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Performance Manager Property Collector Not Returning IOPS for 1 minute intervals. #195

Open zukeru opened 9 years ago

zukeru commented 9 years ago

I'm trying to fix my negative iops so I wrote a script that returns different IOPS metrics for each vm. I used a property collector and performance manager to pull the data. The datastore.datastoreWriteIops.latest, and the datastore.datastoreReadIops.latest doesn't return anything ever. If I take the start_time and end_time out of the query it will return a value for the other four metrics but they don't align with the real time value in vCenter. I need to get the realtime value for these metrics can you please help me.

So to summarize, when I leave the start and end time in the query for the perfManager nothing is returned for any of the metrics.

When I take the start and end time out of the query it returns values that don't align with the realtime values in vCenter which is what I'm trying to get.

the start_time and end_time are 1 minute apart because I'm trying to get the realtime value. So I've tried with and without it.

This is the query it builds now I'm using the server time because I read in the documentation start_time is based on server time.

 start_time = vcenter_connection.CurrentTime() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)

    (vim.PerformanceManager.QuerySpec) {
       dynamicType = <unset>,
       dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
       entity = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-759',
       startTime = 2014-12-03T19:51:24.363823Z,
       endTime = <unset>,
       maxSample = <unset>,
       metricId = (vim.PerformanceManager.MetricId) [
          (vim.PerformanceManager.MetricId) {
         dynamicType = <unset>,
         dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
         counterId = 129,
         instance = '*'
       intervalId = 20,
       format = <unset>

  rundate = datetime.datetime.now()
  start_time = rundate - datetime.timedelta(minutes=(vm_sample_interval+1))
  end_time = rundate - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)

  for k in xrange(0, len(config_values['username'])):      # Loop through each vcenter server
     password = config_values['password'][k]
     hostname = config_values['vcenter-ip'][k]
     username = config_values['username'][k]
     vcenter_connection = SmartConnect(host=hostname,user=username,pwd=password)
     vcenter_id = vcenters[uuid]

     if not vcenter_connection:
        logging.error("Could not connect to vcenter-id %d, vcenter-ip %s" % (vcenter_id, str(hostname)))

     atexit.register(Disconnect, vcenter_connection)             
     content = vcenter_connection.RetrieveContent()       
     perf_dict = {} 
     perfList = content.perfManager.perfCounter

     for counter in perfList: #build the vcenter counters for the objects
        counter_full = "{}.{}.{}".format(counter.groupInfo.key,counter.nameInfo.key,counter.rollupType)
        perf_dict[counter_full] = counter.key

     viewType = [vim.VirtualMachine]
     props = ['name','runtime.powerState', 'datastore']
     specType = vim.VirtualMachine
     objView = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(content.rootFolder,viewType,True)  
     tSpec = vim.PropertyCollector.TraversalSpec(name='tSpecName', path='view', skip=False, type=vim.view.ContainerView)    
     pSpec = vim.PropertyCollector.PropertySpec(all=False, pathSet=props,type=specType)   
     oSpec = vim.PropertyCollector.ObjectSpec(obj=objView,selectSet=[tSpec],skip=False)   
     pfSpec = vim.PropertyCollector.FilterSpec(objectSet=[oSpec], propSet=[pSpec], reportMissingObjectsInResults=False)   
     vm_properties = content.propertyCollector.RetrieveProperties(specSet=[pfSpec])  

     for vm_property in vm_properties: #loop through the list built from vcenter and build dictonaries.
        property_dic = {}
        for prop in vm_property.propSet:
           property_dic[prop.name] = prop.val 

        vm = vm_property.obj 
        vm_mor = vm._moId
        storage_perf_dict = {}
        if "poweredOn" in vm.runtime.powerState:

              counters = ['disk.numberWrite.summation','disk.numberRead.summation','datastore.datastoreWriteIops.latest','datastore.datastoreReadIops.latest','datastore.numberReadAveraged.average', 'datastore.numberWriteAveraged.average']
              for counter_name in counters: 
                 perfManager = content.perfManager  
                 counterId = perf_dict[counter_name]
                 metricId = vim.PerformanceManager.MetricId(counterId=counterId, instance="*") 
                 query = vim.PerformanceManager.QuerySpec(intervalId=20, entity=vm, metricId=[metricId], startTime=start_time, endTime=end_time) 
                 statDatastoreIo = perfManager.QueryPerf(querySpec=[query])
                 storage_perf_dict[counter_name] = statDatastoreIo

              for counter in counters:
                 stat = storage_perf_dict[counter]
                 if len(stat) > 0:
                    print vm_mor, counter, sum(stat[0].value[0].value)
zukeru commented 9 years ago

anyone know why this is happening? even if I use the currenttime call and do 1 minute prior to the current time the value will still not be correct. Someone has to be getting iops.

zukeru commented 9 years ago
