vmware / vmware-openapi-generator

VMware-openapi-generator tool generates open-api documents from vapi metamodel format.
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Consider including vmware-api-session-id as a parameter #44

Closed jachinte closed 5 years ago

jachinte commented 5 years ago


Since the API expects the session id as a request header, I was wondering if parameter "vmware-api-session-id" should be included in the generated specification.

I am currently generating code based on the generated files and it would be great having this parameter there.

Thanks, Miguel

jachinte commented 5 years ago

An example of this would be listing all the VMs:

curl -sik -H 'vmware-api-session-id: <the-session-id>' -X GET https://<id-address>/rest/vcenter/vm

Failing to provide that parameter would end up in an unauthenticated request (401).

sreeshas commented 5 years ago

@VamshikShetty can you take a look at this?

kunal-pmj commented 5 years ago

Hi @jachinte

We are working on a fix. Will update you soon

Thanks Kunal

kunal-pmj commented 5 years ago

Hi @jachinte

The issue has been fixed with following change. We are closing this issue.

Thanks Kunal