repo.local = /root/.m2/repository [echo] distributionId = apache-maven [echo] distributionName = Apache Maven [echo] distributionDirectory = apache-maven

If your environment already has files in 'maven.repo.local' (i.e. /root/.m2/repository) directory populated, it will not download it again. What I have noticed is it will 'reuse' the contents in local repository.

Can you pl. remove/move the contents of /root/.m2/repository and retry and see if you are able to reproduce the issue in your local environment ?

When I tried this, it will start downloading the .pom files again from http://repo1.maven.org/maven2

I see many files got downloaded in my environment. Some of them failed due to file being unavailable in maven 'parent' repository, but the build continued further. It did not fail outright, just as it did for maven-remote-resources-plugin-1.5.pom.

sudhesam commented 7 years ago

Did anyone try this out after removing/moving /root/.m2 directory ?

ppadmavilasom commented 7 years ago

no repro