Open andrzej-dobrzynski-pushgaming opened 9 months ago
Hi @andrzej-dobrzynski-pushgaming,
As per CSE UI wizard, they only allow to upgrade to the immediate next Kubernetes minor, in this case, as per your snippet it should be Kubernetes v1.26.8 and TKG 2.3.1/2.4.0.
Apart from that, I think your snippet would be correct.
To sum up, these are the elements of the YAML that need to be upgraded:
In VCDMachineTemplate
, the spec.template.spec.template
: I believe this should be input_entity_capiYaml_control_plane_node_pool_template
and input_entity_capiYaml_worker_node_pool_template
in your snippet, references the new template name.
In MachineDeployment
, the spec.template.spec.version
: In your snippet probably it is input_entity_capiYaml_control_plane_node_pool_version
and input_entity_capiYaml_worker_node_pool_version
, it should be set to the new Kubernetes version, as you did.
In Cluster
, metadata.annotations.TKGVERSION
must be updated with the new TKG version. So input_entity_capiYaml_TKGVERSION
looks good.
Also metadata.labels.tanzuKubernetesRelease
that corresponds to input_entity_capiYaml_tanzuKubernetesRelease
In KubeadmControlPlane
, the spec.version
should match with input_entity_capiYaml_control_plane_node_pool_version
Last, spec.kubeadmConfigSpec.clusterConfiguration.dns.imageTag
and spec.kubeadmConfigSpec.clusterConfiguration.etcd.local.imageTag
should be updated to the v1.26.8 versions. These can be picked from the v1.26.8 template:, dns.imageTag=v1.9.3_vmware.11
and etcd.local.imageTag=v3.5.6_vmware.14
To apply the YAML update, you will also need to take the most recent state of the cluster, which is reflected in the contents of the computed_entity
attribute. You can use this output for that purpose:
output "computed_k8s_cluster" {
value = vcd_rde.k8s_cluster_instance.computed_entity # References your cluster
And obtain the required data with the command:
terraform output -json computed_k8s_cluster > computed_cluster.json
Open the created computed_cluster.json file and copy the whole "status"
object from the JSON. This status is vital to avoid losing information of the cluster on updates, so you need to put it back in the file that serves as RDE input in input_entity, which is tkgmcluster.json.template
in the examples.
This file should look like this once updated:
"apiVersion": "",
"kind": "CAPVCDCluster",
"name": "${name}",
"metadata": {
"spec": {
"vcdKe": {
"capiYaml": ${capi_yaml}
"status": { ... } <-- The object from the 'computed_entity' attribute that we need
(Before applying an update, please verify that the cluster is in provisioned
state, otherwise it can't be updated)
Once the YAML is patched, the CSE Server should eventually pick the changes and update the VMs/vApps.
Hi @adambarreiro
Thanks for quick reply
updated git diff
-input_entity_capiYaml_TKGVERSION = "v2.2.0"
+input_entity_capiYaml_TKGVERSION = "v2.3.1"
-input_entity_capiYaml_tanzuKubernetesRelease = "v1.25.7---vmware.2-tkg.1"
+input_entity_capiYaml_tanzuKubernetesRelease = "v1.26.8---vmware.2-tkg.1"
-input_entity_capiYaml_control_plane_node_pool_version = "v1.25.7+vmware.2"
+input_entity_capiYaml_control_plane_node_pool_version = "v1.26.8+vmware.2"
-input_entity_capiYaml_control_plane_node_pool_template = "Ubuntu 20.04 and Kubernetes v1.25.7+vmware.2"
+input_entity_capiYaml_control_plane_node_pool_template = "Ubuntu 20.04 and Kubernetes v1.26.8+vmware.2"
-input_entity_capiYaml_worker_node_pool_version = "v1.25.7+vmware.2"
+input_entity_capiYaml_worker_node_pool_version = "v1.26.8+vmware.2"
-input_entity_capiYaml_worker_node_pool_template = "Ubuntu 20.04 and Kubernetes v1.25.7+vmware.2"
+input_entity_capiYaml_worker_node_pool_template = "Ubuntu 20.04 and Kubernetes v1.26.8+vmware.2"
-input_entity_capiYaml_dns_imageTag = "v1.9.3_vmware.8"
+input_entity_capiYaml_dns_imageTag = "v1.9.3_vmware.11"
-input_entity_capiYaml_etcd_imageTag = "v3.5.6_vmware.9"
+input_entity_capiYaml_etcd_imageTag = "v3.5.6_vmware.14"
Yes, it looks good to me.
Now the input_entity
just needs to be updated:
"apiVersion": "",
"kind": "CAPVCDCluster",
"name": "${name}",
"metadata": {
"spec": {
"vcdKe": {
"capiYaml": ${capi_yaml} <--- Updated YAML
"status": { ... } <-- Important to not miss this one: The object from the 'computed_entity' attribute that we need
Hi @lvirbalas @adambarreiro
We are upgrading tanzu kubernetes clusters based on the guide
... Upgradeable items: TKGm OVA: If there is a newer version of TKGm, we can modify the referenced OVA. ...
git diff
is this ok for the upgrade to complete ?
Affected Resource(s)
Expected Behavior
upgrade is complete
Actual Behavior
Steps to Reproduce
terraform apply